The Fading Janissary-Class

A journalist with the New York Times, and one very far removed from Southern culture, heritage, and military service, recently sounded the diversity-disparity alarm in an article where he realized that the great majority of young men enlisting in the Empire’s service come from veteran families in Southern states and the areas surrounding military bases. As it turns out, more and more new recruits are coming from the same small number of Southern communities and are the children of old recruits. It’s a pool that’s also shrinking, thanks to the soft genocide of the Southern people.

The New York Times reports that, as of 2019, 79% of Army recruits joining reported having a family member who served, and for 30%, it was a parent. It was “a striking point in a nation where less than 1 percent of the population serves in the military,” writer Dave Philipps added. One Southern city, Fayetteville, North Carolina, produces twice the number of recruits than Manhattan, a city that has eight times as many people.

The military is very well-aware of this disparity.  It is trying hard to recruit from left-leaning states, as well as, urban communities.  Most recently, the National Guard replaced its long-time logo, the picture of a white, colonial-era Minute Man, holding a musket and with his plow resting beside him, to a boring green logo. The new logo is intended to attract the demographics that don’t care about white males who founded the nation, personally-owned firearms, or farming. The Minute Man working in the dirt, but always ready for war, meant something to young, Southern men because it represented his family and his forefathers.

What we are seeing here, thanks to unrestricted immigration, is the former demographic, who idolizes the farmer with the musket, being replaced by people who would rather celebrate their own country’s independence day.  Southerners, the last of the Americans whose ancestors built this country and have volunteered by the millions to serve in the Armed Forces, are being exterminated. And with them, goes the functionality of the American Empire’s military. We will see this transition in our lifetime.

The U.S. military is beginning to miss its quotas in recruiting and strength retention, and their only hope is recruiting people who despise the military or do not see any need to serve, just as they don’t care about Heritage America, generally dislike Southern statues, and see children as inconveniences. Southern men enlisted, for it gave honor to the family by serving their country.  Their country is busy wiping them out and replacing them with immigrants and spiritually castrated soy boys. 

This New York Times article is following the most recent blow-up with Iran. Anyone who remembers the American Empire of the early 2000s recalls when it rolled over two countries within the space of two years and began two long and bloody occupations. This time, however, it seemingly backed down from a war with Iran, and it really seemed like it didn’t want to back down. It was almost like it didn’t have a choice.

It’s quite possible some globolist thinktank has had a striking realization – the United States no longer has the ability to fight another war, and part of the reason is that its forces have degraded to a point of ineffectiveness thanks to the purging its own warrior caste: the young Southern man.

-By Andrew Saltire


  1. “recruiting people… don’t care about Heritage America, generally dislike Southern statues, ”

    AKA a military who will fire on heritage Americans.

  2. Everybody in my family in the past has served.

    My brother and I, and cousins of the same age are the first not to throw ourselves in the meatgrinder.

    I already lost an older cousin and my father to the scars of older wars.

    My family doesn’t owe the Empire anything.

  3. Here’s an opportunity to throw a wrench into the gears of the machinery of state.

    If Southrons quit enlisting, the empire’s ability to pester the rest of the World would be severely restricted.

  4. The US military uses a very large number of mercenaries (contractors), in the tens of thousands. Many of these are former military. They are making a lot more money, and are under much laxer discipline. Is this the model for the future?

    1. I don’t see why not; it’s been the model of the past. Namely during the WBTS as the prime example, when virtually every European nation was canvassed by the Yankee government in search of “citizen soldiers” looking for a better life to come across the pond and fight the pestilential “Rebels” trying to peacefully walk away (secede) from a government obviously hostile to their short and long term interests.

      **”Mercenaries” in the sense I’m using the term isn’t strictly the sense in which you are using the term, but the basic concept is, and always has been, the same with the Yankee government.

  5. Don’t enlist. Get ZOG’s combat boots off the neck of our European cousins, so they can rise up and throw out the barbarian invasion of our ancestral homelands.

    If you have no other options, join the coast guard, fire department, border patrol, or ICE.

  6. There was a book written in the aughts called “AWOL: The Unexcused Absence of America’s Upper Classes from Military Service – and How It Hurts Our Country” that touches upon this

  7. I can tell you one thing with a 100% certainty – this southern veteran’s children WILL NOT be joining the armed forces under any circumstances. Two of mine are girls, and I do not believe women belong in the military. They don’t belong in combat, and if you can’t be put in combat under certain conditions, you don’t belong in the military. My son will be told in no uncertain terms that being like daddy, at least in that regard, is not something we want for him. When he is a little bit older I’ll explain. If he wants to drive boats he can go work for an oil company or something. Anything but that.

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