Red Pandemic: The Global Marxist Cult

Editor’s Note: The following is a book promotion for Red Pandemic: The Global Marxist Cult by Emmet Connor, an Irish author, podcaster and X-spaces host, and online content creator. His work focuses on many issues that align with Identity Dixie’s content, such as dismantling progressivism, liberalism, and globalism.

In Red Pandemic, Mr. Connor exposes the source of all the crazy revolutionary activism and chaos in the world today – the ideology of Marxism – highlighting its unrivalled toxic impact on world affairs and humanity in general.

You can purchase Red Pandemic directly from the publisher’s website Omnia Veritas, and from several online vendors including Amazon, Barnes and NobleAbeBooksBooks A MillionPowell’s, and Indiebound. At present there is no audiobook or kindle version.

For more information regarding Mr. Connor’s work and content activism, please visit his website, Resolving Reality. Or, you can follow him on X.

Below are general themes found in the book for our interested readers:

Marxism is the most destructive ideology the world has ever seen, yet it’s not widely understood. It’s good at repackaging itself, using different labels, like a snake shedding its skin.

All the major destabilizing, civilization-destroying issues in the world today – the various Marxist “sub-agendas” – are all driven by the same revolutionary ideology. They include mass immigration, the climate change movement, radical sex education, feminism, abortion, BLM and anti-racism, LGBTQ + non-binary, veganism, anti-Christianity, etc.

Crucially, the ideology’s presence in any given country also leads to the absence of national sovereignty, the breakdown of law and order, racial tensions, economic collapse, etc. (Note: the main agenda of Marxism is to create a Marxist world. It’s in the nature of the ideology to spread and dominate; to create a world federation via the United Nations, European Union, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, etc. Concepts such as “New World Order” and “Globalism” are essentially Marxist in nature).

Marxism, Socialism, and Communism – What’s the difference? (these labels confuse people and are a major problem).

  1. “Marxism” is the overall ideology.
  2. “Socialism” is the application of Marxist theories to society, economics including resources, government, etc.
  3. It is widely regarded as being a ‘transitional’ phase between capitalism and communism.
  4. “Communism” is the hypothetical future ‘utopian’ society that could be created (after a period of socialism).

Simplest definition – Marxism is essentially crazy revolutionary activism in all its forms.

  • Misdiagnosis of the problem: many erroneous terms are used to describe the cult/ideology including “liberalism,” “progressivism.”
  • Marxism attacks the pillars of Western civilization – Capitalism, Christianity, and Culture, in addition to the traditional nuclear family unit.
  • The “Oppressor v Oppressed” principle is a core, ever-present ingredient of the ideology (of Marxism) that drives the brainwashing, and therefore the “sub-agendas” (listed above). It was originally part of the “class struggle” between the rich and the poor mentioned in The Communist Manifesto (1848) but has mutated into other forms. Now this “class struggle” idea has morphed into white v black, man v woman, straight v gay, trans v non-trans, etc. Marxism divides and conquers, by splitting people in to opposing groups, using the “class struggle” concept of Oppressor v Oppressed.
  • Nationalism (genuine patriotism) is the solution to ‘globalism’, and Marxism is antagonistic to nationalism. Marxism is essentially AIDS for countries, since it attacks and erodes a nation’s sense of identity and culture (which compose the immune system of a nation). It’s the antithesis to national strength and sovereignty. It will be exceedingly difficult for anyone/any nation to stop this ‘progressive’ globalist monster unless we sufficiently address the problem of Marxist pro-globalist indoctrination in our countries. The Marxist cult members active in our countries act as a treasonous parasite, holding us all back. Being more consciously anti-Marxist will be the adrenaline shot to boost nationalistic sentiment in Western countries.
  • Marxism is an anti-humanity ideology. It is basically Satanism repackaged. We can see the Satanic DNA in some of the things that the Marxist cult/ideology pushes or justifies including abortion, trans/non-binary nonsense, and pedophilia.
  • It basically inverts right and wrong, and “normalizes” evil, which is Satanic. Example – “male” is now “female”; Abortion is “healthcare”; Pedophilia is “just another type of sexual orientation,” etc.

Marxism is a cult, and not merely just a political/geo-political movement or “philosophical” school of thought. It is also the worst mental health crisis the world has ever seen. It literally brainwashes people into being anti-humanity, anti-civilization, etc.


  1. “Marxism, Socialism, and Communism (these labels confuse people and are a major problem).”

    And the confusion continues.

    (True) Socialism is not a ‘transitional’ phase between Capitalism and Marxism. Rather, Capitalism and Marxism are two equally sacred poles of the globalist axis by which there’s the renewal of the world from above by the control of wealth, and from below by revolution.

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