Defending Historical Accuracy

Southern Nationalists have an obligation to defend the truth. It is the primary frontline of the war for self-preservation and hopefully, independence. In an era whereby revisionist historians now dominate academic discourse, nationalism of every variety is under attack. An ungodly, anti-human, global Marxist vision moves unfettered throughout our world. Truth is the bulwark upon which our victory or defeat shall be determined. Defending and preserving the truth is our obligation.

Teaching and keeping the history of nationalist movements is critical, even when it is unpleasant. This is true of the South prior to and during the Confederacy… the objectives and origins of British Imperialism… the history of Christianity… even Germany prior to-and-during the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) period. In fact, defending that latter group and the history of the timeframe in Germany is critical to the success or failure of Southern Nationalism in the United States. It is important to understand why.

Many Southern Nationalists have a hard time with National Socialist Germany on a number of levels. The “Nazis” were the “bad guys” who fought, and, in some cases killed, many of our grandfathers and fathers. Southern society has an ingrained reverence for its older male leaders that is not found at anywhere near the same levels elsewhere in the United States. Yankees are a despised class today because of the crimes they committed against our forefathers more than 150 years ago. Thus, Nazi Germany was an enemy of our people – even if we may find the reasons for that enmity to be misguided in hindsight.

Furthermore, the term “socialist” in the name National Socialist German Workers Party, often causes pause among Southerners. By nature, Southerners are fiercely independent, and any form of statism is viewed with skepticism at best. Consequently, Marxist definitions of socialism confuse the far less “Marxist” variant of German “national socialism,” which was one of the most conservative economic systems in world history. When one honestly studies NSDAP economics, Reaganomics looks like communism compared to Hitler’s economic policies. Still, the term “socialist” confuses many regarding the functional realities of 1930s Germany.

Additionally, there is an understandable reversion by Southern Nationalists toward those who are most often derided as “Nazis.” To be fair, the so-called American Nat Socs have done themselves no favors. Many who claim to be (or had claimed in the past to be) “White Power” champions are effectively Hollywood caricatures, living and dressing like villainous skinheads invented by Jewish authors. The boots, tee shirts, and tattoos, coupled with the white trash dynamic is a variant described by Steven Spielberg, not Albert Speer.

Whether Southerners realize it or not, the South adopted an early 17th Century Cavalier Anglo hierarchical order that permeates Southern society to this day. Rank is an inherent feature of Southern society, with stratification along “Good Ol’ Boy” and “Redneck” lines. The skinhead dynamic is far too closely aligned to the “White Trash” sub-order, which is not one of which the vast majority of Southerners want to be affiliated. Yes, many were raised in a trailer park. Many may never leave the trailer park life. But a trailer park is not aspirational. Modern depictions of “Nazis” are far too close to a debased value of personal surrender for most Southerners.  When Southern Nationalists – most of whom are just good ol’ boys who love their heritage, Jesus Christ, and the South – see National Socialists attempting to latch onto their Southern movement, there is a reflexive recoil. Southerners simply want the right to celebrate Dixie (preferably in an independent homeland). Dylann Roof is not a Southern hero despite his CSA Battle Flag; Nathan Bedford Forrest is.

Finally, the impact of Dispensationalist definitions of the Jewish people as a co-Chosen people impacts the perspective of the devoutly Christian South. German National Socialism is equated to the Holocaust and therefore, the murder of Jesus’ people. Whereas I personally do not subscribe to this doctrinal worldview about Jesus or Jews, the doctrine is prolific throughout the Evangelical South.

Cumulatively, any form of National Socialism is a hard sell for the South. It is important to note, however, that the National Socialists whom I described are not the group of which I am most concerned. Yes, it is true that I hope every White person succeeds in life, regardless of his political, cultural, or social persuasion. But when I state that it is important to “defend Nazis,” I do not mean the guy with the 1488 tattoo across his neck (although I believe he has that right). Rather, I mean the actual National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) and its core members from about 1920 – 1945.

The key issue is historical accuracy. The leftist demonization of the German experience throughout the post-World War I and NSDAP era is, in fact, a revisionist mythology that was so successful that we now see the same strategy employed against the antebellum and Confederate South. Anti-White Marxists have been so successful at convincing the world that NSDAP Germany was entirely evil that any honest discussion of the benefits of Hitler’s Germany is immediately shut down. This same tactic is now used against the South. Trade “enslaved blacks” for “Jews,” and we see the same arguments of moral equivalency used against our ancestors. The goal is a shame culture that attempts to force Southerners to disavow their own people and accept the “justified” punishment of an angry minority class seeking long term vengeance.

Ironically, and perhaps due to the distance of time, most Southerners have been able to inoculate themselves from these attempts at historical shame and have only hardened their defense in recent years. The same cannot be said for the more recently defeated Germans. That country has lost its once proud militant and intellectual identity. The result is that Germans embrace their own foreign replacement and long-term genocide because of the “sins” committed against the Jews. I have personally written about the historical inaccuracies related to the so-called Holocaust in other articles, thus I will not get into the specifics of justified Holocaust denial. The bigger point is that we cannot allow the continued vilification of Germany to go unchecked, simply because the Germans are not “our people.” Truth is always worth defending.

