The entire premise of our political system is that it’s a mechanism for the will of ordinary Americans to influence the policies of our government. In reality, all of our politicians are for sale and national discourse is shaped by the media so this is utterly fraudulent.
In other words, the system serves as a facade for Jews who can buy everyone and own the media. It therefore produces outcomes that are contrary to the needs and desires of ordinary Americans without being honest about much of anything.
One thing in particular would be a genocide conducted in Gaza which has turned the entirety of world opinion against America, which purports to lead the “free world” according to a rules-based international order as the foremost arbiter of morality. Media consumed by ordinary Americans has deliberately left them in the dark about just how badly global opinion has turned against our country over this ongoing crime against humanity.
Worse yet, the Jews have sparked a broader conflict in the Middle East which has hampered global shipping and humiliated the U.S. Navy, forced American pilots to put their lives on the line defending Israel from an Iranian missile barrage in retaliation for murder committed by the Jews, incurred American casualties on military installations in the region erected on behalf of Israel, and threatens to escalate into a much broader conflict pretty much at any moment which would result in massive American losses along with a host of other problems I can’t catalogue in one article.
The only thing stopping this escalation is the restraint of the Jews in Israel, who’ve thus far utilized very little and operate with no regards to the optics of their actions. So, American taxpayers must continue to pay for the instruments of genocide and American military personnel must deliver them as the risks continue to mount.
Nowhere in the mainstream media is there any honest commentary about what’s going on available to Americans, whom the Jews in Israel driving these events expect to sacrifice everything on their behalf in a war against Iran, as if nobody else has legitimate interests but themselves. Netanyahu’s visit to Congress should serve as a jarring reminder to Americans that their representatives don’t represent them, and this system of power is something other than what has been purported to them.
If this system represented us, we’d have affordable healthcare, a stable currency, an actual border, safe and pleasant communities, a reasonable cost of living, low levels of mental illness, high rates of family formation, low rates of divorce, a sustainable birthrate, and zero discrimination institutionalized against us. We don’t have any of these things but instead we have Congress giving Joseph Stalin applause to Netanyahu while he conflates the interests of Jews and Americans:
“We’re not only protecting ourselves. We’re protecting you … Our enemies are your enemy, our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory,”
Why are their enemies our enemies? Why should Arabs who live thousands of miles away and are fighting to resist being ethnically cleansed from their own soil be our enemies? Why would someone be “evil” for refusing to forfeit their lives and land to the Jews? Why are Iranians also “evil” for supporting their struggle? What is the underlying telos of the Jewish religion which produces such a doctrine?
How is Israel protecting us from anyone? How would the victory of the Jews over the Arabs and Iranians be our victory? How does anything Israel is doing comport with international law and universal standards of morality which are rejected only by the Jews?
If Biden has been telling us his entire presidency that the greatest threat to our national security is white supremacy right here in America, how is Israel protecting us by slaughtering Arabs in the Middle East by the tens of thousands?
What is it about Israel that makes it so supportable by the USA? Why would it be an “antisemitic conspiracy theory” to declare that this state of affairs is the product of something other than the interests and will of Americans?
Is it not strange that the prime minister of a tiny country with roughly 10 million people gets to come and dictate to the united assembled legislature of another massive country with a population of nearly 335 million, some of the world’s foremost combat capabilities, and the reserve currency, which is financially subsidizing and protecting his country’s existence both politically and militarily?
Is it not odd that this vastly more powerful country’s leadership is held hostage by whatever he decides to do? Why is it taken for granted in the media and political discourse that none of the above questions are legitimate?
In a fiery speech in the House chamber, Netanyahu called for “total victory” in the nine-month-old war, dashing hopes among some that he would announce progress toward a ceasefire and the return of Israeli hostages before his meetings with Joe Biden at the White House on Thursday.
Objectively, this is absolutely insane and can’t be explained in any way by the collective interests and will of Americans. It would appear that the purpose of this speech was for Netanyahu to come here for some cheerleading in order to set the stage for escalation.
It looks like the Jews have decided that Trump will work out best for them, so his presidency will be an opportune time to pull the trigger. The stars do seem to be aligning quite conveniently for Trump and he couldn’t have a better opponent than Kamala Harris who was immediately installed as the candidate by party authority, not her electability.
