When the Good Guys Save the Day

One of the reasons that events transpire without the average person understanding what’s going on is that the average person is stupid and ignorant. That’s why movies tend to shape their perception of what’s happening past and present far more than any cold, dispassionate information that’s available to them. Another problem is false narratives constructed for them, especially narratives which make them feel that things are alright in terms of something they care about.

I know officers with military graduate degrees who’d insist to you we’d be speaking German if we’d lost World War 2. Asking them how a country the size of Texas without much of a navy was supposed to conquer North America would register a blank. Explaining that the U.S. Navy had been shooting at the Germans like it was a war since 1939, but this was deliberately not disclosed to the public, and that American support for the Soviet Union and the UK had prolonged a conflict that could’ve been negotiated to an end is crossing into some pretty dark waters.

Part of why U.S. Army uniforms were switched back to the WW2 style is to make a point about how we defeated the Nazis to save the world and that’s what we’re doing again in the battle against white supremacy. However, it’s also to make soldiers like I described above feel good about themselves since they’ve seen every movie and show about WW2, including The Man in the High Castle. They want to believe, and they’re quite gullible, but they’re going to need some support.

This the fate we avoided by incinerating the populations of major German cities.

The basic narrative premise they’ve bought into is that Americans are the good guys, we’re the best at what we do, and we have the best stuff. Whatever transpires in the world pertaining to these matters will be interpreted accordingly, including war with the Russians and Chinese. I know one who’s enthusiastic about our prospects and thinks that’s what needs to happen.

I haven’t talked to any of them about their take on the Ukrainian incursion into Kursk but it seems that one of the Ukrainian objectives is to keep the narrative going that Ukraine has a fighting chance in this conflict, and I’m sure that’s what the confirmation bias they’d receive from what’s going on. This is definitely the narrative being pushed in the MSM. From that angle, the Ukrainian operation is already a resounding success and also a deep embarrassment to Putin.

The question remains as to whether or not it was worth it on this basis alone. For starters, the kinetic objective is clearly the Kursk nuclear power plant which the Ukrainians have now declared is not their objective. Blowing up one of these things is a way to be sure the conflict escalates and brings NATO directly in on their behalf, which isn’t likely to happen with Ukraine losing so badly and the United States distracted by protecting Israel. They need to pull off something so deadly and outrageous that the Russians are forced to retaliate against NATO.

They tried this gambit in Zaporizhzhya by shelling the nuclear power plant that was under Russian control, with the Western media shilling for them with headlines about Putin shelling his own nuclear power plant. The trouble is that the Soviets built these things to survive an indirect nuclear blast and the Russians could fire back, so it was a dead end.

If Ukrainians could gain control of the Kursk plant and rig it with explosives from the inside, that could be the radioactive catastrophe they were going for in Zaporizhzhya, which would be covered with some sort of narrative about the Russians blowing up their own plant. This much is pretty obvious along with their willingness to commit such an atrocity, since they already tried it once.

The initial success the Ukrainians achieved seems to have come from the fact that the Russians were caught by surprise, probably since an incursion into Kursk would be a suicide mission for most of the thousands of men involved and they’d have to be from the valuable trained and experienced units trying to hold them off in Donbass rather than untrained conscripts dragged off the streets to man trenches until they get quickly killed. Apparently, many were transferred from the front lines in Donbass with less than a day’s notice. The Ukrainians would have to sacrifice the best equipment as well.

Strategically, these Ukrainian troops were worth more ensconced in their defensive positions in Donbass rather than fighting from inside a vulnerable salient in Kursk. So, their sacrifice was able to catch the Russians unprepared. We’ve seen from the three failed offensives that when the Russians have determined a potential line of Ukrainian attack, thorough defensive lines with various zones in front of them are erected in which the Ukrainians are slaughtered as they attempt to cross minefields under Russian observation.

None of this happened in their Kursk operation. It looks like they overran bewildered Russian border guards and rolled ahead through open country. This, along with the sheer humiliation of it all, indicates that the Russians never saw it coming. The Ukrainians made so much initial progress because appropriate Russian forces weren’t there to stop them. However, the end result of this will probably be that the sacrifice of so many Ukrainian lives was done only for the benefit of temporary Western propaganda now that the Russian military has focused on them.

This sort of headline is what their lives were worth, all very sad.

Unlike the Ukrainians, the Russians haven’t been diverting troops from Donbass where their offensive operations continue to make progress. So, the loss of all these troops in Kursk likely hastens the collapse of Ukrainian positions in Donbass and the Ukrainian military in general. In the meantime, useful headlines will be generated in the Western media and my military expert friends will glean nothing. If the Global War on Terror and everything that’s transpired since has proven anything, it’s that they will just keep believing whatever lies fit the narrative.

It really is nuts to think just how bad things could get here in the United States if our military has to attack Iran for retaliating against Israel and oil prices soar through the roof or the Russians have had enough and finally strike back. This is literally what our “allies” in Israel and Ukraine want to happen. They’re doing their best to force us into taking action. It’s that crazy. Things are bad enough around here as it is, but with the American military on call to save the world it could get much worse.


  1. Russia is ruled by the same jewbankers we are. It’s a dog and pony show to murder White Christians and clear out real estate for Blackrock. Patton understood the who and why and they killed him for it.

  2. Celticbiker is on to something. Putin could have ended the war within a few months… a few weeks… had he wanted to. Just crash Ukraine’s power grid and smoke the bridges Ukraine is using to carry men and materiel to the Donbas front. End of problem. Instead they’ve decided on a WW1 strategy… now two and a half years in, and still no end in sight. There’s something moldy in Moscow.
    “Going as Planned” For Who?

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