Many of us can remember in our childhood having a coloring book containing pages where you had to connect the dots to complete a picture. Until the dots were correctly connected, the image was not recognizable. In a manner of speaking, on a much larger scale, in order to understand how our country has become exactly what our Founding Fathers were afraid of, we must “connect the dots” to get the complete picture.
The federal government of today has been turned upside down from what it was originally. During the drafting of the Constitution, some people wanted to do away with the idea of the sovereign States and create a supreme, central government. It is no surprise that Alexander Hamilton was one of these Federalists, but it may surprise you to know that James Madison was one as well, at least at the beginning, though he did come around to the right way of thinking over time.
It was evident to many from the very beginning that the Yankees considered the government a tool for transferring wealth from the South to the North. This is precisely what happened, until the South got fed up with it and seceded from the Union. Up until that time, the States were sovereign and were not under the control of the federal government. Lincoln’s illegal war changed all of that. After the War of Northern Aggression, the former Confederate States were forced to write new State Constitutions. Amendments were added to the U.S. Constitution which made all the States nothing but provinces of a large centralized federal government. Today, we have to get permission from some type of government entity to hunt, fish, build a house, drive a car, build a fence on your own property, collect rainwater on your own property, park in your own yard, get married, and a host of other things free people should not have to get permission to do, and all with a fee, or fine, attached to it. The government has its hands elbow deep into the pockets of all working Americans. We live in “occupied” America. The federal government controls the States instead of the States controlling the federal government.
Generations of Americans have grown up under these conditions and think it is just normal. But it is far from the country originally established by our Founding Fathers. The Founders not only would not recognize it today, but would wonder why we have not risen up and cast off these shackles of tyranny.
Drastic changes took place during Reconstruction (Occupation), and over the years more encroachments of our freedoms have taken place until we are where we are today. Our Confederate ancestors fought to prevent the very mess we are living in today. They knew what the outcome would be if the States lost their sovereignty and became provinces of an all-powerful, centralized government. They were not fighting for the protection and perpetuation of slavery, but to keep from becoming tax slaves to a government that would (and does) continually devour freedoms and liberties, and grow off of the backs of honest, hard-working citizens. The slavery issue is the 160-year-old lie told in order to cover up the real reasons for the War, and to place the blame on the South, and to make the South appear to be the evil one in this episode of history. The government wants you focused on a different direction to keep you ignorant of the truth.
A union held together with bayonets is not a free union. Even the staunch Federalists who debated over the drafting of the Constitution were opposed to the coercion of the States and knew that secession was a right.
Our country took a wrong turn in 1865 and has never gone back. We are directly 180 degrees opposite of what this country was founded upon. If you keep going back through the history of this country, connecting the dots, you will finally arrive at Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States. Before he illegally invaded the legally seceded States, the States were independent and sovereign, just as stated by King George III in the Treaty of Paris after the Revolutionary War. Lincoln was a tyrant, a despot, and an admitted infidel who denied the deity of Christ. He laid the groundwork for the giant behemoth of government which is in every area of our lives today.
A large portion of our citizens do not know their history and have the erroneous belief that the way things are today is how it is supposed to be because it has been that way through their entire lives, and their parents’ lives, and their grandparents’ lives. But, to get the big picture, one must “connect the dots.”
Jeff Paulk,
Oklahoma Division Commander,
Sons of Confederate Veterans

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
“We live in “occupied” America. The federal government controls the States instead of the States controlling the federal government.”
I agree with what you say, but the situation is worse than you may know, because that Federal government is in turn today occupied and controlled from Rothschild Blvd. in Tel Aviv.
But yes, Lincoln’s war did much to advance the cause of global domination by the tribe, and secession becomes a much larger task.
“In the inner history of America, four epochs had great significance: 1789, 1828, 1865, [and] 1933. 1789 marked the formation of the Union of the colonies through the adoption of the Constitution. 1828 marked the final defeat of the Federalist Party, the sole authoritarian force in the Union. 1865 was the complete financialization of the continent, but also the formation of the specific character of the American People. With 1865, however, the last barrier to economic obsession was removed, and the road was paved that was to eventuate in the utter triumph of the Culture-distorter in 1933.” p. 457.
Francis P. Yockey, ‘Imperium’
I’m actually surprised my article, National or Federal? doesn’t appear in the “related posts” under the O.P., since it definitely relates in several ways. Please don’t take this wrongly in any case, but the whole issue of conflating the terms “national” and “federal” as you do in the O.P. is a big source of the problem you complain about therein. Moreover, it’s been a big source of the problem dating back to Jackson’s amnesty proclamation. We need to be more precise with our terms and their definitions is all I’m saying. The “federal” government you complain of in the O.P. is not federal at all, it’s a national government. Madison explains the difference very precisely in the Federalist Papers. …
Well stated Sir!
If ever a man ultimately got what he deserved, it was the liar, tyrant and war criminal Lincoln. What a shame it didn’t happen 3 or 4 years earlier.