Every one of my girls have had “the talk” with me. The detailed sex talk is something that is best left to their mother. My talk with them is more about protecting who they want to be. The conversation is simple and straightforward with three key themes: do not feel pressured to do anything you do not want to do – wait till marriage; never place yourself in a position whereby saying “no” requires a physical fight; before you do something, think about the consequences if everyone on the internet could see it. I do not know if it is helpful, but as a father, it is my obligation to instill reality. One fact that has reared its ugly head are the expectations of boys regarding girls in the 21st Century.
Many young men are rightfully dejected regarding the state of young women. If you base your opinion of women on Facebook Reels and TikTok videos, how could you not be? After all, the general image portrayed about twenty-to-thirty-year-old females is one of sexual lasciviousness and outlandish promiscuity. A key contributor to this is the online porn industry.
The unrealistic sexual exploits of women in porn imprints a vision upon young men exposed to perverse fantasies. This leads to expectations by both genders: girls who believe they have to do “X” to please a boy; boys who believe girls want to do “X” because it was trending on PornHub. Thus, we now live in an era dominated by a “Girl Whore” culture. There are a multitude of reasons as to why, but one clear impact. It is destroying our male-female relationship dynamic.
From the beginning of time, girls have both attracted boys and conflicted with an inherent rebel streak. That is not new. What is new is the proliferation of expectations set by porn stars and social media influencers. Girls will always want to attract boys and if they think that boys are attracted to whores, girls will be whores. Correspondingly, young men are easily persuaded by the wrong thinking appendage. If a girl is a whore, who am I – young male – to stop her from achieving her objective? It is a poisoned circular logic.
Of course, not all men or women are this way; in fact, despite outward appearances, most young women are not whores. They may act stupidly in their youth, but for the most part, girls are still girls. They like to bake cookies, watch dramatic movies, and giggle. There is a reason the Hallmark Channel does so well. Are they interested in sex? Sure. Most young people are. Are they willing to do the depraved acts depicted online? Not at all. But you cannot blame young men for being confused by their misguided assumptions.
The proliferation of online sexual perversity is coupled with the “Girl Power” dynamic that has likely contributed to more rapes and/or deaths of many young women then we will ever know. Many female victims sincerely believed they could “take care of themselves” and beat up a male assailant simply because the movies told them that their kick boxing class was sufficient. No, women are not as tough as men. Physiology is immutable and that is currently being proven throughout women’s sports with the proliferation of degenerate psychopaths who believe gender is a fluid concept (it is not). In addition to the Girl Power belief that females can beat up males in a fight, there is an associated belief that females can be just as promiscuous as men with the same lack of consequences. That is simply false.
The reality for a promiscuous male is that he is likely to catch an STD if he is not careful and possibly a child support bill. Otherwise, he generally walks away, possibly with an elevated reputation among certain circles. The reality for a promiscuous female is that she is also likely to catch an STD and the actual child. Her reputation is simply not likely to come out as favorable – especially if she is a single mom. Rather, she becomes an easy mark for the next horny male. Worse, is the murder that might result from this childish belief in equality. One of the key reasons that abortion is so popular in the modern era is that it is a means to eliminate the consequences of bad decisions by females. Terminating a life has become the default option for girls who spread their legs with abandon.
The Girl-Whore Era is a combination of multiple societal factors that have been purposely designed to exploit young sexual urges that have always existed but have never been so easily manipulated. Girls have been entrapped by a combination of expectations and a desire to attract males that have been driven by outside influencers who are purely evil. Boys have been driven into camps – whereby a small few are able to hunt a wide pack of promiscuous girls, while the vast majority of young men wonder if they will ever find a “good girl.” The result is that the good girls never meet the good guys – and humanity suffers.
I believe that is entirely by design. Satan hates life and life is the result of healthy male-female relations. Correspondingly, the Devil’s children are at the helm of the vast majority of this perverse destruction. If you wonder who the Devil’s children are, I direct you to the words of Jesus Christ found in John 8: 35-45.
The son of a recent Irish immigrant and another with roots to Virginia since 1670. I love both my Irish and Southern Nations with a passion. Florida will always be my country. Dissident support here: Padraig Martin is Dixie on the Rocks (buymeacoffee.com)
Women need to be mothers with children at an early age by mid 20’s
These Problems would go away with quite grace !
Please young women follow your biological clock and win with a big family!
God Bless
True Sunburn but why would the do that when the Jews are telling them to go to college and have sex with 200 men(or anything).And we know Eve never listens to her wise parents or grandparents,she takes her council from the Devils messengers.God bless you and remain resolute as Heaven is our true home and this is but a test(which most of the trash of this nation fail).
