Invading Lebanon

Modern conflicts involving the USA are propelled by the ambitions of Jews. If you’re trying to assess why these things occur, never conflate evil and aggression with reason and courage or any moral authority whatsoever. If one does, there’s no way to predict that these events are going to happen.

One couldn’t predict the Global War on Terrorism on the logical premise that it was possible or necessary to fight a war against a strategic concept, which was actually pioneered by Jews to drive the Arabs out of Palestine. It was possible, however, if you read what the Jews who were planning it were writing, and you were willing to acknowledge that they were in the driver’s seat.

It served no interest of the American people to overthrow the government of Ukraine and foment a civil war to trap the Russians in a quagmire, while sanctions caused their economy to collapse so the Federation could descend into chaos and be broken up into separate entities under Zionist control. This wasn’t even a feasible project, so it couldn’t have been predicted from that angle, either.

Likewise, Putin had determined that a protracted conflict wouldn’t serve Russia’s best interests and signed on the dotted line for compromises to end the civil war twice, and once to end his intervention at its outset. It’s only the Jews that provide a decisive explanation for any of this horror. It continues purely to serve their interests and those of no one else.

We’re now facing an escalation in Lebanon by Netanyahu. The entire state of Israel is predicated on the notion that its residents will be mostly safe and comfortable while they eventually get rid of all the Arabs. Pretty much any Jew in Israel can obtain another passport if they don’t already have one. If Hezbollah and Iran take out critical infrastructure in retaliation, as they’ve promised to do, that’s it for the state of Israel. Jews flee after their gambits fail; this is an established playbook.

These aren’t courageous people. The fastest growing segment of the population which serves as Netanyahu’s critical voting block refuses to even serve in the military because they claim that praying to their demon is a valid alternative contribution to Israel’s security. It’s literally that crazy. The gay pride parade Jews are the ones stuck doing the combat, and that’s been going rather poorly for them. Israel isn’t a country with the will or demographic potential to fight the conflicts it started.

Like I said, one can’t use reason to predict why these things are happening. The Jews spent generations brainwashing the Western public about how they’re the most aggrieved victims because a fake genocide was done to them, so they can’t be criticized instead of the fact that they have power, which is actually why they can’t be criticized.

They’ve done more to squander this hideous advantage in the past year than all the years since 1945. It’s not possible to claim successfully that you can’t do anything wrong because you were the victims of a fake genocide while you do a real genocide for the entire world to watch in anger. Objectively, this ploy is truly insane, but their power comes through deceit and corruption, so it’s fundamentally unsustainable.

Everything has to unravel on the Jews and go spectacularly wrong. These people simply can’t help themselves, reform their behavior, or even moderate it. As Christ warned, they’re the children of the devil and they murdered Him. It can’t go any other way but wrong for them. Their path leads to the fires of hell, so any win they score along the way is only temporary. The bad part is that we’re getting sucked in and dragged along with these problems they inexorably create for themselves rather than living as decent human beings.

There’s not going to be any process of reform that involves the Jews. Only disasters, of which we careen from one to the next. Thus, concluding they won’t invade Lebanon because they didn’t even have what it takes to defeat Hamas in the tiny Gaza Strip, which they’ve admitted, or that the consequence of this gamble not paying off are existential, is misguided. We’re discussing the Jews, not rational actors.

Clearly, Netanyahu and his Jewish faction have assumed that they’ll be able to take the territory they want in Lebanon up to the Litani River while the U.S. military flattens the country from above, while simultaneously taking on Iran and deterring Russian intervention. The conflict and fait accompli will secure their hold on political power. These are very bad ideas.

The Russians have put up with incredible provocations on their own soil to avoid escalating into a third world war, so perhaps it’s reasonable to assume that whatever happens in Lebanon isn’t enough for them to strike the U.S. military, either. Still, Iran and Hezbollah have promised to fight and demonstrated their capabilities to defeat the Israeli military and take out the infrastructure that enables daily life in Israel.

If the Israelis do invade, this would be terrible for us because the entire capabilities of the U.S. military will be put on the line in the service of the Jews who would be losing against Hezbollah, Iran, and all of its proxies. There’s no way they’re going to let Israel get wrecked without Americans and Europeans doing everything in their power to stop it. The Biden Administration is warning that they’ll back Israel 100% while pleading with them not to do it.

Nothing can be explained by what’s in our interests. It’s absolutely intolerable that America is held hostage by the Jews. I’m not really much of a prepper, but it does seem like a great idea these days.

One comment

  1. Yes yes Tom only you tell it exactly the way it is.The Jews are indeed the children of the Devil,that is the key.Everything makes sense only when one realizes they serve Satan in a literal way.These are not just sinners with faults,they have murder in their hearts.They live to destroy the purity in White Christian children and adults and until people understand that then they know nothing…nothing.People want to talk about money or power but that is nowhere.It is God and His Son Jesus(represented by the White race made in His image)versus Satan(represented by the Jews who have pledged themselves to him from the start).Martin Luther clearly told us this almost 500 years ago.The Jews mock Christ and the Heavenly Father constantly.They take away decency and modesty with their constant references to female hygiene.They insert sex into everything until the mind is numb.How life could be without the Jews destroying the very soul with these assaults.Yet God allows us the will to resist this demonic torture.Call upon the blood of Jesus and the Devil must flee.The Jews are the enemy of the Cross and they are vile filth.The world will have no peace till they are all in eternal Hell.Truly an ugly race with their doughy,misshapen faces.Tom you are a wise man and surely you please the Lord by bringing truth.Bless you and thank you Sir.

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