Fringe Takes Flight

We’re living in an evil sham that’s coming undone pretty fast. It held for quite a while, but all shams run their course. This is why it ends badly every single time for the Jews, with such endings occurring hundreds of times throughout history.

This is the general dynamic at play, but it has a variety of particular aspects. For example, there’s nobody in the political arena who could keep most of the public strung along or restore some sense of hope that their rights and interests will finally compel some sort of meaningful action by the U.S. government.

Trump still inspires some of that yearning, but he’ll be gone either next month or sometime over the course of the next four years. His supporters with critical thinking skills became disillusioned with him long ago and much of his base is now comprised of older voters who don’t know anything but being invested in the emotional sham of elections.

Younger people often don’t care about voting. They don’t know who Miriam Adelson is, let alone how much of Trump’s campaign she funds directly with her dead husband’s ill-gotten fortune, which also funded Trump’s previous campaigns. One of her terms was apparently a total expulsion of the Palestinians from the West Bank, which is never brought up.

Most young people don’t even know what the West Bank is, but still. These young people require actual change here in America on tangible issues such as being able to afford a home. Solidarity with the Jews doesn’t move the needle with them, but Trump can’t just take the Jewish money while focusing on the voters in public. I suppose we should be grateful.

There’s nobody coming up through the Republican Party who could replace Trump or inspire hope that the situation in America could improve. People need more than just vapid rhetoric as everything deteriorates at a rapid speed. At least tell them something meaningful.

However, the system can’t cough up a politician capable of addressing this need due to the fundamental premise that politicians serve the Jews. It’s so bad they can’t even shut up about the Jews as they serve them, which is turning into a significant problem for the Jews even though they feel reassured by the obeisance of our politicians.

It’s definitely not JD Vance, which isn’t even his real name. He is actually a “weird” guy, who basically came to fame denouncing his own people so airport readers could gloat at the flyover scum. I remember Hillbilly Elegy being on prime display at every airport bookstore. This came out right around the time that Trump was about to win the election in 2016.

It seems like a non-coincidence Vance (James Bowman) is on the ticket. At the same time, he can’t shut up about the Jews just like every other politician, so his disdainful connection to flyover country doesn’t appear to have much appeal. I could be wrong, but I hear lots about Satanic pedophiles and celebrity sex trafficking and nothing about hope in JD Vance. Discourse is changing and not in a way the system can accommodate.

JD Vance is one of the youngest ever to vie for the White House, but he’s still on the old script in a new era. Any fundamental departure from the script, and a politician would have to admit that America has a different priority than the Jews. Thus, as we near the end, the script can’t change. If the script could change, this system wouldn’t be a sham. Reality being the sham, the script never changes.

The priority is the Jews. It doesn’t matter how bad things get for normal Americans trying to stay above water in their personal lives, or the recent double hits from natural disasters. At this juncture of mass discontent, the last thing the general public would care about is the Jews. The script can’t change, though. We should be grateful because it makes our mission much easier.

JD Vance can’t present himself as a meaningful contrast to Lindsey Graham because they both labor under the same constraint. In some ways, the Democratic campaign is more in tune to the reality of its voters by at least constantly appealing to the cat ladies about Putin conspiracies and the faux intellectuals who think they understand America’s national security by citing all of these Deep State endorsements of Harris.

There’s a significant percentage of Harris voters who’d like to believe that they’re smarter than the Republicans who were fooled by Marjorie Taylor Greene into thinking the federal government attacked North Carolina with a weather machine to shut down a silicone mine. This is a valid tactic that riles up these voters.

I don’t get the impression from the Republican voters I know that they appreciate this same passion from their politicians about the Jews. It seems like something they accept while waiting for the change they need to happen. I remember having this same attitude back in 2016. It’s a fickle political commodity.

The other big problem an upcoming Republican star like Vance has is that while his rhetoric offers no explanations, the fringe is coming to the forefront because it can present what he can’t offer as a purchased soul: Explanatory Value. There’s no way to keep a lid on it.

What we were saying on the fringes of the internet a decade ago is permeating mainstream discourse, even if it enters the vocabulary of proper commentators denounced as a conspiracy theory. The truth permeates eventually, so I wouldn’t worry about this part. The more the truth gets mentioned, the worse it will get for the Jews and their minions. Cheer up!


  1. “We have to help our friends to keep the war over there from coming here.”

    You’d be amazed at the number of people, who I thought had at least a modicum of awareness, who reply to my arguments this way!

    It worked for FDR and it’s working for Lindsay Graham. If the script works on the brainwashed masses, why fix it? It’s nonsensically tried and true.

    Don’t forget to vote!

  2. I am amazing at the amount of pandering towards isreal. If isreal say “jump”, our politicians say “how high”. I grow weary of isreal being front and center, and our own people can go piss up a tree. Long Live a Free Dixie.

  3. Great article. Great writing.

    Here are our options: “Israel has no better friend than me.” – Donald Trump

    “School buses are yellow. Ha ha ha!” – Kamala Harris

    If the dems win, it’s war against White Christians. If the repubs win, it’s war against everyone Israel doesn’t like. Which is most of the world.

    This November 5th I recommend we all do something real: stay home… pray… and fast.

  4. Recently I saw a video of Tucker Caralson, interviewing a intellectual Jew. Caralson talked about the Talmud and going to heaven with a rabbi, some say Tuckers a Kabbalist, I can’t read a man’s heart so whatever, however what I’m getting at what’s with these guys when the Light of Christ Kingdom is not open for them,

    You have been warned!

    We know the wicked read this!

    Good bless Dixie

  5. Wonderful writing Tom.You use the logic and discernment God gave you to bring hope to those who think Jewish rule will never end.Truth must emerge.All politicians for the GOP/Democrats are filth and worse.Trump is no Christian as he worships the Devils children and allowed his own daughter to disavow Jesus by becoming a filthy Jew.I doubt his daughter was ever much of a Christian and her religion was and is materialism.We Christians all fall short and are all sinners but we are redeemed by Christ Jesus sacrifice and we do keep reaching to our Father.The children of the Devil,the Jews,and their toadies like Lindsay Graham,Trump,Vance reject God and they reject Jesus and they mock the Holy Ghost and they purposely lead souls into eternal Hell.You Tom do the Lords work because you understand this true struggle underneath.They want our very souls and they want us separated from our Father forever.White man is created in God’s image and He will not forsake us if we remain firm in our love for Him.The Jew assaults our very souls from childhood with their nigger music and jazz and heavy metal and all the other horrible sounds from Hell.They sexualize everything and break down all goodness and purity in people.The Jews love crude talk of bathroom habits esp womens products and this is all meant to degrade people and make them vulgar and shameless.Everything good God has made the Jews attempt to turn into evil.How millions of Christians can defend the Christ-killers who are the cause of their grief is something I cannot understand.Are they truly just imbeciles?The Jews have well earned their eternity in Hell because they are truly evil.I wonder what punishment their foolish Christian supporters deserve because allowing oneself to be fooled by Satan so easily tells me they are not on the right track.God will decide that and God’s will be done always on Earth as it is in Heaven.Thank you Tom and God bless and keep you.

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