Jews will push a situation as far as it can possibly be taken without regards to the consequences this will eventually bring upon them. They’re evil and this is part of their nature even if some of them can recognize that what they’re doing collectively will go terribly wrong right away. Christ warned us. Nobody should be surprised.
Thus, tolerating their aggression simply leads to escalation. This is lesson learned by the Russians the hard way. Tolerance of Jewish aggression against them and trying to negotiate a peaceful settlement simply led to a massive war which is now being fought inside of Russia’s pre-war borders.
Putin says he’s fighting Nazi’s doing the bidding of “the Anglo-Saxons,” which drives them crazy, but has remarked that any deal with the West serves merely to buy it time to put a knife into Russia’s back. The Russian government also now labels the West as “non-agreement capable.” He knows, the Jews know, and we know that he’s referring to the Jews.
The hysteria over Putin by Western politicians and the media is a direct result of Jewish fear and loathing of him since he took control of Russia and put an end to their looting operation and later thwarted their demolition of Syria.
The average American wouldn’t otherwise care about Russia and doesn’t understand anything about it, let alone the fact that these Jews who hijacked our country came from the former Russian Empire and Soviet Union. We’re simply told that Robert Kagan is a foreign policy expert and Victoria Nuland represents America’s global struggle for freedom in the State Department.
It’s therefore hard for Americans to understand that all the United States has been doing since the end of the Cold War is crossing red line after red line against the targets of Jewish aggression, which can never be placated or satisfied because Jews believe themselves to be entitled to the entire planet and the literal enslavement of humanity. Whether they subscribe to this notion through faith in their Satanic religious document, the Talmud, or through genetic instinct, is really of no importance to the rest of us.
What Hamas got from negotiating with the Jews was the Jews murdering their lead negotiator on a diplomatic compound in Iran while the genocide went on unabated. What Iran and Hezbollah get from showing restraint in the face of Jewish aggression was a dastardly pager attack and now a massive assault on Lebanon which seems to be aimed at turning it into an unlivable zone the same as Gaza. The thing is though, the situation eventually goes wrong for the Jews every single time.
For example, they’re positively giddy about the success of their terrorist attack with the exploding pagers and walkie talkies while ignoring what a dirty and underhanded act they just performed in full view of the world. I’ve done a lot of business in China and Taiwan, and I follow the Chinese media. What stands out to me in the Chinese coverage is what a dirty thing this was to do, but also how the Jews just turned China into the trusted manufacturer of any device that Jews could pack with a thin strip of explosives to murder someone.
There are a lot of people around the planet, myself included, who are now worried about the Jews blowing them up with their cell phone. China is making better phones than Apple these days, and that’s what people are going to start using instead. Whatever surveillance China has on their phone isn’t really a problem compared to the phone exploding in my back pocket. The footage of the aftermath is really gruesome, so I won’t post it here. It wasn’t worth the hundreds of people they killed or maimed, but the Jews simply can’t consider things from this angle.
Likewise, they take forbearance for weakness. After Putin had no choice but to order the SMO back in February of 2022, a major question posed even by the Russian public was why he didn’t act immediately when the Ukrainian government was overthrown by the United States back in 2014. NATO used the eight ensuing years to prepare a massive war against Russia. In theory, that would’ve been a better time to intervene.
Putin talks about his desire for a peaceful solution, but the most interesting answer came from Medvedev: Russia needed time to rebuild its military industrial complex. Moreover, it wouldn’t have been able to cope with the agricultural sanctions in particular. The entire point of forcing Putin’s hand in 2022 was to justify sanctions to collapse Russia’s economy, so he avoided walking into the trap set up for him until the sanctions could be ignored successfully.
The Jews smelled blood in the water in 2022 and their entire Western apparatus was giddy about Russia’s imminent implosion and then it never happened. In short, their aggression backfired on them. Now the credibility of Western military and economic dominance has been squandered. Even the Houthis are willing to challenge it because they knew that they could win.
The fact that Hezbollah and Iran tried to be patient simply led to the Jews using the opportunity to attempt a leadership decapitation and now an effort to depopulate Lebanon. Hezbollah has no choice at this point but to fight to the best of its capabilities because otherwise the Jews are going to kill them all. They’ve already had success against its commando leadership, leveling an entire apartment building to murder them.
While the Jews are going to have to go to great lengths to get rid of the Arabs from Gaza and Lebanon, the Arabs won’t have this problem with the Jews. Jews are aggressive but they’re also hysterical, cowardly parasites. The Arabs don’t have to level every building in Israel to get them to leave, unlike what the Jews are being forced to do with them.
The other thing that doesn’t seem to be taken into consideration is that it isn’t in Russia and China’s interests to see a general conflict in the Middle East, but there’s probably not much these outside parties can do to restrain the situation now that the Jews have shown they can’t be relied on to follow any deal or even behave with basic humanity.
I’m writing this on Sunday morning, so I have no idea what’s going to happen by the time this is published, but it looks like a major war is in the cards. Unfortunately, the U.S. military will probably be along for the ride.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
We have to consider the possibility that Putin too, is to some degree playing ball with the Tribe. Maybe even playing for the Tribe. That’d explain some things. Don’t want to believe it either, but Satan’s disciples leave no stone unturned.
Think in terms of Empires,
All nations are Jealous of Russia for many reasons It’s to be respected!
It’s time for Empires to respect its Sovereignty!
God Bless!