The reality of the war in Ukraine often eludes American comprehension because we don’t have a useful frame of reference for how extensively the Soviets fortified the place in the aftermath of the Second World War. The path to Moscow is through Ukraine, with the Donbass being the first part of it featuring favorable ground for defenses populated with Russians willing to fight to the death for Russia. The rest of Ukraine considered the Germans as liberators after the horrors inflicted on them by Soviet Jews.
Even though NATO had no intention of starting a third world war and launching a second Operation Barbarossa against them, surviving that German campaign had an outsized psychological effect on Soviet leadership. They were never honest about the total number of dead, but after the collapse it’s been suggested that the number was closer to 43 million rather than the official figure of roughly 27 million.
The largest battles in human history were fought in Ukraine, which the American narrative tends to ignore by focusing on D-Day and saving the world from Nazi conquest while rescuing the Jews from the Holocaust. The current combat in Ukraine is happening at a much greater scale than NATO has experienced or would be able to sustain.
Other people in different places have different perspectives, which is something I find that many Americans simply can’t appreciate. If you can’t see things from these perspectives, you can’t understand how and why events transpire someplace else. There’s no way to make accurate predictions about this conflict by taking it for granted that we’re the good guys and the Russians are inept cowards using a bunch of junk.
One of the reasons it has gone on for so long despite the overwhelming odds against Ukraine is that they have facilities designed to operate even after a nuclear attack, which Soviet leaders wagered would precede a NATO invasion. The Azovstal saga in which the Ukrainians held out in a massive bunker complex underneath the industrial facility in Mariupol during Phase One of the SMO provides a pretty vivid example of why the place is so difficult to contest.
Yuzhmash was another one of these massive industrial complexes, apparently with several levels of underground production facilities capable of functioning through a nuclear attack. It had remained in operation despite a number of Russian strikes on surface targets since the SMO began. Some sources regard it as one of the most extensive underground military bases on the planet.
This was until November 21st when it was obliterated by hypersonic warheads delivered by a new Russian missile called Oreshnik. Footage shows them plunging into the factory without revealing the devastation that the kinetic impacts wrought underground. Residents felt an earthquake and the city’s water system has also been knocked out. Rather than just a single warhead delivered by a Kinzhal, Avangard, or Zircon, Oreshnik delivers MIRVs onto its target, giving it the ability to wipe out any structure it hits.
One of Yuzhmash’s functions was to produce missiles. It’s not a coincidence that this specific strike was ordered by Putin immediately after the Biden Administration authorized the use of American ATACMS along with similar greenlights from the UK. Russia was attacked by at least six ATACMs along with Storm Shadow and SCALPS after the approval was given. Any factory in Europe is now within range of Oreshnik, which NATO has zero ability to intercept.
In other words, Putin demonstrated how he can deliver on his threat to strike NATO facilities which produce missiles fired into Russia. As warning shots go, this one was about as dramatic as it gets. The thing is that nobody in the West seems to take his threats seriously despite Putin having pulled the trigger over redlines in Georgia, Syria, and Ukraine. The Western media continues to paint him as a desperate dictator making idle threats. It’s really quite insane. Each time, the ladder of escalation has been climbed by Putin in response to the West.
Nobody really knows who’s calling the shots in the Biden Administration or what they’re trying to accomplish. It could be that they realize Trump is going to pull the plug on the endeavor in Ukraine, blame it on Zelensky, and dump the situation on the Europeans. This would be the only dignified exit. America can cut its losses, but the Europeans are totally screwed.
Trump has signaled he’d threaten the Russians and offer them some sort of deal, presumably for the land they already occupy. The problem is that Russia has already been fighting for nearly three years and holds all the cards as the situation on the Ukrainian side moves inexorably towards collapse. This isn’t a viable course of action which Trump probably understands.
The sanctions against Russia have been a comprehensive failure and NATO doesn’t have the capability to change the course of the conflict through direct intervention. The firing of missiles into Russia was just a stunt. Russia has launched around 7,000 into Ukraine and the Russian air force flies thousands of glide bomb sorties every month. It’s rather preposterous that any serious thinker would consider this as a development that could turn the tide in Ukraine’s favor.
These new developments are as puzzling as they are alarming. The entire point of instigating a conflict in Ukraine was to justify sanctions that would collapse the Russian economy in preparation for breaking up the Russian Federation into controllable entities. After this ploy failed, there wasn’t any viable plan because there’s no way to win a massive land war with Russia on its border. It’s been about narrative control while waiting for some miracle to implode Russia’s economy ever since.
Everything about the Ukrainians fighting off a “full-scale“, “unprovoked” invasion and defeating Putin’s effort to reestablish the Soviet Union was pure nonsense. The truth is that Jews came up with an incredibly aggressive plan to finish off Russia and it failed because it was idiotic. It’s really that simple. It’s amazing how stupid everyone looks who was assuring us that the economy of Russia would collapse overnight. Yet, they’re still in charge and the voices of reason are all still fringe conspiracy theorists.
It’s tough to say how much crazier this gets if the provocations against Russia don’t cease. If things continue to escalate, then presumably some factory in Europe will receive a 30-minute warning from Moscow in the dead of night like Yuzhmash before it’s blown up. It doesn’t seem likely that Trump is going to get his clean exit.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Trump’s appointment of Sebastian Gorka to deputy assistant to the president and senior director for counter terrorism suggests an expansion of the Ukraine and Middle East wars, and maybe the ignition of a Taiwan war. A bad beginning.
Ach… my people!
You can gas, shoot, electrocute, drown, run over, burn, boil, fricassee, bake, freeze, barbecue… Jews by the jewzillions. But at the end of it all… there are even more Jews than when you started!
We truly are a people of mysteries! L’Chaim!
How can one person cause so much havoc on the world stage? I am not referring to Joe Biden but to Victoria Nuland. Would their even be a conflict between Russia and Ukraine if she had never been born?