If we fail to defend “Nazis,” then we fail to defend ourselves. We allow leftwing historical revisionism to win. When a statue is torn down in Richmond, the former Capital of the Confederacy, it is due to the fact that we failed in our defense of historical accuracy. We allowed leftists to dominate the narrative on nationalist movements and now they own the discourse related to the first truly American expression of nationalism, Southern independence.

There is no doubt that the war on Southern identity is multifaceted but leads to one ultimate conclusion: the death of Western Civilization. Today’s South is the last largescale region in the advanced world that unapologetically defends the West. Whereas pockets of resistance exist throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe, it is the American South that does not apologize for that which is effectively a White world order.

By White world order, I mean the elevation and conquest of Western systems of social interaction, economics, and philosophical governance. Even our original moral dictates define global interaction. The fact is, Europe conquered the world – largely under the banner of Jesus Christ. Today, Europe does not wear 19th Century Asian robes, the Chinese wear Western suits. Today, advancing Third World countries attempt to emulate Western society by means of a Greek philosophy entitled “democracy.” Slavery, a system of human interaction that existed since well before recorded history, ended because we – Whites – uniquely said it was “bad.” The individualistic ideal permeates much of the world’s entertainment discourse, even when the rest of the world acts in a far more collectivist, tribal way. Even lighter skin tones in Latin America and India dictate the pace of social advancement.

The anti-Western leftist must dismantle this dynamic to attain a distinctly anti-White agenda of forced collectivism and a new ethno-racial supremacy that conquers the Christian West. Whites are unique in their individualistic ideals and liberty virtues. Whereas the rest of the world sees our system of government as an opportunity to “take” today – long term consequences be damned – only Whites subscribe to the notion of a voluntary social compact whereby we have an obligation to “give” for the good of our unborn future. Asians are compelled to surrender today. Africans know nothing but today. White states – be they Sweden or Vermont – embrace leftist economic systems because they cannot conceive of people who are not like themselves. If they had larger black populations, they would have a greater appreciation for the difference in outlook related to the social compact and the management of “the commons.”

Returning to the reason that the South must be destroyed, it is an unapologetic defense of White Christian values that earns the South the animosity of the rest. We instinctively know that this is all tied together. Destroy the South and the end of Western Civilization hits hyperdrive. 

The reason the South enthusiastically embraced Trump – a boisterous New York Yankee with a distinctly anti-Christian immoral past – is that his message on illegal immigration resonated with a racially cognizant South. We know where this goes if we lose. We quickly become modern South Africa. Most White New Englanders look at Detroit and see the tragic results of an outsourced auto industry; most Southerners surrounded by large black population pockets know that Detroit’s demise was racially foretold. Correspondingly, we rightfully see the societal lurch toward Sartre’s moral subjectivity as wrong. Collapsing social norms and racial realism inform a Southern worldview that demands a rigid defense of our forefathers.

Those who have fought against globalism and anti-Christian ideals in the face of committed Marxism have always been assaulted. Lincoln’s “48er” inspired war on the South was the first genuine assault on Western civilization on behalf of compelled collectivism. World War I was a foolish exercise of fratricide that benefited one group as nationalist European aristocratic order was destroyed: Judeo-Bolshevik usurpers. The NSDAP was largely built around a recognition of this fact and was an attempt at countering global Bolshevism. They were attacked, conquered, and tortured, not unlike the Confederate South.

It is my belief that the Soviet Union and the United States never competed over tyranny versus liberty, but over conflicting visions of attaining a global Marxist conclusion. The Soviet Union attempted to achieve global socialism by force. The United States clearly believed that traditional social norms were a hindrance to global socialism, thus, to create a sustained Marxist world vision, it had to begin with redefining social dynamics, as a simultaneous long march through the institutions slowly converged on an unsuspecting population. The American ideal of Marxist revolution clearly prevailed and continues largely unabated, despite speed bumps, like Trump’s populism.

The group that repeatedly rejects racial shaming and doggedly embraces Christianity is the American South. Whereas every other White nation has bent the knee in some way, Confederate Battle Flags fly as reminders to a proud people who know that we were the first to push back against armed Marxism. The second movement to do so was the National Socialist German Workers Party. Whether we agree or disagree with every facet of that foreign ideology is irrelevant. We owe it to a fellow anti-Marxist, nationalistic movement to be honest in our retelling of its history. When we do not defend them, we inadvertently open the door to attacks on our own.

One comment

  1. “The “Nazis” were the “bad guys” who fought, and, in some cases killed, many of our grandfathers and fathers.”

    First thing we need to unlearn – it was our grandfathers and fathers who fought, and in some cases killed Nazis. I don’t blame them – they were subjected to the worst kind of propaganda, and had no real means of discerning the truth. However, today we do not have that excuse.

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