Few moods are more unfriendly to clear thinking than a crusading temper; and as the South grew more self-conscious, it was fortified by the last absurdity of all, race theory. For, exasperated by Yankee self-righteousness and the facile caricature of uncle Tom’s cabin, it was not content to tell the north that it’s “priesthood prostitutes itself to a level with the blackguard, and enters the field of secular politics, in the spirit of a beer house bully” adding without unnecessary chivalry that northern womanhood, “deserting their nurseries, stroll over the country as politico-moral reformers, delivering lewd lectures upon the beauties of free-love or spiritualism, or writing yellow-back literature, so degrading in taste, so prurient in passion, so false in fact, so wretched in execution, and so vitiating to the morals of mothers in the land, as almost to force them to bring up daughters without virtue and sons without bravery”
From the book ‘one hundred year’s’ by Philip Guedalla, 1936-1937. chapter- 1861 sub-title Charleston S.C, p. 86.
Your daughters are fortunate to have you as a Father Padraig.
God Bless You Sir
The portion of your comment enclosed by quotation marks originally appeared in The Southern Literary Messenger (1859 or 1860), under the title, Northern Mind and Character, as I recall. I’ve quoted it before all over the interwebz in these connections, and you have ‘made my day’ quoting it here, sir! Dr. Dabney’s essay titled Women’s Rights Women (1872, I believe) contains similarly prescient quotations in this connection as well.
The usual suspects have targeted women in a big way. They appear to ID’d the personality disorders that are most useful to their agenda, narcissism being one of these, and brought the big guns in to bear on them. Narcissism goes hand in hand with gullibility.
You said it correctly Citizenfitz,the Jews are 100 percent the cause of all of our society’s ills.As I said in my comment they have molded young people into the unhappy,crude and disrespectful form we all see.The Whites are taught to disavow their race and ignore the others all loving their own.They are turned against our Lord in Heaven.The Jews have done it all for their father the Devil and the fact that so many do not know this is proof that our nation is not only stupid but hopeless.God bless you wise Sir.
As a 59 year-old father of 8 speaking from first-hand experience, I can report that Dr. Dabney outdid himself when he said (Women’s Rights Women) that,
Their “now indignant husbands,” in Dr. Dabney’s prediction, are now their “once indignant [Christian] fathers” in mine, speaking from experience, as I said. No doubt there is a “satanic ingenuity” behind it all, as you and I and Dr. Dabney all agree.
Good article!
It’s rough out there. Last I checked, 5% of women were virgins when married. And marriage rates have declined for many decades. The blame can be shifted anywhere. Modern women are a mess and mostly degenerate whores these days, but it’s men/fathers who allowed (and even encouraged) them to become this way.
I think you are taking the right approach in raising your daughter(s) well. This is the only way forward in a corrupt world. And by “well” I mean homeschooled with a strong emphasis on domestic duties, not useless academics. Women have exactly two jobs in life, neither of which include a career. To that end, everything about college is detrimental to God’s plan for a young woman. Keep them out at all costs.
If you’re a father, it’s your job to find your daughter a husband. Choose wisely and marry her off early so she can have a lot of children and time for establishing a happy, lifelong marriage.
Great article Padraig.Most modern women are more than willing to marry a man and then place onerous demands upon him instead of being a good and pleasing wife.These women know the Jew controlled State is behind them and will give them his savings,his future earnings and his children to be hers.These Eves don’t realize that they are enabling the Satanic Jews to destroy the White family.Want to know why kids and young adults are depressed,violent and unkind to their elders?A Jewish writer on the Mary Tyler Moore Show shared that his Jewish producer demanded he write scenes where the kids where disrespectful and rude to their parents.This man said it didn’t seem right and had no reason to be done.He noted this same experience in later experiences with TV shows.So there we have it,the Jews wanted to shape our White Christian society into a thing of evil.And they have done it.Lastly I will say that as much as I enjoyed romantic(not sexual) times with attractive young women I now advise all young White males to avoid marriage as it is a State sponsored trap.Do not sign away your rights young men and do not have children with women as exist in large part today.You may say well how will we have a White future to which I say how do we have a White future when most wives will divorce you and raise your children with values she gleans from the media,etc.and revels in making sure they do not have your values.Call me gloomy but no one can call me a liar.Only the Father in Heaven can bring about a great change in this situation.Thank you Padraig for your wise thoughts and never giving up.I now only have faith in the Jesus keys and my beloved ancestors.Sure there are exceptions like you and I and the wonderful Southern patriots here but as a whole this nation is done for.But the will of God is going to be done so we must believe.God bless your family and take care.