We live under a system which is evil and premised upon lies. It’s therefore impossible to discern any sustainable logic out of it because this isn’t the nature of evil. As the end nears, the script becomes increasingly absurd while occasionally punctuated by reasonable moments such as the 2024 elections. The unsustainability of our situation might be one of the few things to discern with total consistency.
This system uses the concept of democracy to manufacture consent for policies that no average voter desires. There’s no connection between the desires of the electorate and turning children into trannies, mass migration, endless wars to further Jewish ambitions, and central banking. However, through democracy, this connection is implied because its victims can vote.
Under this system we’re also subjected to nefarious Jews whose agenda is mainly to sow chaos. This is how we get Soros buying up DAs to unleash a black crime wave and punish White people forced to defend themselves. These parasites eat at the hull of the ship without regard to how far out to sea the vessel has gone.
These particular Jews can’t even stand the notion that White Americans might feel as if they have a fighting chance. They have a rabid hatred of Trump as a consequence. Clearly, their priorities were sidelined this time around. Soros made enormous investments in races and buying up hundreds of radio stations.
It was all for nothing. Some of his DA candidates even lost in California. Voters were that fed up with the chaos Soros had unleashed and they know to be wary of his candidates now. This is heartwarming, but picture it within the context of global events.
Other Jews can recognize that certain things need to be prioritized, and that there are consequences to consider. Just because they have the power to do something doesn’t mean it should be done. I think that’s what happened with our current elections. A repeat of 2020 when Americans are plagued by mass migration and suffering from rampant inflation wasn’t a good idea. I don’t know how the consensus was reached, but I’m convinced it was decided to let Trump win.
What convinces me isn’t actually their concern over the optics of their actions. This rarely ever restrains Jews as we can see in grim detail with the ongoing genocide in Gaza. It’s the fact that the American public will require a legitimate leader to rally it when a conflict is triggered with Iran that nobody wanted ahead of time, including this particular leader. We’ve seen the maneuver before.
Harris being elected by mail-in ballots after Trump won at the polls on election night wouldn’t be productive for the tenor of public sentiment on such a matter. The side show of Trump next getting sent to prison would also be problematic if a war is underway. This election checks all of the boxes on Trump’s legitimacy for a reason that didn’t exist back in 2020.
So, what happened last week is probably what we would’ve watched happen in 2020 without all the fraud. It was also interesting that none of the pieces were coming out again about how democracy had been fortified. There were a number of simulated exercises as a rehearsal for the screw job ahead the 2020 elections. We were informed ahead of time how those elections would unfold in Biden’s favor.
The NYT explained that Trump would get enough votes to win at the polls and then Biden’s mail-in ballots would arrive, so institutions had been strengthened to suppress outrage from Trump’s voters. That’s pretty much what transpired. Afterwards, triumphal pieces were published about how democracy had been saved.
The fact that none of that stuff was published this time around seemed like a significant indicator that he’d win. Moreover, no major figure is saying he’s illegitimate like they were screaming in 2016. The lack of MSM freakout over his victory because it was stolen by the Russians feels like confirmatory evidence. The script for 8 years is abandoned, our democracy’s greatest enemy sweeps everything, and it’s fine? This must be for a purpose.
War with Iran isn’t another ambitious project like reshaping the map of the Middle East through the Global War on Terror. This is something that will inflict immediate pain on ordinary Americans rather than just the members of the military and their families. Americans don’t buy hydrocarbons from Iran but Iranian sales to other countries are critical to keeping global oil and gas prices contained. It’s the same thing with Russia.
Trump’s plan is basically to threaten both nations with military escalation while squeezing their exports with sanctions and offering American supplies to their importers at significantly higher costs. Somehow, they’ll be forced to comply with ZOG. This seems wildly ignorant of how both prices and production function. Also, that Trump’s targets have been overcoming sanctions meant to collapse their economies for years along with all of the other seismic shifts and cooperative resistance to ZOG occurring on the international stage.
The U.S. military is furthermore incapable of taking down either nation in a conventional conflict. NATO’s weapons and advice have been wiped out in Ukraine and the Houthis have defeated the U.S. Navy. Israel’s strike on Iran with American weapons achieved nothing. Trump’s plans are laughably bogus and amount to grandstanding for an election. Nothing about what he proposes is feasible.
This is where issues must be examined from the necessity of the Zionist project in Israel. Even at the rate things are going with Hamas and Hezbollah, the Israeli state is becoming non-viable. While sustained fundamentally by parasitism, its domestic economy depends on manpower now mobilized by the military and tourism from abroad. With both gone, the effects have been devastating. The political situation is in chaos.
The state of Israel exists because the Jews there have felt mostly safe from the Arabs of which they’ll eventually be rid. As soon as these Jews were in danger, large areas of Israel were depopulated. This could apply to the entire country as Jews utilize their capital and international mobility to leave under the threat of Iranian bombardment. This is all happening right now without a war, and thus Iran has endured enormous provocation to avoid fighting one with Israel and its golem, the USA.
