The Opiate Crisis and the Slippery Blame Game Slope

I hear it all the time from well intentioned Southerners: “The opiate manufacturers are to blame for the opiate crisis… executives need to go to prison.”  STOP!

The South is either a culture that recognizes the significance of individual responsibility and the consequences that result or it is not.  There is no room for ambiguity.  You do not engage in spousal abuse because of your father. You do not take drugs because of your mother. You do not act a fool because you grew up in a trailer. You either have the moral structure to recognize right from wrong or you do not.  Blaming others for your mistakes or callous disregard for the ramifications of an action is a luxury of inferior people.  It is not a Southern trait.

From the time a young Southern boy or girl is raised, they know that the loving parent does not spare the rod.  You are given a warning.  Ignore that warning at your own peril.  “Grabbing a switch for your own behind” is at the heart of a Southern upbringing.  My grandmother used to make me get grandpa’s belt from the top drawer and then offered me a choice: “Ten with the buckle or twenty-five with the lash.” Guess who acted proper at grandma’s house?

The fact is, our entire society is predicated on personal responsibility and moral hazard.  Take away those concepts and you get a gelatinous mass of decadence enjoyed by inferior people at the expense of the superior.  You remove the very foundation of Anglo-Saxon Christian society that created the modern world, before it rotted from within due to rats in the walls.  You can make your own determination as to which rats I am referring.    

Our very argument about abortion is one based on the personal responsibility of the impregnated woman.  She could have used readily available birth control or better yet, kept her legs closed; therefore, why should the child suffer?  We can say that the root cause was a degenerate society that pushes immoral behavior upon young women, but at the end of the day, the choice of consequences is on the woman – where it belongs.  She can either kill the consequences of spreading her legs without a condom present – her child – or raise it.

Who blames the proliferation of forks for fat people?  Even when I blame the size of modern McDonald’s cheeseburgers for contributing to obesity rates, it is ultimately the individual who chooses to eat massive quantities of fat and carbohydrates – not McDonald’s.  The blame for obesity lies with the sloth who sits on the couch and eats Doritos, not the manufacturer of Doritos themselves.

Engage in gay sex and the fact is, you are likely to get HIV and later, AIDS. Why is your degeneracy my problem?  You bent over, not me.  My tax dollars should be spent curing cancer, not enabling ungodly, lascivious lifestyles. 

When we execute a murderer, we do not blame the availability of knives, guns, or baseball bats.  Yankees blame guns, Southerners do not.  We do not target the alcohol industry for getting a man to the state where he can build the “courage” to kill.  He committed the crime, he must do the time – preferably, to hang.

Blaming opiate manufacturers for drug addiction is the exact same as blaming gun manufacturers for gun crimes.  Where do you think the argument derived?  Clever Marxists have you making their moral equivalency arguments for them. 

The definition of Moral Hazard is “the risk that an individual or organization will behave recklessly or immorally when protected from the consequences.”  The entirety of strong Anglo-Celtic culture is grounded on morality and consequences.  Marxists rely on the elimination of consequences through the marketing of an enemy – White Christian Men – and then demand collective action to displace them. 

Marxist arguments are predictable:  Blacks are incapable of elevating their station because of White PrivilegeThe poor are incapable of lifting themselves up because of property rightsWomen cannot get equal pay because of men.  Transgenders are committing suicide because of a lack of social acceptance due to Christianity. Drug abusers are addicted to opiates because of drug manufacturers. 

The next logical Marxist argument follows:  if we had true representative democracy, we – a Government of the People – can eliminate race, property rights, religion, and gender differences… we can also take control of the industries that harmed you, like drug manufacturing and medical care.  Give us power and we will fix these things for you, the victims of a White Christian Patriarchal Society

These are not Southern arguments.  They are not the arguments of strong White Christian Men.  I am sick of this pathetic blame game and victimhood culture.  It is unmasculine.  It is a feminine trait.  Blaming others for your misfortune, not yourself, is common among inferior people.  It is a manifestation of Marxism creeping into the South. 

The real reason for the opiate crisis is not the manufacturers of the opiates.  It is not the doctors who prescribe them.  It is the individual who is raised in a society that lacks God and a strong, cultural grounding.  It is the person that does not know why he is important to the perpetuation of a South that needs him.  It is the manifestation of a broken social fabric that leads a pretty White girl in Appalachia to devalue herself.  We need to rip the excuses away from these people and return social responsibility where it belongs – on themselves – because only they, with Almighty God, can save them.

Keep the Marxist blame game up North where it belongs.  It is degenerate talk.  It is the language of the weak.

The strong take responsibility for their own actions and correct them.  If the South is to rise again, it cannot get caught up in the blame game.  Do not let it resonate here.