Remember, retarded Jews are driving events now. All they’ve known is Israel and the criminal privileges it confers on its citizens. These aren’t the caliber of Jews who hijacked America and lack their sensitivities to other peoples’ opinions, having known nothing but being above criticism in their own ethnostate.
This bloodthirsty idiot represents the expanding demographic keeping Nentanyahu on top. He’s basically giving the game away. From the Times of Israel:
Far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir endorsed Donald Trump for president in a highly irregular move, as top officials from both nations usually avoid wading into one another’s internal politics and do not wish to be seen as favoring one side over another.
His comments, in an interview published Wednesday, came at a particularly inconvenient time for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is in Washington and was set to meet Thursday with US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the likely Democratic nominee in the coming election.
In an interview with Bloomberg, Ben Gvir asserted that a win for Trump in the November vote would be better for Israel, implying that only the Republican nominee would offer support for action against Tehran.
“I believe that with Trump, Israel will receive the backing to act against Iran,” Ben Gvir told Bloomberg. “With Trump it will be clearer that enemies must be defeated.”
Trump isn’t running on a war for Israel, and it’s doubtful he’d order one if he gets elected. He isn’t stupid, so he understands that these projects never work out for the United States and has been quite vocal about it. The U.S. military has been so exploited, abused, and depleted it couldn’t win a war anyways.
What’s more likely is he’d find himself reacting to a crisis contrived by the Jews and start making decisions on the advice of his advisors, such as his son-in-law Jared Kushner, whose family is closely aligned with Netanyahu. It would be difficult to control the escalation once something gets going.
I really hope I’m wrong, but it seems this situation is going to get quite kinetic and that’s going to be very bad for all of us. What else can you expect from our democracy? Trump made some pretty awful decisions on behalf of Israel but limited the military ones to strikes and kept us out of a war the last time around. However, Israel hadn’t created such a catastrophe for itself back then, either.
An upside to Netanyahu’s speech is that Americans got to see 53 minutes of clapping to remind them who is really in charge. By the way, Biden made a sort of farewell address from the Oval Office last night reminding us that that things have never been better domestically and exhorting us to defend our democracy. This is all a sick joke, but when you’re living in it things aren’t so funny.
As I watched his speech, I knocked one back and thought to myself: This is why I drink.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Oy vey! Anti-Semitism! Remember the Holocaust! Remember the Six Million!
Yes we must never forget Rabbi.The Jewish people are such a people,we all died in the camps and are still all collecting our reparations checks from Germany.Only the Jewish people could do such a thing.
You appear to be a shrewd man, Mr. Roy. I am looking for investors for my newly registered “Flamethrower Shtreimel”. It can track and target enemies at a sixty foot radius using the latest HUD technology. I can promise you a fifty percent return on your investment in a year! Help my great dream become a great reality. L’Chaim!
Godd article. I am afraid that most people I know either are oblivious to the Jewish subversion of the USA, or rejoice in it out of some wacky Dispensational eschatology position. My Boomer age kin generally love Israel, or at least fear to criticize them. They do not seem to fear to reject the morality taught by Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul, but they fear to criticize Jews for doing openly evil things. Their minds are paralyzed by a lie.
My congressman and Senator’s staffers were pretty uncomfortable, and wanted to get off the line, when I called and asked them some of the questions Shack raises. Blogged on it for what it’s worth.
Bravo Tom.Great stuff as usual.The Jews are demons who will set the world on fire for their master in Hell.I didn’t watch Jew Netanyahu but I saw a snippet of the fawning Johnson and heard about the 58 ovations.And Johnson reportedly called him Your Excellency which makes him Netanyahu’s eunuch.Johnson looks so weak and puny,is he really a man.Of course Johnson got married and then the two losers immediately adopt a jig kid.Our representatives in Congress are such pathetic scum.Biden and Harris love the Jews and hate Whites but so does the old orange shabbos goy Trump.Keep up the wonderful work and I can’t wait till your next piece.Remember all we need is the White race and the Jesus keys.I’ll amend that to mean the White race of our ancestors,not to hopeful for what I see these days.God bless you.