Gliding to Perdition

Metrics are important for understanding a conflict. For example, if one side is dropping over 3,000 glide bombs per month while the other side isn’t dropping bombs of any kind one can infer in whose favor the conflict is progressing.

Most of Ukraine’s air force was destroyed in the opening days of the special military operation. Soviet fighter jets intake air from the top of the plane during takeoff, enabling them to utilize roads and dirt runways. The remaining aircraft are scattered over western Ukraine where a Russian missile would have to travel for hours to strike, offering plenty of time to move them. Their impact on combat is negligible, given that all the fighting happens in the east of Ukraine under the cover of Russian AA.

Glide bombs were introduced last year and the scale of their application seems to have increased dramatically, which would comport with expanding production of glide kits and the destruction of Ukraine’s air defenses. They’re guided over long distances by GLONASS, the Russian version of GPS.

They pack punches of 250, 500, 1,500 and now 3,000 kg without requiring the jet to fly over the target so it can avoid coming in range of whatever remains of Ukraine’s AA network. While these devices don’t look fancy, they allow the Russians to mitigate the risks of dropping bombs like the JDAMs which became so familiar from the Global War on Terror.

The U.S. military developed to fight poor people ever since Vietnam, so this is the first time we’re seeing how difficult it is to take on a modern opponent in the year 2024. Somehow in the minds of my friends with silver oak leaves, we’d just be flying overhead and bombing the Russians like this is Iraq or Afghanistan. The ignorance of this notion is astounding, and it seems to me as the most significant risk to a broader war breaking out.

Donbass is where the Soviets planned to make their final stand before evacuating Moscow if a confrontation with NATO was going poorly for them. This is one of the most fortified regions on the planet, and much of it to the point of being able to survive a nuclear strike so that troops could emerge to take on a NATO invasion afterwards. NATO had 8 years to work on them after we overthrew the Ukrainian government in 2014. It’s quite difficult to make a dent in many of these positions with artillery shells and large concrete apartment buildings add to the challenge.

The Russians have launched somewhere north of 7,000 cruise missiles into Ukraine. For example, some Kaliber variants can carry up to 500 kg of explosives but these things cost around 1,000,000 USD each and the scale of the fighting is vast. The Soviet bomb stockpiles for WW3 are inexhaustible for the purposes of this conflict and the kits cost a bit less that 25,000 USD to produce. This is a dramatic change, especially in the context of the sheer volume of bombs being dropped.

Some are thermobaric vacuum bombs which burst in the air to destroy the organs of everyone in the vicinity no matter where they’re sheltering. This is a very big difference from the positional artillery battles that shaped much of the early stages when the Russians had to contend with Ukrainian AA at its peak. A basement in a village might offer protection in that sort of situation, but one of these things will kill everyone in the village.

The mainstream media simply can’t stop lying and admit that the Ukrainian situation is utterly hopeless and moving towards some sort of collapse. The strategy for covering glide bombs is generally to admit that this is a problem, but avoid the inescapable implication that the Russians will continue to demolish what’s left of the Ukrainian military with these things and cite them as a reason why we need to supply Ukraine with F-16s to make their situation more tenable as if the small number would even matter and Russia doesn’t have interceptors and an AA network.

The bombs are also covered in the long-running fabricated context that the Russian military is comprised of a bunch of junk. They’ve been at this since Putin intervened to save the Syrian government from the U.S. effort to overthrow it in a civil war that we instigated just like in Ukraine. Unlike every single intervention the U.S. has done in the service of Zionism, this proved a resounding success. So, the junk works but it’s still junk somehow. I hear guys with advanced military educations tell me this idiotic nonsense.

A rational mind should be able to grasp that if one side in a war has an unlimited number of large explosive devices which can be dropped on the other with pretty much with impunity, things are going to get inexorably worse for the side on the receiving end. That’s not how things work with the U.S. military, or at least with anyone who wants to stick around for a career. This does explain quite a bit, however.

The Ukrainians are losing upwards of 2,000 men per day, many of whom are dragged off the streets and sent to the front in order to man positions, so the Russians are deterred from strolling in. Americans can’t fathom the slaughter going on over there, which only continues for the reason that their government won’t let it stop because that would be an admission everyone over here was wrong.


  1. I like how their “draft boards” and “recruiters” work over there. Thugs in a van yank a poor S.O.B. Off the street and, put a uniform on him (and now her) and send them to die.

    Some things are worse than death. I will not permit PedoFed from “drafting” any of family that doesn’t want to die for tranny rights in Ukraine.

  2. The jew plan for Ukraine was to kill all the men, steal all the land and resources while making American taxpayers foot the bill. Same plan underway for US, using needles instead of bombs.

  3. It’s UMPC in Russian, meaning “Universal Module for Planing and Correction” (Planing = Gliding, Correction = Guidance) and they Strap on to a conventional “Dumb” Gravity Bomb in about 10 Minutes, with no modification to the Bomb. Some can be Wired to the Fuse to activate a Detonation at a set Altitude, mostly so Air-Fuel (Thrermobaric) Bombs explode at the most effective Height. These Glider Kits were Designed, Tested, and put into Production in less than a Year; many of the Components are subcontracted to small, general-purpose Machine Shops and Welding/Metal Fabrication outfits. You can see that the Aluminum ‘Airframe’ that hold the Electronics and straps to the Bomb is Hand-Welded.

    These Modules are being Produced and Issued to the RuAF by the Thousands every Month, to be used with the MILLIONS of plain ‘ol Gravity Bombs in the Arsenals. There have been Tests done with up to 9,000-Kilogram (10-Ton) Bombs, that would have to be carried by TU-95 ‘Bear’ or TU-160 ‘White Swan’ Heavy Bombers.

    In the ‘Western’ Military-Industrial Complex, there is NO Capability whatsoever to Recognize a Need for a new Weapon, Design, Test and arrange Production for something like this in less than 5 years or so.

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