In the aftermath of the assassination attempt on Trump, it is increasingly clear, barring extreme cheating or a successful attempt on his life, that he will beat Creepy Joe (or whomever is the nominee of the Democratic Party) in November. As Southern Nationalists, we need to be realistic and judge his second term with a pragmatic lens. We should not be carried away with the euphoria of his American Nationalist fans and their screams of “USA, USA, USA.” I hope to address the pitfalls of another Trump presidency, not to tell our people not to vote in November, but merely to prepare them for what’s to come.
One of the biggest things forgotten by Magapedes is that Trump isn’t nationally popular, especially with moderates (who decide national elections). Trump is winning currently due to the economy, which Biden and his handlers purposely made increasingly worse. That’s what is turning milquetoast suburbanites away from Biden. In short, they aren’t being motivated to vote for Trump in mass, though some will, but merely that it’s not worth backing Biden’s successor (yesterday, he endorsed Kamala Harris after withdrawing from the race). Their motivations aren’t to “Make America Great Again” but to live more comfortably and be able to buy cheap trinkets so they can get back to their streaming shows and sportsball. Their “loyalty,” if one can call it that, is dependent solely on economic consumption. Many of these people in Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Wisconsin could care less about fixing the degenerate culture of the United States; in fact, many like the current libertine culture of Weimar-America.
One of the biggest threats to Trump’s second term is the shaky economy. After decades of non-stop spending by the federal government, its currency is increasingly becoming more and more worthless. The threat of the dollar collapsing is a fatal one (if it occurs). It’s no surprise that the GOP platform explicitly expresses the need to keep the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Without that, the American Empire would quickly collapse. The dollar, and its buying power, is the key for keeping the American Empire united – as stated before, modern Americans love their cheap toys and entertainment more than liberty. It should be noted that the American Empire has been losing more and more respect and legitimacy due to various factors: from its displays of homosexuality, divided politics, to its defeat in Afghanistan.
Thanks to the virtue signaling of the Biden administration, and the West, many Third World countries have become nervous about the power of the dollar after the failed sanctions against Russia. In the same light, many countries now view Russia’s economy prospering after such failed sanctions and are re-evaluating the power of the American Empire. This is why for the first time since 2010 we are watching countries join BRICS, such as Egypt, Iran, and Ethiopia. It should be noted that numerous countries have applied and are considering joining BRICS. In addition, supposed American-aligned countries, like Saudi Arabia and India, are defending Russia much to the chagrin of the Washington ruling class. The U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen has recently admitted that the sanctions used to bully countries like Russia, Iran and others. I’d argue that even if the economy doesn’t collapse in 2025, it won’t get better due to the damage already inflicted via the mass funding of Ukraine. When the turn around doesn’t happen, Trump will be unfairly blamed by goldfish-brained “moderates.”
Another issue with Trump is foreign policy. His first term was a mixed bag, from making peace with North Korea being a highlight, while killing Iranian General Qasem Soleimani and bombing Syria as negatives. While Trump has had friendly relations with Putin, he’s also done nothing to stop the congressional funding to Ukraine. Speaker Johnson was actually strongly defended by Trump in April when he lied to his voters by passing Ukraine funding without the border being secured. He went as far as, two weeks prior, to say that Ukraine was necessary to the Empire’s interests, while also stating that Russia’s peace terms were not acceptable. Putin is open to working with Trump, and likely vice versa, but would Trump be willing to openly clash with the war hawks in his own party, those that he’s currently aligned with and backed? An even bigger foreign policy issue is Israel and Trump’s Zionism.
From an Israel perspective, a Trump presidency would be much more aggressive as he’d have more mainstream voter support, especially from his political allies. If Israel and Hezbollah do go to war this month, or in the following months, it could kick up a far more widespread conflict as Hezbollah has the means to push into Northern Israel. Israel could be seriously put on its back foot. In such a scenario, Trump, the GOP, and his Boomer base would be foaming at the mouth and may go as far as putting boots on the ground or committing to air strikes. On the furthest end, Trump may escalate and go after Iran directly. We could see a situation where he assassinates more of its leadership and provokes a full-scale war. In this case, many leftist activists, already pro-Palestinian, could escalate their “protests” and riots and possibly a real insurrection. A war with Iran or even Hezbollah (Lebanon) would not be popular with moderates nor with Gen Z (who would be called to fight in such a war). In many ways, this could be part of the reason why AIPAC-owned Congress made the draft registration mandatory for young men.
An American-Iran war would be on par with what the Great War did to the Russian, Ottoman, and Austrian Empires. In effect, it would bring out the divides and anger bubbling under the surface, as well as, effectively destroy the dollar’s dominance. The amount of money needed to be spent in such a conflict, and the unpopularity at home, would quickly put us in the place of the Russian Empire in 1917. While the fact the actual losses would not get into the millions, one should remember American Vietnam casualties never surpassed 300,000, the death count of American soldiers was approximately 59,000. In 2025, would the American public be willing to accept the deaths of only a few thousand for the sake of Israel? For sure, Republican politicians would, as well as some die-hard evangelical Zionists, but Trump and the GOP would certainly lose the midterms. Assuming they survive the aggressive anti-war movement, which would make the 1960s look like child’s play. We’ve already gotten a preview of such protests and how the GOP would respond (when Israel is slandered the gloves come off). We could see such protests and crackdowns quickly escalate into full-on street battles.
A war with Hezbollah and a downward spiral of the economy under Trump would be a potent weapon for the Democrats and ensure that Trump is abandoned by moderates. Thanks to the Supreme Court handing Democrats a district in Alabama and Louisiana, Congress could flip blue in 2026, something no Magapedes are mentioning as they fantasize about Trump winning all 50 states. Indeed, many Trump’s supporters seem solely focused on him winning in November, rather than the possibility he will not have any power in office. They think he’s winning because he’s promising a return to 1950s America and an end to the Democrats. In reality, his platform is weak and mostly focused on the economy and building up the military. He has already strongly denounced the rightwing paleoconservative agenda of Project 2025. He has been rallying with Log Cabin Republicans and walking back from abortion. Short of actually ending “American Democracy” (mob rule, plus liberal oligarchs oversight), something I’m not opposed to destroying, there’s no way he’s removing the rot of the American Empire. Throwing more money at the already bloated and overpaid military will not fix America. Nor will granting massive tax cuts to reward the corrupt donor class. Trump cannot and will not do such things. The white pill for the South is that we can still survive and come out as an independent nation during such a crisis.
Trump’s future defeat and destruction, if he takes the road mentioned above, doesn’t mean we need to follow him down that path. We need to be focused on being the voice of reason and readying those Southerners willing to listen to make steps toward independence. Don’t let 2024 distract you from the ultimate goal of Free South. America’s difficulty is Dixie’s opportunity. We should view ourselves as the Poles or the Finnish during the Great War, who kept their focus on freeing themselves from a foreign occupier. While things play out nationally, the Southern Nationalist must look for opportunities to free his people.
-By Young Fire Eater

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.