The Godcast, Episode 97: Jesus Pre-supped with His Disciples

The Godcast is live in studio, answering listener emails and going over presuppositional apologetics.

Things mentioned during the episode:

Presuppositional apologetics:

A breakdown of Alvin Plantinga’s “Properly Basic Belief”:

The Modal Ontological Argument:

Deuteronomy 32 Worldview:

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In Hoc Signo Vinces


  1. I want so badly to have my faith back. The faith I had when I was a kid.

    My family has touched every denomination so far except Lutheran, orthodox and catholic.

    Im not sure there is any church left that isn’t totally poz’ed.

    I’m gonna look for a snake handling church i think. Cuz none of the others exist in Appalachia.

    Wish me luck, I’ve got a date with a copperhead.

  2. My God…

    I never thought I’d see the day when Dooyeweerd, Kuyper, and Van Til were discussed in an Alt. Right podcast. Well done gents. I’ve been doing presuppositional apologetics for almost two decades (my site is vantillianfire dot wordpress).

    I’d like to strongly emphasize that Van Til’s system of apologetics and Gordon Clark’s system, however ostensibly similar, represent two vastly different philosophical approaches. Clarkians will hate me for summarizing it this way, but Clark had an idealist philosophical system that he tried to dip into Reformed theology to justify, while Van Til started with Neo-Calvinist theology and tried to build an epistemology from it. Probably why Van Til stayed consistent with his ideas his entire academic career, while Clark infamously bounced around.

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