Cataclysm X

I think it is good practice to always be brainstorming about the potential future steps ahead of us.

What is the game plan? What is the next move on the chest board? Why must it be this or that first?

If we do this, it would help us answer the very important question of ‘how should we prepare?’

If you have been a reader of this website for a while, you know my general thoughts on the future strategy of our elites. I think they are planning something big. Some type of major worldwide destabilization.

Why? Well, to acquire more hegemony, and secondarily to reduce the population. Also, simply because they are being led by Satan and he wants to destroy.

Still, I do not know exactly how they’re going to do this. No one truly does. Maybe a world war. Or maybe another major disease that actually does harm. Maybe some mind-controlled cyborgs from a vaccine gone wrong or something. Who knows?

But no matter what or how you look at it, all of these events require one similar thing: They all rely on a crucial something. A special event to justify a chain of events that cannot be stopped.

An initial spark. Something that sets off that chain of events.

I have been calling this “Cataclysm X”. Because I don’t know what it is. But at the same time, I do know what it is. Contradictory as that sounds.

We are waiting for some type of event that will set off the chain of events that the enemy has planned. The descent is happening slowly. But there’s going to be something that causes it to start happening very rapidly.

Think of it like a major catalyst for change, similar but worse to what happened during covid.

Maybe it is a cyber-attack from Russia. Maybe it is a false flag attack from Iran. Or maybe it is a disease being unleashed. Heck, it could be major assassinations. Maybe it is something completely different. Maybe it is a combination of these.

I don’t know what it is. But I know, given the historical trends and given how the chessboard is currently set up, that the ruling nut jobs are waiting for this Cataclysm X. Once that happens, the full chain of events that they have in store for all of us will start to come to fruition.

It is hard to prepare when you don’t know exactly what they have planned. But I think all of us dissidents have a general idea of what is in store for us. I think it would be helpful if we have more of us looking for that Cataclysm X event.

It’s hard to prepare now, but it won’t be hard to prepare then.

But time will be short. We will have to act fast, so we can’t be in shock. So we need to be in anticipation for such an event.

Our rulers can’t just do everything with no justification. As weak as the gray masses are, they still do need (at least) the illusion of an event to justify harsh actions. This is where Cataclysm X comes into play.

It becomes the major disruption that allows them to do what they want.

But with the right mindset, this can be a good thing (for us). It means for those of us that are ever-watching, that we can be prepared.

If we stay vigilant, then we know that when the next big thing happens, that it is meant as a trigger. Cataclysm X itself will not be the event, but it will be the initial ploy to get started on the true plays by the elites.

A disease that allows for actual harsh lockdowns. A world war that allows for silencing all opposition internally. Even a market crash that demands us all surrender to the state to get food. The possibilities go on. The first event is just a catalyst for the actual play that comes later in response to it.

What does this mean for us? Well, it means when that first thing happens, we then know the timeline. So once the first thing pops off, it is time for us to start really bunkering down and preparing.

Cataclysm X will be a shock to the gray masses. But it can be a shining beacon to you and me. A clear-cut sign from God himself telling you to get your **** together now, because it just got real.

As Christ said, we need to watch.

Cataclysm X has not happened yet. But I believe it is coming.

When it does, we must use it as a warning of the signs of the times.


  1. It’s simple to crash their plans? I call the people and just that criminal people in the halls of power, no more tax revenue! If the common law abiding people would stop giving money to thieves in power, they lose power!

    Dixie will win and rise agin!

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