I spent this past year doing lots of business in the Philippines, often in large cities I would advise anyone to avoid if they intend to visit for tourism purposes. It’s an interesting place with a lot of opportunities, but it’s fraught with serious problems as well. Poverty, security, and infrastructure come to mind immediately. None of these things can be addressed through conflict with China.
It’s also comprised of thousands of islands, so the last thing this country needs is to be used by Uncle Sam as a proxy against China with the pretext being some other islands of no existential importance to Filipinos. It’s true that the Spratly Islands are rather far from the Chinese mainland, but they’ve considered it their territory for centuries and this is of no concern to Americans. A number of countries have islands that are closer to other countries than their own.
The reason China has been building fortifications is that it doesn’t want the United States to have its proxies occupy the islands and fortify them. The American Empire has proven to be extremely aggressive in what it will get its proxies to do against targeted nations. One only has to look at the situation Russia now has on its hands to realize that China’s fears are not unfounded.
Without the backing and encouragement of the Uncle Sam, the Filipinos wouldn’t be getting into kinetic confrontations with the Chinese over these islands. This should be pretty obvious since they don’t have the wherewithal to take on China by themselves and also stand to gain a great deal through cooperation with China.
In my experience, the average Chinese person has a much better grasp than the average American of what’s going on with America both in terms of its actions on the global stage and who’s in charge around here. The Chinese were rightfully quite alarmed at both the scale of what Uncle Sam has done in Ukraine but also the idiotic recklessness of it. They all understand that if Russia succumbed, they’d be next.
From a rational perspective, there’s no reason to have a war over the Taiwan issue. However, there’s nothing rational about the Jews who control America and in China there’s an understanding that the Jews control America. So, the same conclusion could’ve been reached by a rational individual about the situation in Ukraine but then look what happened. China is run by Chinese, and they’re allowed to say obvious facts even if a leader like Xi wouldn’t state such an unpolite truth in public.
The Chinese strategy since the Korean War has always been to avoid a direct confrontation with Uncle Sam just like the Russians. They don’t need conflict to achieve their long-term goals just like the Russians were satisfied with negotiating an arrangement to keep Ukraine as a single country even after Uncle Sam overthrew the government in order to install a hostile entity.
Russia has gone through incredible lengths to avoid a direct conflict with Uncle Sam to the point where it’s tolerated an invasion of Kursk conducted with Uncle Sam’s full backing. One of the main criticisms of Putin is that the whole reason this incredible act of provocation took place is that he wasn’t willing to strike back directly at the American Empire despite everything which has been done to Russia since 2014. All that he receives in return is the understanding that Uncle Sam can do anything to Russia.
If the United States is killing Russian personnel on Russian land with American weapons, Putin has all the justification he needs to retaliate in a way that might put the aggression to an end. The war stops tomorrow without American support. Instead, what happens is an escalating set of provocations. There’s a clear logic to Putin’s critics and so the Chinese have to be calculating how much they’re going to put up with before they act because not acting won’t stop the aggression.
American military personnel are all over Taiwan these days, but mostly out of uniform. I’ve seen all of this stuff up close. Does China calculate that it has to act to preempt the United States from creating an arrangement with Taiwan in the style of NATO and stationing personnel permanently on the island? Again, if such actions seem too reckless for the Chinese to consider, look what happened in Ukraine. Taiwanese leaders go to the AIT fortress in Taipei to take orders, so whatever happens is actually up to these Jews in DC who gave the Kursk invasion a go-ahead.
I’ve written articles for this publication in the past about why a war over Taiwan doesn’t make any sense for China. However, it starts making some sense when one considers just how deeply irrational the Jews in charge of America have become. Why did they approve an invasion of Russia as the Houthis are defeating the U.S. Navy and Iran could flatten Israel at any time? When the mask comes off, one realizes there doesn’t seem to be a rational limit to their conduct even as the temple starts to come down on their own heads.
What sense does it make to open up a third global front with no chance of success as the first two are proving to be catastrophic? Why are they doing such a stupid thing? While these are pertinent questions, the salient fact is that they keep doing these stupid things. Thus, the Chinese can’t rely on patience and restraint to see them through this bout of Jewish madness.
The Russians have put up with being humiliated and look where that’s getting them. Likewise, this has been the Chinese strategy over Taiwan. In return for tolerating all of the provocations over Taiwan, what China receives is the United States trying to push further against them in the South China Sea, returning its military presence to the Philippines and doing its best to thwart Chinese investments in the country.
I genuinely hope there’s no direct conflict because that could lead to domestic catastrophe. However, I will acknowledge that the Russian and Chinese strategy of dealing with aggression by showing restraint is essentially a failure at stopping a set of escalating provocations towards direct conflict. As these provocations continue to escalate, the chances of confrontation increase as they realize that some blow has to be landed against the U.S. military to put this to an end.
The Jews in DC have clearly already wagered that the Russians and Chinese don’t have the balls to risk World War 3 by retaliating but what if they’re becoming reconciled to the inevitability and decide Uncle Sam doesn’t have the balls, either? We’ll see because we’re not going to stop pushing them towards the edge.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
“What sense does it make to open up a third global front with no chance of success as the first two are proving to be catastrophic? Why are they doing such a stupid thing? While these are pertinent questions, the salient fact is that they keep doing these stupid things.”
Possible answer?: I’d suggest it’s because the commissar-parasites prodding their U.S. host into acts of recklessness endangering its continuing health and well-being is not a consideration. They don’t care. They hate those stupid Zionist Christians who are cheering them on. I believe Bibi even said that when the U.S. is no longer of any use, the dry husk can just blow away. It’s a win-win for them.
The parasites can then find other hosts.
German is right. Once jewry is finished sucking America dry they’ll move on to make deals to arm Russia and China *against* America. The fact that it’ll put millions of inoffensive jews in the crosshairs is acceptable to the big kikes. Same as it ever was. Yes Virginia, there IS a Synagogue of Satan.
It’s hard to argue with Shack’s premises or conclusions but I’m going to submit that Putin is secretly playing for the Tribe. Russia, could have and should have finished it’s Ukraine holiday years ago. Just crash the grid and take out the bridges over the Dniepr carrying men and materiel to the Donbas front. Maybe send a few hypersonics into Kiev. From Russia… with love….
End of problem.
Instead, Russia finds itself in a nostalgic, WWI re-enactment… and a great many re-enactors have died. Not as many as the Ukrainian re-enactors it’s true, but still a very large number. Lots of dead, White Christians! It’s a kike’s wet dream.
Word on the street has it that Putin is jewish on his mother’s side. Maybe as much as half jewish. Considering his bizarre, lackadaisacal approach to warfare, things become clearer if you accept that he’s probably a crypto jew… secretly working for the jews.
See Citizenfitz: “Going as Planned….”
Good comment, That’s exactly what I think.
Just another holodomor.
It breaks my Heart.
God Bless you Sir
Thanks, for the kind words, Outside. Thought the subject would make for an interesting blog post: “From Israel, With Love” at Citizenfitz
Great Tom.And thank you for such intelligent and perspicacious reporting on events and their causes.The Jews want murder and death because their father in Hell commands it.In Godly people their actions make no sense at all.But understanding that they are the actual children of the Devil it all makes sense.We must accept God’s will and these events could be what must happen.And if it all must collapse then it will be well worth it to see the Jews finally in Hell.That’s not much comfort to the hundreds of millions of Whites(perhaps more)who have been perverted,brainwashed and deprived of the existence God wished for them,all at the evil hands of the Jews.Thank you and God bless and protect you Tom.Christ Jesus is Master.