The Dixie Doom Stones

After this is all over, I really hope that someone cares enough to attempt making sense from the ashes. While I’m fairly certain we’ll all end up a layer of charred and compacted sediment, I also maintain suspicion that enough will be left over in writing that somebody will try to figure out who we were and where we went wrong.

That’s really going to be a problem for them because the principal feature of our invade the world/invite the world experiment in terror is that the truth is rejected and yet it still reigns. Public discourse on reality has been entirely perverted in what I believe to be some sort of satanic inversion. While I have no biblical expertise, I’ve come to find it an outstanding explanatory model.

Future readers will be left baffled at the disparity between what’s written nowadays and what exactly transpired to make everything fall apart. It’s going to be a big mystery that I’d like to elucidate for them. If the truth was accepted in the past, it could be once again in the future.

Ever heard of the Georgia Guidestones? It’s a granite monument with advice etched into it intended for denizens of an age yet to come. I think the concept is pretty sound. What I’d like to merge with this is the contribution of the Rosetta Stone to the ability of historians to read Egyptian hieroglyphs.

The Dixie Doom Stones would feature translations of key terms that would enable the curious to decipher what actually happened from what was written about what happened. It will establish causality for calamity. This will have to be team effort for ID. We’re also going to need someone to buy a plot of land high above sea level and well south of future ice sheets. Here’s what I was able to fire off the top of my head in two minutes.

A Good Boy” = A violent burden on a dying nation.

Our Values” = Our Suicide Pact or ever changing neoliberal talking points.

Honor Roll Student” = Felon-in-training or annoying nerd.

Turning His Life Around” = Up to no good whatsoever.

Our Greatest Ally” = A 10 million dollar per day grift operation.

Let’s Roll” = Let’s do something murderous and stupid.

Protecting Democracy” = Slaughtering harmless people abroad.

Hate Organization” = Generally speaking, grossly exaggerated Emanuel Goldsteins for the public to publicly hiss.

Feminist” = Deranged harpy.

Male Feminist” = Deranged would-be rapist.

Woke” = Deranged person.

Achievement Gap” = Academic result of a full standard deviation in IQ points.

Disparate Impact” = The impact of future consequences unanticipated from current actions.

“High Fructose Corn Syrup” = Industrial nectar of Satan.

BBW” = A victim of high fructose corn syrup.

Trans Child” = A sacrifice to Moloch in the waning days of civilization.

Strong Woman” = Female addicted to Xanax and boxed wine.

White Privilege” = A fable or blackmail.

Judeo-Christian Values” = Repudiation of Christ.

White Supremacist” = A mythical creature as real as the tooth fairy.

Confederate Battle Flag” = Modernity’s most hated symbol.

Toxic Masculinity” = Jilted woman’s coping mechanism.

Global Warming or Climate Change” = Muddied half-truth designed to fleece the economy.

Netflix and Chill” = Opium for the people.

My Body, My Choice” = Deranged harpy’s battle cry for infanticide.

Credible Rape Allegations” = Discreditable, or falsified, claim made by woman addicted to boxed wine.

Safe Space” = Cult den.

Believe in Science” = Mysticism chant.

Feel free to add and I’ll keep updating the list. I’m also looking for somebody with chiseling skills.


  1. “somebody will try to figure out who we were and where we went wrong.”

    We made a Union with the North in 1789.

    Virginia didn’t retain her claims to the Old Northwest, while refusing Union with the North.

    We didn’t prepare for war with the North, which would have come anyway, whether we were in political union with them, or not.

    When New England wanted to secede, on at least three or four different occasions, we didn’t insist that they follow through.

    We didn’t heed the warnings of various friendly Northerners, about what was coming in the 1850’s and 60’s.

    In sumary, the Constitution and the republic it underpinned didn’t fail. The Yankees
    subverted, perverted and destroyed them. They took our country away from us, and made us subordinate subjects and virtual prisoners in our own lands, because we mistakenly believed that they were our “fellow countrymen,” and not the hostile, rival, and foreign nation that they actually are. Our flag, and our Constitution have been reduced to mere political props that are constantly rubbed in our faces by a neurotic, virtue signalling people, who have a perpetual need to prove to us, and to themselves, that they’re the “real Americans,” even as they hold up George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, et al., as pariahs and objects of ridicule and scorn.

    We did almost nothing to stop them, and but little, when it was already too late, to save our country, our Liberty and our rights from subjugation and destruction by our so-called “fellow Americans®” in the North.

    For all of this, we are truly at fault. And have no one to blame, but ourselves.

    1. Well stated, here’s a take on 1850s sentiment, “The movable moneyed aristocracy of our times I consider the greatest threat to mankind, it will reduce the masses to the lowest forms of moral degradation, where any dissent will go ignored. (That was from my memory) The visitor to the US also stated, he would rather do business with a white gloved southerner, than a cold fisted yankee. From the book “who killed society” 1960 written by Cleveland Amory I believe, a really good chapter about the south in that book. The book started in Puritan New England and up into the 1950s America. The author gave his top 20 or so reasons Society was destroyed, according to him the 4th was TV, 2nd was FDR, the top reason was our servant problem, or, no servant class. That’s all I can remember of the top 20.

  2. Here’s what I was able to fire off the top of my head in two minutes. [Feel free to add…]

    My brain doesn’t work that fast, and that’s about all the time I have this morning; it works fast enough, however, to recall to memory a similar list made by a now deceased blogger of Orthospherean extraction. I submit that his title, or one very close to it, should stand in bold relief at the head of the list. See here:

  3. “Dixie Doom Stones” great Scooby Doo episode name. Scooby and the gang come South, and find the tell South was stolen….