If Israel is unwilling to abandon the Zionist project and the existential obstacle posed by Iran is to be removed, this would have to be achieved by the U.S. military. Everything we’ve learned since 9/11 proves that the U.S. military can’t achieve what the Jews want. Yet it remains the last hope of Zionism.
Trump’s picks on Pete Hegseth for Secretary of Defense and Tulsi Gabbard for Director of National Intelligence shows that he now understands his agenda can’t be implemented with appointees vetted through the national security apparatus. However, they’re quite far from Nazis and have nothing against fighting for America’s global dominance.
They’re great for a narrative about how this apparatus has been cured from DEI, though. Americans will need to feel like the military is fighting for them again and we’re pulling free from the cultural miasma into which we were dragged further than ever by the Biden Administration.
Most of the other functionaries around Trump are Jews or their rabid dogs for their agenda, such as the next Secretary of State Marco Rubio. There’s a coterie of them that are downright ominous. Plenty of bad advice will be available when Trump has to avenge some dastardly deed supposedly committed by Iran.
My take is to look at the top prize that Jews need to take from Trump 3.0 and don’t be surprised when some incident he wasn’t expecting outrages the public and leads to the catastrophic conflict with Iran that Jews seem to feel is their last best hope. These elections aren’t about us, just the manufacture of our consent.
You’ll never go wrong with cynicism.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
A timely piece from Shackleford. It seems that much of the Right in America has already went back to sleep since Trump won. Most Trump supporters seem to be content with Trump appointing Jews and Indians to positions of high power in the FedGov, as long as that DEI stuff is gone. They mistake a civic nationalism that is mildly anti-White at best as somehow being pro-White. And will queer boy Grennel get a post again? Do the Christians care about that anymore? Like Shackelford, I too feel we may be sleepwalking into a war with Iran.
If the so-called ‘Christians’ don’t care, they better wake up and “walk in the old paths” per Jer. 7:23!
“Shouldst thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the Lord? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord.” 2 Chron. 19:2. “Can a man take coals in his bosom, and his clothes not be burnt?” Prov. 6:27. p. 14.
“My blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the righteous, the Jews, with malicious hearts and wicked hands crucified in person heretofore; and their posterity by their blasphemies, despiteful actions against Christ, his Kingdom, Offices, [and] Gospel, crucify afresh every day, trampling underfoot the Son of God, putting him to open shame, offering despite to the Spirit of Grace & counting the blood of the Covenant an unholy thing. And, in their public and private devotions, praying constantly for the sudden, universal, total, final subversion, extirpation, perishing of Christ’s Kingdom, Gospel, and all his Christian Members, which they plot, and continually expect; such is their implacable transcendent malice.” p. 18.
William Prynne, ‘Why the Jews Should Be Kept Out of England’, Lincolnes-Inne December 14, 1655.
This is an especially significant article from Shack. Prophetic even? Let’s forward it to our favorite contacts, or those with children in the military. Maybe it’ll wake some of them up.
I’ve called my Congressmen many times re the looming war, but there don’t seem to be many of us out here doing that, and I get the impression my concerns about these things aren’t welcome there.
Well, America has been thumbing its nose at God for many years. Let’s see how it plays out.
Prayers and penance, Dixians! Prayers and penance.
You may also want to forward this interview between Zach Kidd and Ken O’Keefe. I don’t think Mr. O’Keefe (based on his ‘same god’ comment) is really a Christian, but don’t let that tarnish the truth of what they’re saying otherwise.
Thanks for that link. O’Keefe is always good for a quote. He sees himself as a Christian. Good. So let’s pray he’ll find his way back to the Church. The auld Church.
ZOG. So terribly obvious, blatant, and evil, yet people pretend it is not so. How many White Christian corpses will have to pile up over in Iran before the brainwashed masses wake up? Everyone is a Palestinian in a jew run world. Trumps’ their boy, an old epstein, roy cohn pal. Imagine what they got on him. Rothschild bailed out his casinos. He’ll do what he’s told. WW3, Goyim into the meatgrinder, just like 1 and 2.
The old idiom “don’t count your chickens before they hatch” is an apt means of viewing Trump’s win and subsequent claims. I, for one, intend to wait for the rubber to meet the road.
All so predictable. Or “black pilled” according to many of our guys.
The truth is our guys are mostly those who came up in the “socially liberal fiscally conservative” occupation era which seems to have solidified White interests as purely transactional, opportunistic, reactive, and ultimately economic. Materialism downstream of the vast permissions of the government-social matrix.
They want to be ruled. As long as their standard of living remains on a slight downward slope. Fags are ok. But trannies stealing their daughters trophies are burn it all down.
The left was either genius or lucky to have their pets run off leash and now become loss-leaders in what could be the greatest roll up of dissent in our history.
Back on the plantation and all it costs the left was a bunch of monsters that needed to be put down anyhow.
Whatever. All the past 8 years has taught me is that I’m on my own to extract wealth from this system and I’d better do that because whatever community exists is downstream of that as a function of utilitarianism.