I was reading Kaisar’s recent piece this morning and found myself wondering when all of this is going to give way. By “all of this,” I mean everything from the demographic collapse of the civilized world to the misadventures abroad and the financial chicanery our lives are premised upon. I think there’s a collective sense among Heritage Americans that something really bad is going to happen. Our problems are existential, and none can be reformed or even discussed honestly given the fact that Jews control our system of power.
If a system is unsustainable and can’t be reformed, well then something really bad is going to eventually happen. You don’t have to be a doomsayer to recognize the grim logic. I’m a doomsayer, obviously. I went crazy years ago and so I’ve been at it for quite some time now. People expect it out of me and none of the articles I’ve written on the subject ever receive criticism unlike some of the stuff I’ve written on Ukraine, for example. I don’t mind criticism; I’m just saying I sense that many readers agree with me on this one.
I think emotionally, we all want to have some sort of denouement that eventually leads to our problems being solved and we feel like the tension keeps building towards that moment. From a logical perspective, one can surmise we’re moving inexorably towards it, so that doesn’t help anything. Also, things just get crazier and crazier. To use colloquial terminology, shit just keeps popping off and getting more buck wild.
So, emotionally, we desire to just get on with it although this only happens on a subconscious level since, on a conscious level, we want to be able to go to a store in order to procure cigarettes and hard liquor. That would be a tough proposition if the economy collapses.
In terms of the stock market, nothing has happened yet outside of acceptable parameters. It’s a mechanism that’s controlled through certain benchmarks, which act as circuit breakers to shut it down if things start dropping precipitously. After that, trades can be cancelled and other measures taken. So, I don’t know what would actually happen in the next crisis, just that we move from crisis to crisis due to the nature of our system.
In terms of a giant conflagration, we’ve been dodging bullets basically. Apparently, the Ukrainian intelligence service had an operation in the works to assassinate both Putin and his new defense secretary Belousov in Saint Petersburg during the parade for Russia’s Navy Day back in July. If one weirdo managed to nearly nail Trump right in the face with a bullet, Ukrainian operatives equipped with the best technology available stood a chance of success against targets out in the wide open reviewing a naval parade.
The Russians clearly seemed to think so, prompting Belousov to call Lloyd Austin personally to warn that this would trigger World War 3 and list the American and European targets that would be hit in the initial retaliation. This is a scenario they must’ve been gaming out for years.
From the Ukrainian perspective, they’re already in World War 3 and don’t have much to lose from such a gambit. American officials on the other hand, realize that assassinating Putin would be extremely counterproductive despite the rhetoric about this being his “war of choice.” So, they probably weren’t informed about the plot, which the Russians probably assumed, and thus Lloyd Austin received the World War 3 phone call.
This incident underscores the fact that Jewish aggression has led to the setting up of situations where things can escalate at the initiative of someone other than the Jews in Washington DC. This has created very dangerous possibilities for us here in the US of A that didn’t exist back with they were doing the Global War on Terror. The other problem is that all of their misadventures intersect with what the insane, retarded Jews are doing over in Israel, and we’ll have to defend Israel with our lives no matter what it does. This much has been made clear to the world by our officials.
So, we get a situation where the United States is able to help the Ukrainians launch a suicidal incursion into Russia with the Kursk nuclear power plant plainly as its target and embarrass Putin, who warned that he can also provide third parties with weapons to cause problems for the United States and then say that he isn’t responsible for what these third parties do with the weapons, just like the American Empire has been doing to Russia with Ukraine.
He does have a track record of warning that he will do something and then doing it if his warning is unheeded. This incursion into Kursk is terrific for Western media propaganda but very bad for Putin who will be forced to do something drastic in order to mollify domestic fury and save face after all the humiliating footage of shocked Russian border guards surrendering.
It’s the equivalent of hitting someone in the face and then laughing at him without considering that you’re hitting a strong man in the face who can hit you back in the face, which would really hurt. The Jewishness of such behavior is something ordinary Americans can’t wrap their heads around in order to understand our foreign policy. A normal person lacks the hubris and aggression of a Jew, and thus can’t comprehend it.
So, sophisticated Russian systems are apparently being delivered to both Iran and Syria to use against Israel which assassinated the leader of Hamas with a bomb on a diplomatic compound in Tehran in an act of such astounding provocation only a Jew could do it. These Jews in Israel did this to spark a conflict with Iran in order to drag in the United States and make a statement that there would be no negotiated solution to the current crisis in the Middle East.
The Russians understand that this is where they can land a fatal blow against the Empire without having to strike directly and start World War 3. What happens to the markets when gas prices shoot through the roof and Iran puts its ability to defend itself and retaliate against Uncle Sam on full display? If the Houthis can put a hurtin’ on international shipping, what about Iran? How would manipulation be able to maintain the illusion of stability in the markets? These are all reasonable questions we might, unfortunately, begin finding out the answers to very soon.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
yes, something is simmering and ready to boil over….the future of our country is at steak…the blues are hyping this clown to actually lead the USA….actually, the back story is those behind the scenes will be leading the country to their own whim…just like with biden…k already is a puppet of this regime..taking orders ‘no interviews’ or stealing hype lines from trump..this woman got where she is by sleeping with the enemy…this man , tim, is more fit for a used care salesman or Elmer Gantry type….full of hot air and antics to distract you from reality….the dems do not care, they have no soul, they are egotistical worker bees that do as they are told, again, for what reward i have no idea…..we are in a world of shit..
The worst ones pushing for war with Iran are all “conservatives”. This has nothing to do with right vs left.
Both sides (Trump included) are controlled by the same group.
The worst ones pushing for war with Iran are all “conservatives”. This has nothing to do with right vs left.
Both sides (Trump included) are controlled by the same group.
Interesting perspectives! As always. Sin clouds the intellect, and unfortunately the jews have been so successful corrupting mores here and everywhere, that few notice the storm clouds piling up on the horizon.
I’m right there with you Tom.I say let it all come down.To all those pollyanna’s who say build communities blah blah blah I’d tell them I’ve watched it all get worse for 50 years and there is no overcoming this Jew Satanist evil thing because it is destined to happen.I held out hope for years but rarely ever heard anyone give a shit,and if I brought it up they seemed bothered and not supporting their own race.The Bible said it would happen and it is.I like your thinking and you are far more in touch with the possibilities than most.I say thank you and God bless you.
Well my first comment just disappeared.Anyway Tom I say you are right again.Its all going to collapse and we should let it.For 50 years I’ve held out hope but it never got better.And as I said in my disappeared comment anytime I mentioned our South and White race losing it all I found no one really seemed to care.Sure many didn’t like race mixing or mass immigration but they seemed mentally unable to care beyond there.The Satanic Jews will create a one race one world government and I believe that.They hate the White race created in God’s image and they destroy us to hurt God.Its that simple.Great great article and God bless you Sir.