  4. Haha I look at all those buzzwords the same way. Here’s some others to add to your list an adding on to some of yours.

    White Privilege – A mythical excuse to guilt whites, particularly southern whites like you an me into submission by handing over everything they have to minorities for nothing but shame in return.

    Homophobia an any other phobias related to identity politics – Are words to attempt to shame anyone who refuses to support degenerate lifestyles an who won’t conform to the “new normal” that’s being pushed in our communities by these creatures who hate us an our families an work hard to take your children away from you through deceptive ways.

    Diversity – A cover for getting rid of all the whites in a workplace except a gay one or two an replace them with women an other races no matter how unqualified or lazy they are just so they look like they’re embracing “progress” for hiring people solely on their race an identity.

    Redneck/Billy Bob- A label given by liberals for any genuine southern man who isn’t ashamed on his heritage or his traditional values no matter how outdated an evil Yankees think they are. Also the guy who keeps this country going from his blue collar job through honest toil while the coastal liberal elites just sit in a fancy office all day usually being lazy, we need a few more tough rednecks down here an no I don’t mean the trailer trash methhead type I’m talking about the honest working family man.

    Liberal Christian – Codeword for someone who likes the blanket idea of Christianity, but has chosen to change the Bible to their liking by only preaching the good an not the bad along with also using the Bible as an excuse to promote homosexuals an female leadership in the church even when the Bible says otherwise.

    Hate Speech – Anything you say that doesn’t meet to the ever changing standards of what you can an cannot say decided by Hollywood an liberal heroes such as Okacio (whatever her middle is, I forgot) Cortez.

    Progress – Regressing back to the pagan ways of the barbaric Romans an Greeks by trying to bring back things such as abortion an violent obscene entertainment to promote degenerate lifestyle choices with the bonus of never having to take responsibility for them.

    It’s, (insert year) – Basically this means that you need to just give up standing up to something an allow anything to go without any question of wether it’s right or wrong for the sole reason of the current year.

    It’s not, (insert year) – If you are unsatisfied with the current time we’re living in, in their minds it’s wrong for you to hold onto anything from the past except shame an guilt so they push you around an bully you into destroying anything traditional and replacing it with their ways or else.

    Bigot/bigotry – Any criticism directed at anyone or liberal organization or charity regardless of what it is unless they’re a white male of course then it’s morally ok.

    “I have Depression/PTSD” – While some people actually face these conditions, most of them just use them as a defense mechanism whenever someone triggers them in a way they can’t handle by using the mental illness excuse so that way your forced to apologize for anything you said an immediately take it back out of fear you could cause someone to kill themself or have some sort of mad panic.

    I’m different, please accept me – Someone who feels the need to say this is likely actually very boring an cookie cutter like the “men” today who consider themselves different just because they’re still into childish dorky stuff like Star Wars an gaming consoles. They also look, talk, an dress they exact same way with an I’m sure you guys already know exactly the type of so called men I’m talking about. Sorry but that doesn’t make you different, if your actually different an interesting you probably wouldn’t have to actually say it. also all look the same. Remember guys who have to “try” to be different by dressing up like a hobo you usually end up conforming to everyone else an look like a total idiot

    Black Lives Matter – A violent black power group formed by liberal coastal elites to promote violence against whites an set it up as a platform to race bait to further the violence the group has shown to promote.

    Politicians an Companies who say “I/We apologize” – A company or politician who is to scared of the reprecussions to stand up for they said an what they believe in regardless of how minor or major what they said was or however minor or major what they believed in was out of fear of having your business/career completely destroyed from the modern witch hunt mobs. I can somewhat sympathize with these people, but come on you guys are weak if that’s all it takes for you to crack.

    It’s for charity – An excuse people use to allow anything to happen just because it’s supporting a charity which to most people automatically means it’s morally superior to anyone regardless if it’s known for actually doing more harm than good. Personally I don’t really like charity organizations, I’m all for just helping people in my local community on my own or with a local church who may be down on their luck an need a helping hand as anyone would. Although I could go on about these globalist charities the UN supports that only a true bigot (See bigot) would ever have a reason to criticize from how “moral” these charities are like PETA. I could go on about this for hours, but you know what I mean.

    Strong, Independent Woman – Probably has an alpha male boyfriend that just uses her an takes advantage of her, but she’s just to enchanted by him an his alpha friends who probably take turns on her to leave him so instead she keeps around 5-10 weak childish “men” like I mentioned earlier who dream of winning her in the long run by putting her on a pedestal an letting them be her emotional support animal. Never let your boys grow up to be these creatures.

    Democratic socialism – Just a cover up to use while authoritarian communism liberals are ignorant praising is phased into the government by elites.

    (Whatever) rights Activist – Someone who’s jealous of people who have any sort of success or happiness in their life, and whines about it by using this title for approval an the attention they never got at home. It’s natural to feel bad for these fools every now an then from their ignorance, jealousy, an elitism.

    Mysoginist Man-Pig – Any real man who hasn’t been wussified who while he does respect his women, he refuses to buy into feminism an the false idea that women an men are equal although instead have different, but just as important traits that other one has. Men are builders an women are nurtures, both are as equally important.

    I could probably come up with a lot more, but I don’t have enough brain space to remember all the retarded buzzwords or keep up with the new ones coming out everyday, here’s some at the top of my head that I’ve remembered from over the last few years. Haha keep up the great content Mr. Shackleford.

    1. Gotta remember that the liberals LOVE being victims, that’s they’re strength is getting people’s pity. They don’t have mine.

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