The Anti-Trump Egg Protest

The killing of chickens due to an alleged bird flu is not simply about the egg as we commonly know it in the grocery store. They are not just depriving you of your sunny side up breakfast protein. Eggs are one of the most prolific protein binders in the foods we eat. From pastas to hot dogs, if you look at the ingredients, if it is not soy, it is eggs that act as the protein binder for commonly consumed food.

Almost every move Trump is making will reduce inflation – largely through the cost cutting/reclamation of profligate government spending. He cannot lower interest rates (the Federal Reserve still has that power), but he can initiate mechanisms at Treasury to strengthen the purchasing power of the dollar. All of this would lead to a reduction in food costs. Furthermore, he can reduce proportional costs by reducing the price of fuel. “Opening the spigots” of oil and LNG production will have a near immediate supply correction, leading to lower fuel and thus, through supply chain savings, lower food costs. Yes, it takes years for oil to get pulled out of the ground, but with new leases, oil companies release their internal reserves for sale to make room for new online resources. This has an immediate impact on prices at the pump.

The totality of the anti-inflation program is sound. But what if you have an agenda designed to trip the Trump team out of the gate on inflation? Easy: kill the number one source of non-plant based protein, thus either driving up the cost of basic foods or forcing more soy into the American diet.

Some of the largest food producers in the country are also the largest proponents of cheap immigrant (illegal) labor. Nothing would unravel their cause more than having a strong border and lowering food costs. The argument that we need inexpensive Hispanic slaves would be countered by the reality of a reduction in food costs. However, if you killed your own food supply – due to an unusually well-timed bird flu – you would keep any anti-inflation program handcuffed by a supply disruption.

Killing chickens due to a “bird flu” not only benefits the politically savvy, often diabolical American food production companies, like Tyson and Koch Brothers, it actually makes them money. Every chicken they have to kill is insured at the top value of the chicken (something they do not always get in the market). The insurance companies do not care because the U.S. taxpayer funds that insurance through the USDA. You are literally paying them to kill their own chickens and raise the price of your foods.

If Trump wants to get serious about inflation, he needs to investigate and hold accountable food producers who are killing chickens based on “a bird flu.” The timing of this bird flu is suspicious. The fact that we are not killing migratory birds, but culling sedentary birds is another indication of a false flag. How convenient that chickens are being killed when an anti-illegal immigration president and a new HHS secretary who has warned of increased soy consumption ascended to the White House and Hubert Humphrey building respectively. This is nothing more than another corporate sponsored anti-Trump protest.

Unlike the whacky blue haired land whales suddenly abstaining from men, this protest might actually work. Trump should see through the move and stop it before it is too late.


  1. The guys at Survival Dispatch are on top of this too. I just shot skunk yesterday who’d been raiding our chicken coop.

  2. This statement is not true: “ He cannot lower interest rates (the Federal Reserve still has that power” … the Fed actually follows the bond market… proof chart here:

    “Historically, well, first of all, people believe that the Fed sets rates. The Fed sets only very, very, very short-term rates. The Fed sets its discount rates.

    When it comes to market rates, the market is really what directs that. And oddly enough, even the Fed’s moving on interest rates follows the market. So it’s not that the Fed leads the market, the Fed actually follows the market.”

  3. i, for one, am very grateful that the chickens raised for meat have been spared from this dreaded disease.

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