No Longer Reading “Rightwing” News

Back when I was a young man working for a government agency tackling global terror networks, one of my top advisors – a brigadier general – said the following: “You cannot defeat an enemy that you refuse to accurately name.”

He was right.

Today, the United States is in a rhetorical, emotional, and more importantly, a spiritual civil war. On one side of that fight are those who believe in the constitutional values of republicanism. The right to speak freely, worship freely, disagree with our leaders, and enjoy the capacity to fight back against totalitarianism are all values they hold dear. On the other side of this struggle are those who embrace a form of totalitarianism, driven by an odd mix of libertine sexual degeneracy and the ability to suppress dissent at will – whether by closing public forums to dissident ideals, physical incarceration, or the denial of economic mobility.

The former group wants guns to protect against an ever-expansive government. The latter group wants a globalist one world order, whereby a tiny elite dominate the masses. They seek to disarm the American population to ensure they can never stop a juggernaut that they hope will someday impose social credit systems. The former are often called “the Right.” The latter are often called “the Left.”

Enter the damage done by so-called rightwing media types.

The greatest problem with almost every so-called rightwing writer or figure (not within the Dissident Right sphere) is that they refuse to name the enemy. In a continually intellectually dishonest exercise, rightwing media types, who are the alleged voice of the Right, will call leftist totalitarians “fascists.” That is simply not true, and it is actually harmful.

Whether we agree or disagree about the merits of fascism, there are two indisputable facts about fascism that are at complete odds with leftwing totalitarianism. First, fascism is entirely built on nationalism. Every fascist believes and embraces the idea that their people and, by extension, state [i.e., country], are the primary purpose of government. The economy, national defense, social norms, border policies, and even citizenship are extensions of a unique people, and they must be guarded against globalist or external forces. NSDAP Germany, Fascist Italy, Franco’s Spain, and Pinochet’s Chile all held true to that defining characteristic of fascism. Nationalism is directly at odds with American leftwing totalitarianism because they seek to dismantle the “American” part. Nationalism is considered a curse by the Left.

The second indisputable fact about fascism is that they are socially conservative movements. In all four examples of fascist systems, homosexuality, transgenderism, and other forms of sexually depravity were made illegal at some level. Clearly, the American Left is not a socially conservative movement.

The problem with misnaming the enemy “fascist,” is that it contributes to the ease at which global Marxism is able to take root by disguise. When rightwing publications call the American left “fascist,” they unwittingly (or maybe at Fox News knowingly) empower the Left to cast aspersions on rightwing principles. It becomes a fight over “whose version” of democracy is better. Rather than call the Left what they really are – Maoist or Stalinist (the former is more accurate) – rightwing media types use a lazy tactic of “fascist,” such that the disarmed political Right finds itself in a useless fight over who is the “real” fascist – Left or Right.

Finally, some on the Right will say that they are using the same tactics of the Left peddled by Saul Alinsky. That is too cute by half. If you ever actually read Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals (which I have), you will note that he says the idea of calling someone a label that compels them to defend themselves (taking them off offense) only works on a group that cares deeply about such things. The Left does not have the same type of moral controls or self-inflection as the political Right. This is why the hypocrite arguments never work on leftwing politicians. You can call a leftist a fascist and they simply laugh, because it is so blatantly untrue. Even if it were true, they do not care.

In sum, the need for rightwing media to call the enemy what it is – Maoist (i.e., militant wealth redistribution, an a-moral social foundation, and the family replaced by the state) or communist – would still not work on leftists, but it would give rightwingers the rhetorical tools necessary to win a war of ideals. Fascism is the antithesis of globalism. Marxism NEEDS globalism to thrive. Therein lies the difference. The absolute inability to call an enemy by its real name is a large part as to why the Right continues to lose. Rightwing media types contribute to that loss by calling an enemy by the wrong name. As such, I strongly recommend that you stop reading The Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, and other publications until they can get it right – for the Right.


  1. Thanks for righting some misunderstandings of terms. A pet peeve of mine is the blanket misuse by the faux-right of the term “SOCIALISM”. I always have to ask whether they’re referring to the “national” or “international” variety.

  2. Breitbart is a Zionist cheerleader site, and that’s about all it is. It applauds every dead Palestinian…..and if the internet had been around in 1861-65, Breitbart would have loved ‘reporting’ on Sherman and Sheridan conquering those rebellious Confederates.

  3. Good article, and to the point that the left are complete ideologues and can not be shamed, amoral beings have no shame. Right wing Balkanization in tribal areas is a force that can defeat the left, because it’s natural. Aim small!

    1. Jews? Oy gevalt!

      Fixing a Hole – by The Bagels

      I’m fixing a hole where the truth gets in
      And stops my lies from prospering
      Where will it go?

      I’m filling the cracks in the fables I tell
      That keep the goyim wondering
      Where will it go?

      And it really doesn’t matter
      If I’m wrong or right
      ‘Cuz in my mind I’m right
      Where right is wrong

      See the people everywhere
      Questioning the things we say
      And asking ’bout those plywood doors

      I’m making up tales in a colorful way
      To keep the goyim wondering
      There I will go

      Ooh-ooh-ooh, ah-ah
      Hey, hey, hey, hey

      (Clarinet/accordion solo)

      And it really doesn’t matter if I’m wrong or right
      ‘Cuz in my mind I’m right
      Where right is wrong

      See the people looking ’round, they worry me
      They’re asking me about those pesky plywood doors

      I’m telling tall tales about nazis and things
      As if it happened yesterday
      Where will it go?

      Ooh-ooh-ooh, ah-ah

      I’m fixing a hole where the truth gets in
      And stops my lies from prospering
      Where will it go?

    1. Hello German Confederate.
      I used to watch bitchute for years, the commenters their would call Stew Peter’s Jew Peter’s because he never mentioned Jewish activities, this is through the Covid time period.
      He then had a cheesy open mike moment where he was N.S. I would not trust that guy to much. He did leave gold co. as a jewish sponsor in all fairness. He has been saying some pretty inflammatory things lately. I think he’s a tool.

      I remember when disqus was so fun, if someone got 20 or 30 thousand followers they would end their site. Time and Time again. Then I would watch Gab, it was mostly nationalists from day one- for a couple of years, then Twitter shed all the q tards and patriots and they all came to gab, i think it was deliberate, then the politicians came and all but ruined it for good.
      Twitter x is asshoe. While White South Africans are being persecuted he’s America’s Golden boy.
      These are heartless demons if you ask me.
      The lot of them.

      I hope all is well with you German Confederate.

      God Bless you always Sir.

      1. Thanks for the more experienced insight Outside Looking In. I spend most of my time reading, and don’t have too much exposure to online media personalities. A friend, who does, has shared with me Max Igan, Whitney Webb, Zach Kidd, Dustin Nemos, etc.

        The things Stew’s saying sure SOUND good (kind of like Alex Jones BEFORE someone got to him), but I’ll try to be a little more discerning in listening going forward, and will share your heads-up warning with my friend.

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