There are ways to solve a nation’s problem with drugs. As Saddam Hussein once remarked, wherever there’s a problem, there’s a person. Thus, every leader who has solved these problems goes after the people behind them. Chairman Mao solved China’s opium crisis overnight by rounding up all the dealers for execution and the addicts for political reeducation, for example.
Indeed, there are a set of precedents which demonstrate that people must be dealt with harshly if a problem with drugs is to be solved. That’s why it’s so exasperating to hear the claim that we’ll never keep people from doing drugs. Actually, we can do precisely that if the drug dealers are dead and the addicts are forced to labor in concentration camps.
This is why it’s terrific to see that America is producing serious thinkers capable of grasping practical solutions to our national drug crisis like giving the addicts free kits for sticking the drugs up their asses once injecting their arms gets to be too troublesome.
It makes sense from the perspective that we live a dying country which has made sodomy its primary value. So, sticking things up one’s ass is the first idea that probably pops from the heads of many Americans:
The boofing kit contained two anal injectors, six packets of lubricant, some sterilizing wipes, and two tins for mixing a rectal cocktail.
The Bangor-based MAP has even more detailed tips for the would-be boofer, including to use a smaller syringe if you can so as not to overtax your sphincter.
It’s really important not to overtax your sphincter, that’s why tax dollars are spent on these anal injectors. Let’s read on:
Although they acknowledge that it’s better to not have blood come out of your butt after you’ve squirted narcotics into your anus, they urge boof-curious viewers not to “freak out” if there’s only a small amount of post-boofing anal bleeding.
There’s probably not much that’s going to freak out someone with a fentanyl habit which has gotten so bad they’re injecting it into their anus, but I suppose it’s a kind concern on the part of Maine Access Points. When addicts start dying on sidewalks with their pants down, nobody will try to hold this organization accountable. Of that much we can be certain.
Has it ever once occurred to you that if someone has an intravenous drug habit, this person should stick the drugs up his ass instead? Probably not, which is why you’re considered an extremist threat to our national security.
It seems quintessentially American to assume that we can’t fix our dug epidemic and then conclude that the addicts should be sticking these drugs up their asses as a way to mitigate this problem. I can’t say I’m surprised to come across this news.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
At this point I am with you, behind the train, pushing it down the tracks as fast as I can, because the collapse is inevitable, we merely have to get through it at this point. So bring it on, I say! I don’t want it, but I can’t stop it, and I can’t move beyond it, until we get through it, ergo, ONWARD!
It needs to happen while I am still young enough. The years keep adding up while this collapse keeps dragging on. At least I’m no boomer. It has already been put off for far too long and younger generations are growing immersed in the shit, warping them from a young age.
Let it all burn!
Let me put it this way.
If I saw you passed out on the sidewalk, syringe up your ass, I would walk over and kick said syringe even further up said ass. Bleed? Die?
At this point, I. Don’t. Care.
Sadam? Wasn’t it Stalin who said, “Death is the solution to all problems. No man–no problem”?
Huh……well that is a new one. When I was a teen we used the term boofer as a substitute for the “n-word”. I never knew it was really applicable to a person who mainlines drugs up their ass. Play the “more you know” commercial I guess.