I needed some white undershirts along with groceries, so I found myself at Walmart this morning. I discovered that a pack of three white shirts, which cost about ten bucks, in now behind glass. I asked one of the workers nearby to open it for me, but she didn’t have the authority. Another had to come over with a phone to unlock the case with an app.
This black lady spent a few minutes trying to get the thing to work and then I suggested she try to unlock the next case, and I could reach in to grab it from this other case. I got my shirts and casually inquired why they were now locked up, since the value is so small compared to many things in this store which aren’t locked up. She struggled to form a coherent sentence, but it was something about “groups.”
As someone who notices things, understands efficiency, costs, etc. what sprang to my mind first is why they didn’t just use locks with a key. Keys work every time, they’re much cheaper, and they don’t rely on the internet. There are, however, certain civilizational concepts which are called into question when undershirts must be locked in a case.
Essentially, functioning countries rely on the cooperation of the general populace to function. Law enforcement is there to deal with limited quantities of exceptions. Too many exceptions, and things that functioned begin falling apart. In this sense, the authorities are paper tigers relying on the populace to volunteer its compliance. They can’t deal with even a third of the population being in a state of non-compliance, which we learned from them trying to force everyone to take the genetic injections.
Something which Americans are going to have to come to grips with is how things are done in the Third World. For instance, I live in an affluent neighborhood, and I wouldn’t even leave a lighter on my dashboard. One of my neighbors had his window smashed in because he had a Subway gift card on the front seat of his car. He was surprised because it only had three bucks left on it.
In a Third World country, you can’t even leave a car on the street at night and your house needs to be enclosed within a shoddy brick wall with broken glass cemented on top. I think he’ll be in for more surprises as this place slides further into the shitter. I’m at least not surprised.
Blacks are closer to an asteroid belt which collides with whatever comes into proximity than a collective. Still, they’re capable of understanding as a collective that they’re getting free stuff and if more people come to receive free stuff, this will be a problem for black people. They can also understand that these new people are receiving similar exemptions from law enforcement to what black people receive and are simultaneously willing to use more force on black people than white people these days.
So, they’re upset about the new arrivals. However, they’re not capable of organizing themselves much better than an asteroid belt, so they’re destined to lose a conflict with whoever shows up just like they have for their entire existence. That’s just too bad for them, they really had it good here for quite a while.
The crazy thing about America is that I’ve never even seen undershirts locked up in the Third World. Objectively, this is pretty wild. Moreover, in these derelict countries there are a lot less regulations forced on you. So, they do have their upsides, including being able to shoot someone for theft. America is on its own level in terms of insanity, tyranny, and dysfunction. This makes predictions difficult. Worse is easy of course, but the shape of things to come remains cloudy.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Reading your comparison of blacks to an asteroid belt instantly brightened my morning.
“Be careful, gentlemen. We’re approaching Shaniqua-6327. Those pitbull microparticles and baby-daddy orbital bodies could do serious damage to our hull if we get too close. If enough of them get through, they could tear our rims right off!”
Eventually the state will do something about these gangs of future cardiac surgeons and astronauts.
By going after Christians.
The best case study for what blacks, and especially black “leadership,” are all too aware of regarding their future, is Compton. Forty years ago, the city’s population was 74 percent Black; now it is nearly 70 percent Latino. It may be hard to believe, but meso-American violence is far more horrible than what even the most dysfunctional hip-hop thug can conceive of.
There is a chicken egg possibility via a vis the violence.
Not to take away from the Mexicans potential for savagery but violence is reactive, it destroys.
Violence does not build on its own. It can take land but not hold it. It can defend land but not make it productive.
Before the “Hispanics” took Compton they took the jobs, the institutions, the essential physical infrastructure.
They captured segments of the economy like the trades and cottage industries supporting big commerce and poured the spoils back into their people and their homeland.
They exercised tribal preference, nepotism, and facilitated the economic assimilation for follow-on invaders while patently allowing their spawn, now legal paperwork Americans, to access education and resources and status among the pales.
The result was the “capitalism” of brown labor and family and community values winning over the socialism of black anti-labor borne from the erosion of the black family, mainly fatherhood, and community, in favor of the wages of resentment, entitlement, and gibs; the new plantation.
The violence was certainly part of it but was downstream of what really matters.
The blacks were trapped in the past, eating themselves, destroying their own homes out of short term spite and no investment in the future.
But indeed the black leadership are seeing their dark future as these invader tribes arrive with a more developed sense of time and place and purpose.
This is also something White “leaders” should heed but of course that is racist.
And so we celebrate good tacos and cheap lawn care and debate the intricacies of old parchments and mythological idols of Dixie back when the White man had stones and sword and knew how and when to use both. Now instead we have Mountain Dew mouth and ghetto country and not enough southern sons capable or willing to labor in our own communities.
The Whites in my AO have no idea what’s coming. One big Compton out here being taken over. The Black canary will go unheeded.
Come the revolution, may I requisition from the Dixie Mercantile, some actual knit boxers to go along with those White shirts?
Apparently, the faggot buyers at all these globo-box purveyors only stock boxer briefs.
Or the scrotal media industrial complex has convinced all males that the lower-T and compressed bulges are the way to go in male androgen fashions.
The underwear convergence conspiracy is real. The rituals of pregame SEC football and NuMale Urban IPA festivals are becoming indistinguishable.
I blame the boxer briefs. Like the Constitutional Republic, boxer briefs are the worst of both worlds. Neither boxer nor brief. But something far worse.
The tyranny set upon my twins and middle leg in the heat of the south by those masochist membranes is almost as bad as having to navigate the Negrolis Asteroid Belt that exists between my present location and the gulf, where some family is holding down a slice of civilization while waiting for Colonel Guffman to ride in on his big White mustache to liberate them from moar dark progress.
The only upside when I have to strap into one of the few boxer briefs I own is that I start to have visions where the next Book of Mormon is buried.
Which isn’t that interesting really, but from what I can tell is in an arid environment, which is at least more congruent with the giant underwear types.