Revive the Southern Belle

All across Dixie, women have forfeited and abandoned their traditional lifestyles. No longer do they wait politely for the right man in conjunction with family-approved courtship. Instead, they readily sleep with people they don’t even really know or even care to know. The “hook-up culture” has come to the South and entrenched itself so much that it seems it was always here. But, we all know that’s not the case.

You see, not long ago, less than even a century, women did not run around scantily clad, drinking beer, partying and having dozens of partners before they (if ever) settled down. They were polite and well-mannered, not giving in to degenerate behavior, such as promiscuity and partying. They were honorable and respectable. They held true to their Southern, Christian nature. Some women still do and are deserving of our respect and praise, but for the vast majority who don’t, they deserve condemnation for their behavior, as well as, a warning.

This is not the way our ancestors intended, to have their daughters become harlots without morals. This is what feminism has taught women to be, claiming it is “liberating.” If anything, it is oppressive and detaches them from their heritage, their salvation and meaningful future. These useless acts of degeneracy are not liberating, they are destructive – no man, no God, no family and no future. Research has shown that more premarital partners means higher rates of divorce. In the hook-up culture we live in, it is little wonder divorce is so high.

Southern culture is on the decline and the death of the “Southern Belle” is just one symptom of it, but it is also a cause. As our women abandon their traditional duties for modernity, they open all of Dixie to the same pleasure-addiction of the current age. They are the mothers of our young; as their morality decays, so too does the morality of the youth. This isn’t to say that our men are without fault, that has been addressed in previous entries. But, moral decay, like responsibility, slides from the top and downhill.

Restraint is necessary for Southerners, including women. You should not live for pleasure, but for God. Neither should one live in wicked relationships – relationships that never produce a marriage and children. Hook-up culture is not only wicked, ungodly behavior, but it is high-time preference. It is also not Southern, it is something else entirely. Our Southern women, during the War of Northern Agression, did not betray their husbands, they did not dishonor their families and they did not associate themselves with cowards and carpetbaggers. They held down the homes and were vital to the war effort.

Could we truly expect today’s irresponsible women to do the same? No, it is likely our men would come home to broken homes and fragmented relationships. Hell, it happens now and we aren’t even really at war. Women go about divorcing their husbands over the most insignificant things: the love went away, they fell for another man, or God forbid, have fallen for feminist hatred of the traditional family. This impacts the children most prominently with broken homes. Our women aren’t living up to their Southern heritage, they are disgracing it.

We must do better. We must restore the Southern Belle.

-By Southern Revivalist

Your great grandmother would be ashamed


  1. As our women abandon their traditional duties for modernity, they open all of Dixie to the same pleasure-addiction of the current age. They are the mothers of our young; as their morality decays, so too does the morality of the youth.

    Yep. And as R. L. Dabney once rightly noted, it takes no extraordinary allotment of wisdom to understand that when our women have abandoned their distinctive roles, they will likewise produce a generation or generations “nearer akin to devils than to men.” To wit:

    “But now, what will be the character of the children reared under such a domestic organization as this? If human experience has established anything at all, it is the truth of that principle announced by the Hebrew prophet when he declared that the great aim of God in ordaining a permanent marriage tie between one man and one woman was “that He might seek a godly seed.” God’s ordinance, the only effective human ordinance for checking and curbing the first tendencies to evil, is domestic, parental government.

    When the family shall no longer have a head, and the great foundation for the subordination of children in the mother’s example is gone; when the mother shall have found another sphere than her home for her energies; when she shall have exchanged the sweet charities of domestic love and sympathy for the fierce passions of the hustings; when families shall be disrupted at the caprice of either party, and the children scattered as foundlings from their hearthstone.—it requires no wisdom to see that a race of sons will be reared nearer akin to devils than to men.

    In the hands of such a bastard progeny, without discipline, without homes, without a God, the last remains of social order will speedily perish, and society will be overwhelmed in savage anarchy.”

      1. Thanks. Credit for the bolded portion, or the meat, of that comment enclosed in quotes goes to Robert Lewis Dabney. I see that I failed to give proper attribution at the end of that quotation. It is extracted from Dabney’s essay, Women’s Rights Women, originally published in The Southern Magazine, circa 1871. Here is a link to the full essay:

        Dabney is “required reading” for any Southern Nationalist or persons inclined to Southern Nationalism, imho. Discussions by Robert Lewis Dabney, a four volume set from which I copied and pasted that excerpt, is available on Kindle Books for a very modest price, for anyone interested.

        I agree fully with Prof. Smith over at The Orthosphere, who once said of Dabney that he is “strong meat on this subject, as he is on so many others.”

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