I don’t watch cable news. I’d recommend to anyone to not watch cable news no matter what they think about anything. I do, however, have someone in my life who watches cable news. That’s how I recently learned that Dick Cheney is still alive because he endorses Kamala Harris.
The last time I considered the matter of Dick Cheney was when I saw the movie about him, which was pretty good. He has serious heart problems, and they started from a young age, so I figured he’d been dead for some time now and not still alive at the age of 83.
I remember a physician telling me it was crazy that Cheney was VP because a man with his condition could drop dead at any minute and this was over 20 years ago. Only the good die young, as they say. If you’ve got the money, I suppose you can delay your trip to Hell. The destination is still for eternity, though.
This is from my recollection as a teenager, but essentially Bush Jr. was known to the public as an affable guy who wasn’t very bright, and he was running because his dad had been president and his entire apparatus was inherited from that administration which Clinton had interrupted.
Cheney was this nefarious figure who looked the part and was who everyone understood to be the brains of the operation. Bush said Cheney was helping him vet potential VPs when he realized that Cheney himself should be VP, which was obvious bullshit. Cheney probably figured that VP was the most secure position for himself rather than as some sort of advisor who could be dismissed at the behest of potential rivals.
Unlike most other VPs, Cheney declared from the start that he had no intention of being president after Bush. It was tacitly understood that he was already calling the shots, so he didn’t care about the title. I think after having a black president, a president whose subordinates openly refused his orders, and now a senile president, most Americans can understand that decisive power isn’t exercised by the president. However, back then this was more controversial.
Apparently, Bush Sr., Rumsfeld, and Cheney had operated as a sort of triumvirate within the Republican Party since Nixon. Any one of them could’ve ended up as president back in the 80’s. I recommend the Unknown Knowns, a documentary on Rumsfeld with a great soundtrack made by a Jew.
The elder Bush was riding high after the rapid 1991 slaughter in Iraq, but had sensibilities about offending the Arabs any further from his time as an oil man. He therefore wanted to delay American funding for the settlement of Jews from the former Soviet Union, which had just collapsed, in Israel. This was, of course, something Americans were obligated to pay for just like the current genocide in Gaza.
Bush didn’t refuse, no politician would’ve done that to the Jews, but he wanted to wait until the timing was better. The Jews promptly got rid of him. Suddenly, we had Bill Clinton who was controversial before he was even elected and received far under half of the popular vote.
Since Bush Sr. was tarnished, I guess what happened is that he was jettisoned and they had Bob Dole sacrifice himself in 1996 since Clinton ended up being quite popular and there wasn’t a general consensus about America being in the toilet yet. Dole went on to sell dick pills in his retirement from politics.
Dole seemed like this hapless figure who never had a chance and then didn’t have any qualms about telling America his dick wouldn’t work without a pill for money, even though he was probably getting a hefty retirement check from the Senate. A man with no dignity, and thus an archetypal Republican.
By contrast, in Cheney’s retirement he shot a man in the face by accident and then had this man apologize to him. I remember black people at the time comparing him to a super villain or a crime boss over this incident. I think they were correct that it’s quite a remarkable thing to shoot a man in the face and then have him apologize to you for shooting him in the face. We can be reasonably certain this has never happened in the black community.
Back on topic, Bush Jr. was Cheney and Rumsfeld’s ticket back to power after the Clinton years since neither one of them had the gravitas to take the Oval Office in the year 2000 like they might’ve had back in the 1980s. Bush said a lot of stupid things, but people liked him and found him preferable to the rest of the Republicans. They even got him a voice coach so he could sound more like a real cowboy.
The election in 2000 was quite controversial with the Florida recount and disputes over ballots, but the country was still in good enough shape that nobody said the Russians were stealing the election or that it was an insurrection against our “democracy” to contest the process in court since this is what you’re supposed to do if you suspect it’s unfair. On a side note, some of Trump’s lawyers have already plead guilty to felonies for doing this in 2020. Still, many figured that Bush was on shaky enough electoral ground that he’d only have a single term.
What we didn’t know was that 9/11 had long been in the works. This would dramatically change the political situation for Bush. Almost all of us have since lost friends or family members in what transpired during the ensuing Global War on Terror, which as a concept was risibly idiotic and merely served as a facade for a Zionist reconfiguration of the Middle East and Eurasia that proved to be an utter failure.
If the Zionist faction known as the “Neocons” supporting Cheney had their way, there’d now be an arc stretching from Lebanon through Iran and Afghanistan all the way to Xinjiang in China, which would need to be decolonized as the Russian Federation was disbanded in the aftermath of Islamist insurgencies and economic collapse.
9/11 was supposed to have been the opening event of their final push for global Jewish domination. This hasn’t worked out thus far but they’re still going for the end result. This is bringing us closer to World War 3 than we’ve ever been. Back then, only fringe individuals like myself were saying that the Jews were behind 9/11 and invading Iraq was part of a Zionist plot.
Most of the anti-war people were saying it was about how Cheney could make war profits for Halliburton, his old company. Cheney was really useful to the Jews, which is why I’ve concluded that he will probably burn with them.
America has been depleted and transformed into an unstable and sickly entity since Dick Cheney took the reins in 2000. Harping about how Trump is a threat to our democracy changed nothing in 2016, so I don’t know why he bothers. He’s liked much less now than he was back then, and that wasn’t very much.
Cheney probably can’t even understand that Trump is so popular with the Republican base because of how he helped to wreck America. There’s no going back to Dick Cheney’s frame of reference for politics thanks in large part to Dick Cheney. If this is shocking to him, how bewildered is he going to be at the Final Judgement?

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
I remember Cheney shooting that guy in the face but didn’t know he got the guy to apologize for it. I’m certain it all worked out profitably for him in the end. Permanent scars and all.
Thanks for another good one, Shack!
D.C. is not a swamp. It’s a two-story outhouse.
One can look at the eyes of Cheney and Netanyahu and the wickedness just seems to jump right out.