It is widely known among the Dissident Right, and even among more aware normie conservatives, that immigration has deleterious effects upon our society. However, and to our detriment, the impact of legal and illegal migration have never been fully taken into account in the broader public conscious. Since Hart-Celler, our country has experienced an invasion which has transformed the country economically, politically and socially; immigration is taking a massive toll on Dixie, in particular. Immigration has led to the total Democrat takeover of Virginia and is turning once solid red states like North Carolina, Texas, Florida and Georgia into purple states. As long as the current situation continues, you can expect these states to go blue within the decade.
Unfortunately, according to Conservative, Inc., immigration is great as long as it’s done legally. The GOP has been responsible for a great deal of our immigration crisis, as they granted amnesty to 2.7 million illegals in 1986 under the guise of taking stronger measures against immigration, measures which were never taken. Earlier in the year, the GOP scrapped the idea of national E-verify. The typical rally cry of Conservative, Inc. is more and more immigration, despite the clear influence it has on the country and culture. If all of the native Texans were mysteriously removed from Fort Worth with the wave of a magic wand, and quickly replaced with Somalis, the national GOP wouldn’t bat an eye.
While this is bad news for many in the Dissident Right, there is also quite a bit of good news that should be mentioned, such as the fact that the Justice Department is taking action against sanctuary cities, that border crossings have dropped significantly, as well the Supreme Court ruling in favor of baring anyone who would be deemed a “public charge” upon Heritage Americans, otherwise keeping out our foreigner replacements. Of course, once the Bolsheviks in the Democratic Party fully take the reigns of power, the partisan Supreme Court ruling (it was voted entirely upon partisan lines, five (5) conservative judges chose to stand with their country versus four (4) who seek our destruction) will be overturned, and our borders will be abolished and immigration will occur indefinitely. Our fates will be sealed and therein lies the end to what remains of Western civilization on the North American continent.
Now, some normies may ask, “Why exactly is immigration so bad?” Well, I’m going to outline exactly how it impacts us, how it is the primary leading factor in the changing of the electorate in the Southern states, and how it is also among our enemy’s primary weapon to erase Dixie.
1. Immigration Suppresses Wages and Narrows the Job Market.
This is something which is quite obvious and is perhaps among the most talked about problem connected to unlimited immigration, as well as, one of the factors behind mega corporations lobbying for more immigration, Big Agriculture being one of the chief proponents. These businesses simply want affordable servants who will be entirely subservient, who will be loyal consumers of their products. Third World immigrants are not known for their rugged individualism or self-sufficiency; therefore, they are the perfect cogs to place in the new globalist machine.
This means that many Southern workers are replaced in the workforce and forced to look for work elsewhere, where immigrants aren’t taking their places. This has been happening primarily in the fields of construction, agriculture and industrial labor. Smithfield Foods is a good example. At one time, it was a distinctly Virginia and North Carolina operation, widely known for their quality, and uniquely Southern, pork products. The Chinese now own it and you’ll be unlikely to see a native Southerner working in their meat processing plants, as they’ve been replaced with cheap labor from South of the Border. In addition, recently Heritage Americans in the tech industry have been caught in the crosshairs, as H1B recipients from India are coming and doing their job for far cheaper wages. Conservative, Inc. has fully endorsed the increase in these tech workers, which will no doubt fill up the labor pool if not checked.
2. Immigration Destroys Red States, Permanently.
What is likely among the most destructive effects of immigration is the changes to the demographics of the South, transforming places like Miami, Houston, Atlanta and Richmond into socialist, crime ridden cesspools. These were once beautiful cities of the South, they’re now marred by corruption, crime, and dysfunction. As immigration and native displacement/replacement continues, expect mid-size cities and then smaller locations to undergo transformation.
Areas that were once bastions of Southern conservatives are now strongholds for the Democratic Party, as the new demographic votes exclusively Democrat due to their socialist tendencies and hatred for everything Heritage America. These invaders seek to erase Dixie and replace it with their culture, their crony Third World politics, and, most of all, they want to be the dominant tribal group. We have seen this cycle play out already, namely in California, Maryland, and Virginia; this is our future unless we close our borders.
3. Immigration Causes Overdevelopement.
This is a lesser discussed problem caused by immigration, one which is destroying the natural beauty of our land and causing the spread of massive urban sprawl overrun with strangers. Places like Atlanta, Charlotte, Houston and Orlando are all examples of mass development caused chiefly by the influx of migrants; the result of this mass urbanization are as follows: nightmarish traffic jams, endless rows of condominiums built upon what was formerly farmland or woods, hideous buildings blocking the sky, and, of course, all the other joys that come with diverse urban living. If trends continue, small towns will be a thing of the past, not to mention our ecosystem will suffer irreparable damage and our natural resources will be severely strained. No Charlie Kirk, America cannot take 50 million immigrants.
Yet, hope is on the horizon. Due to the Chinese coronavirus, Americans are now more than ever seeking to secure our borders and President Trump has taken good measures against immigration at our southern border. We can only hope that this crisis will bring about some desired change and end the foreign invasion of the Southland once and for all.
Of course, in a Free Dixie we wouldn’t have these problems or rely on Donald Trump and the incompetent GOP.
-By Joseph Quintero

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
Dallas is mostly Carpetbaggers, Negroes and assorted biological aliens anymore. A visit there makes me feel like I’m in South Minneapolis, or Soweto. But not in Texas, or in Dixie.
In the 70’s everybody was conscious of their Texan and Southern identity. Which was taught and reenforced in school and at home. We were proud of Texas.
But ominously, the Mexican invasion began in ernest in 1979-80. As did the Carpetbagger influx.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Many of our ancestors used to pay good money for immigrants* that didn’t cause so many problems. Most of our ppl since the US-Confederate War have gone full MGTOW but in terms of race instead of gender. Clearly mgtow is not the answer to the battle between the sexes; subordination and removal of women from many lines of work is. I wonder what the ultimate solution to the immigration problem is. Somehow I just can’t quite get my head around it.