I’m not racist, but I must admit I’ve had trouble fathoming the positive utility of African Americans since the introduction of mechanized agriculture. They can certainly be moved into an area to collide with the functional population and its infrastructure, but what’s that to the nation in terms of staving off collapse?
In other words, the utility of African Americans is derived purely for the benefit of cynical bad actors. These same bad actors are now trying to pretend that African Americans are the vital element of a crusade to save our democracy next month. The attempt seems to be falling short, in conjunction with our rapid national decline and the ongoing collapse of the usual narratives.
For example, it was always the African American women who were relied on to vote just like they took care of their kids to the extent that African Americans take care of them. African American men haven’t really been much of a part of either picture. Now, they’re somehow going to be the tip of Lady Liberty’s spear? This is an odd progression of logic.
Further questions come to mind. For example, if you can’t shame African American men into taking care of their kids, how is it possible to shame them into voting? Kids are much more tangible concepts than the salvation of our democracy, and African Americans don’t deal well with abstraction.
The ad above seems to be some sort of threat that black men will have their testicles destroyed by irate black women in high heels. “Don’t get popped” is the message at the end of the ad. Apparently, the idea is for the African American women to come home and yell “Yo, n*gga! You ain’t vote! Imma pop yo’ balls!” This could lead to something, but not a bro trip to the polling station.
The traditional idea for getting African Americans voting was the hamster wheel of reparations. Back to my point about national decline, this issue means nothing to a presidential election anymore. The best they got was free phones from Obama and he was the black president. I was perturbed at the time, but it must’ve been worse for them because they were led to believe that more was coming. The reality must’ve been very disappointing.
In California, they got to formulate the reparations amount for themselves and the commission came up with a figure that would turn out the lights of the state and all of its residents. Astronomical sums of money are what African Americans believe themselves to deserve, and nothing short is going to get them motivated anymore.
We’ve got an Israeli genocide and WW3 in Ukraine to eat up our magic money disbursal these days. Nobody cares about that cotton. You can’t level an apartment block with cotton or use it to take out a Russian nuclear plant and blame it on the Russians. Probably, African Americans don’t understand this one. In fact, I’m sure they don’t. However, they seem to notice that new narratives aren’t about how they built America.
The only other inducement would be a license to loot. As we learned back in 2020, this can really activate African Americans. Since we can’t have another BLM now that Kamala Harris needs to get elected, that’s not a card to play either. It would be tough for the rest of the electorate to accept in campaign ads as well. So, what’s the magic bullet going to be?
It’s worth bearing in mind that less than one year ago the narrative was all about how black women are rescuing democracy. Remember how Fani Willis was going to put Trump in prison? The Obama narrative went on for over 8 years. This one imploded in a matter of months.
The latest about how African American men must be roused from their apathy to save democracy at the last minute seems to have come together in the past couple of weeks. Who knows if it even lasts until election day? The progression demonstrates how fast narratives are collapsing.
Meanwhile, the situation is heading towards strategic catastrophe in Ukraine and general war in the Middle East. On both fronts escalation could lead to domestic disaster in America. At least we can rest assured that the bullshit will continue to make less sense as our fate grows ever more dire.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
If deyr shortie thretnin to pop deyr ballz culd make em vote deyd vote fur Trump. lolz
I am not sure the black guys, or black women would believe that ad anyway. From what I can see they only want to hook up with White women.
Oy vey! The schwartzies aren’t voting in the expected numbers. Check their smoke detectors. It’s anuddah Shoah!
I love how the excessively overweight one is the one who asks him if he works out.