The 2020 election was interesting because Americans got to experience their first color revolution while the nation was locked down due to a fake pandemic and then the precedent of securing victory in swing states with mail-in ballots after the Republican candidate won with actual ballots was established. We’ve got a playbook for 2024 that’s considered totally legitimate, so additional conspiracies are unnecessary.
This unquestionable election was preceded by the 2016 election which set the precedent that an election could be declared illegitimate, and the president impeached due to Russian meddling for which no plausible motive or proof could be offered beyond former and current intelligence officials vowing that this occurred.
In 2016, one was sophisticated and patriotic for understanding that Putin had stolen the election. Four years later, the notion an election could be tampered with was treason. Protesting at the Capitol with MAGA hats was an insurrection against America’s legitimate government, while hordes of violent rioters laying siege to the White House with Trump inside several months earlier was no such attempt.
This is all completely contradictory and schizophrenic because America is hijacked by paranoid Jews trying to maintain some semblance of a false Left-Right political dichotomy and the potential for the voters’ will to be expressed through elections. The results produced by the system are so bad that from this angle alone, it would eventually become impossible to maintain.
An additional problem is that they’re propelled by hatred and fear. To make matters worse, the political class and functionaries employed by Jews don’t appreciate the sensibilities required to maintain the illusion. The result is that things go too far, and the facade is tottering much earlier than it could under more realistic management.
It would’ve been much better for them to have let Trump win in 2020, maintain the illusion, and be rid of him for good five months from now. There’s nobody else like Trump out there who could catch the system off guard like he did in 2016, and he wasn’t really against their agenda to a significant degree. To the extent that he tried to go against it, he was nullified by his own administrative apparatus. He seems to be motivated mostly by his own self-aggrandizement anyways.
However, the fact that Trump gave White Americans the impression they could have their actual interests, such as stopping mass migration, accommodated by the system was too much for Jews to handle emotionally. I remember how much fun that was in the right-wing dissident sphere back in 2016, and we should’ve known they can’t even let us have our fun.
What’s never discussed outside our sphere is that a significant portion of the vote that put Trump over the top in 2016 came from White voters labeled as “extremists” by Jews, who never vote due to their cynical and accurate understanding of the current system of power in America. While Trump increased his overall vote total in 2020, and no other incumbent who has ever done that had lost, many of us didn’t bother to turn out a second time around.
It would be an open question whether or not he could win again under more fair circumstances like he did in 2016, but we’re following the precedent of 2020, so it’s probably safe to assume we’ll get a repeat. The bright side is that from the Jewish standpoint of managing appearances in order to maintain public complacency, the 2024 election is already guaranteed to be an unmitigated disaster.
After 4 years of failing to get rid of Trump on the bogus premise of Russian collusion, then attempting to gaslight the general public that there was a coup attempt on 1/6/2021, which the vast majority of Republicans don’t believe, and then hitting him with 39 bogus felonies, it’s going to be impossible to persuade half of the electorate that this assassination attempt was the work of a lone nutjob.
Logically, if all of the nonsensical legal avenues to prevent Trump from running this year have failed, the next step would be simply to kill him. There’s no escaping this one; it’s the last card left on the table. When the ballots get mailed in to put whoever is the Democrat candidate over, this assassination attempt is going to pose a very big problem.
My opinion is that this was the work of a lone nutjob abetted by the incompetence of Trump’s security team. Apparently, the Secret Service has been gutted by diversity just like everything else in America. Trump didn’t have Ghaddafi’s female bodyguards, but I saw a lot of women around him. The shooter climbed up to the top of a roof with the perfect perch for sniping him which had no security on it, and the Secret Service ignored the crowd trying to alert them a guy had climbed up.
It’s fun to get conspiratorial and point out that if the deep state used a sophisticated drone attack to kill Trump or poisoned him, it would point right back to them, so they needed to use a nutjob to make this look like a random attack. Still, I’m pretty sure the odds are that this shooter was just a nutjob acting on his own. America is packed with them. Remember that guy who set himself on fire outside Trump’s trial in NYC?
Good luck with persuading Republicans, though. They can’t even help themselves by simply admitting in the MSM that this was an assassination attempt. Unfortunately, I had to watch about 10 minutes of this when it happened on CNN, and they wouldn’t even say that Trump was shot. I had to find that part out with my phone. It’s the same playbook that’s been pissing everyone off since he came down that elevator at Trump Tower to announce his candidacy.
My local paper featured a headline this morning from the AP about how Trump was “safe” without mentioning he was even hit by a bullet or that anyone from the crowd had been hit, either. Meanwhile, the photo showed the blood on his face. This was in tandem with yet another article about January 6th. It’s amazing how they simply can’t learn that not only do these tactics not work, but they also achieve the opposite effect by antagonizing people with the surreal dishonesty.
Oh yeah, and then there’s the tanking economy, the insane inflation hitting everyone, and the migration so bad even Democrat mayors are wailing about it. Also, the black crime wave, etc…
There’s no way to spin this assassination attempt that “lowers the temperature” and Trump is way too wily with his base to let this thing go without leveraging it to the max. He started on it as soon as he got hit by pumping his fist. This guy did WWE, remember? The election is only going to get more heated every day.
There’s a strong possibility Trump wins again at the polling stations until the mail-in ballots arrive all at once. Then, the shit would really hit the fan. This time around, we get the inflation not the free money like we did 4 years ago. What a mess. Things just have to go this way.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Here’s an interesting take on the whole thing: i.e. it was staged. The only thing that doesn’t add up for me is why a Jew would want to take out Donald Trump. Trump’s the model shabbos goy.
Hear, hear! Trump is no threat to “our democracy.” That idiots on the left think he is is hilarious to me on the one hand, and sad beyond belief on the other. I watched a guy’s take on the whole matter (of the assassination attempt) this morning on YouTube, and was totally taken aback by his brazen “Trump is our Savior, and this proves it beyond a doubt” attitude. All based on Trump’s defiant fist-pumping in the face of his would-be assassin’s failure to kill him. Come on, y’all!; I’ve been in similar situations, and I can tell you from first-hand experience that defiance in the face of such a cowardly act is the *only* manly reaction. Now, that what it is and all that, does such a reaction, in and of itself, necessarily qualify me to run the country?! (The answer is an emphatic NO, if you’re having trouble with it). I said a few days ago at another site that Trump is a Yankee Prick, and that’s all he is. I stand by that assessment in the face of the assassination attempt.
Yankee Prick? Shabbos Goy? Synonyms to be sure. Maybe it’s also time for a fresh campaign slogan. MAGA is becoming rather stale. Let’s make it MIGA: Make Israel Great Again. I’m sure none of his supporters would object.
Voting is the adult equivalent of writing a letter to Santa Claus. Elections are NOT REAL. It’s all theater. They always have been, and they always will be. Can we stop pretending otherwise, please? Your vote, my vote, everyone’s vote means absolutely nothing. Every four years this scripted play is trotted out and the populace continues to fall for it. Even people on this site who should know better by now. Truly sad.
Gonna’ disagree with Shack on this one. It was a deep state op gone wrong”:
Jew owned, jew run Masonic traitor, just like all the rest of them. Johnny Doe is correct. Politics are jew theatre, let the peons pretend they have a say in their fate. You don’t, you’re a slave on a plantation. Don’t pay your property taxes if you think I’m incorrect. Politicians are irrelevant, always were, bankers decide your future, if you have one. Beautiful vaccines, yes?