Conflict in the Cards?

This election is certainly proving to be interesting, but one thing we can be sure that we’re not getting out of it is representation. What appears to be happening is that Washington is in the process of abandoning the neoconservative project in Ukraine, which is proving to be yet another unmitigated failure, to focus on defending Israel in the war it started against Hezbollah and Hamas.

Jews are to blame for both conflicts, but they’re not part of the same scheme and there are different factions of Jews at play in both. The neocons are Jews from the former Soviet Union descended from Trotskyists who are currently masquerading as hawkish, patriotic Americans. Everything they do is wrapped in a preposterous moral guise and discussed by them in terms of the international order and American national security.

Essentially, what they’re attempting is to globalize Jewish supremacy by eliminating all power independent of their golem, Uncle Sam. The conflict in Ukraine was meant to drag the Russians into a quagmire to justify sanctions that would collapse their economy and implode the Russian Federation. It would then be “decolonized” into controllable entities.

The Jews behind Israel’s current fiasco aren’t really doing any masquerading. They’re bloodthirsty retards raised on a blank check from the USA who have difficulty appreciating immediate consequences. They don’t give a damn about optics, having lived their entire lives above accountability in Israel where Jews no longer had to care about what those around them thought about their behavior.

This is how the world watches in outrage as bombs are dropped on hospitals, churches, and refugee camps while the perpetrators remain indifferent to everyone else’s opinion. The backlash is going to be very unpleasant for these Jews, but this is something they’re unable to take into account.

They’re seeking to eliminate their opposition in the Middle East so it can be settled by their retarded children whom they produce in large batches, in contrast to the more normal Jews, who are dying out. Demographic transformation has placed them in the driver’s seat of events, whereas before it was only Jews capable of passing as normal, like the neocons who were calling the shots.

This development is critical for understanding how what’s happening in the Middle East is a dramatic departure from decades past. It’s not something cooked up in Washington think tanks under the facade of American security as part of a broader scheme for global domination like the Global War on Terror. Some of these Jews are so demented they literally believe that their demon will grant them the rest of humanity as slaves after they sacrifice a red heifer in an occult ritual.

One gets the impression from both Trump and Vance that they don’t fully grasp what’s going on in Ukraine, which is understandable since I’ve never met a single member of the U.S. military who does either. However, the failure part is obvious along with the fact that whoever controls Ukraine is immaterial to Americans suffering from inflation and an ongoing societal collapse. Even if things were going well, it still wouldn’t matter to them.

What’s also plain to see is that Israel is in an existential crisis, and as our foremost priority, that’s where the focus of American foreign policy has to be placed instead. Moreover, no incoming administration will want to take the blame when the fighting in Ukraine comes to an end decisively in the favor of Russia. Whoever is in charge will therefore be looking for a way to extricate themselves and put the blame on Biden while Americans forget the whole thing in Ukraine happened and learn nothing from it.

Politically, failure in Ukraine is something the next administration can get through just fine if the timing is sooner rather than later. We have the Global War on Terror as a playbook for this one. The humiliation in Afghanistan back in 2021 is a non-issue for Biden in the 2024 elections. This is the ugly reality of the American voter.

At this point, it’s probably good news for the Ukrainians since without American support there’s no way for them to continue fighting. Some sort of settlement will have to be negotiated with the Russians to end the slaughter. The problem is that for Americans, our next step could be getting sucked into a direct conflict in the Middle East.

The Netanyahu Jews want to decisively defeat Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran while seizing all of Lebanon between the border and the Litani River. This probably isn’t even possible with direct American intervention, but without it, their goals would be absolutely impossible to achieve so the implications are rather disconcerting.

Already more than 46,000 businesses have folded in Israel with roughly 60,000 projected to be the total by the end of this year. Heavy losses have been taken by the IDF in both personnel and equipment to the point where it’s admitting shortages of tanks and munitions. Riots are breaking out as the government moves to draft the bipedal rats in funny outfits who claim their religious activities alone are a sufficient contribution to national security. The price paid by Israel thus far is too steep for them to accept gaining nothing.

The options for the Netanyahu Jews are to tacitly admit failure by packing things up, which would be political suicide, or take things too far and drag the U.S. military into the conflict. Jews always take things too far, so in all likelihood what remains to be seen is how exactly the United States gets dragged into the conflict.

Just because candidates fawn over Israel because that’s for their personal political benefit doesn’t mean they’re so irrational they want a new war for America in the Middle East. There are some Republican psychopaths like Lyndsey Graham who do, but none of them are headed for the White House.

The notion of a new war is deeply unpopular with voters and the military proposition itself is unfeasible. Politically, it amounts to a commitment to catastrophe. In other words, fighting this war outright for Israel isn’t something for which America will be volunteering itself no matter who wins in November. If we get dragged in, expect plenty of the usual Jewish chicanery and no admission from our elected officials that we’re fighting purely for the Jews at the expense of everyone else.


  1. Great as always Tom.I was thinking Trump will go all in for the Jews.I trust your wisdom so its nice to know there is no appetite for a war on behalf of the Jews.God bless you.Keep the great work coming.

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