The Indian Question

Why are Indians so predominant in leftist movements, particularly heading them? Many older conservatives perpetuate the myth that Indians are conservative, as well. Perhaps, they talked to a handful of the Indian men at work who are socially conservative. That said, with the possible exception of Vivek Ramaswamy, even all of the Indian activists on the “Right” are to the left of their White peers on the Right. Dinesh D’Souza smears conservative activism prior to the 1970s as “actually leftist.” Nikki “Not My Real Name” Haley has the exact same political positions as a 2008 Barack Obama. You’d think you’d be able to find a Steve King, or a Satvik Kandahari, if you please. But, alas, no. If you’re looking for a Pavel Buchanan, you’re in even worse shape.

One must come to terms with the fact that the fundamental allegiance of Indians in the United States (and the West in general) is to the Left. There are a few reasons for this. We’ll address them one by one.

1. They are part of the Coalition of the Ascendant

If you listen to any late 20th century propaganda, specifically in elite circles, you’ll hear no shortage of whining about how WASPy something is. That is, full of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. You know, the kind of people that put their John Hancocks on the Declaration of Independence. Like John Hancock, come to think about it. WASPS maintained a pretty solid hold over the country they established up through the early 20th century.

These days, “White” has replaced WASP as the object of vitriol from the malcontents. More specifically, “White man” has replaced “White” as the cause of all pestilence, famine, war, and the reason your toast always falls buttered-side down. We must remove him from power – yesterday, if at all possible. So, who’s on “team not-White”? Everybody else. The Dissident Right often refers to this unholy alliance as the “Coalition of the Ascendant.” White women and White men can join to if they opt to become feminists, gays, transexuals, or perhaps all of these. Anything to get out of the target zone.

Indians have benefitted from preferential treatment as “Southeast Asians.” They enjoy enhanced visa acceptance, academic scholarships and university placement, hiring preferences, and other sorts of goodies that, when we started giving out, were earmarked only to blacks. We were mean to them, according to our textbooks. We were mean to Indians, too, but we’re talking about a different kind of Indian. And before you whine at me for calling them that, both the disreputable Bureau of Indian Affairs and the more reputable American Indian Movement both refer to themselves as that. The closest the Indians of Asia can get to saying Americans were mean to them is that the British were mean to them, and the British were…you guessed it: WASPS.

Everybody knows a good grift when they see one. The Indians have merely joined in with the blacks, Hispanics, East Asians, and the rest in an attempt to extort tax money from the White middle-class in order to fund their ascendency in the United States. They now typically trade-off with East Asians and Jews for “highest income per household in the U.S.,” per studies and census data. None of these strike me as particularly oppressed groups, but I’m here to take Indians to task for today. East Asians will have to wait. The other group? What other group? I never mentioned another group and neither should you, if you don’t want to end up in Jonathan Greenblatt’s crosshairs.

2. They come from a collectivist culture that operates on shame

In all Eastern cultures, being out-of-line with the group consensus is the easiest way to get yourself exiled, if you’re lucky. This is called shaming. Whatever the powerful think, you should think, too. Easterners are very good at reading a room, seeing who’s in charge, and emphatically agreeing. Indians are, of course, Easterners. Actually, their obsequiousness to power is so total that they will take it a little too far and embarrass themselves with their groveling.

Dinesh D’Souza read the conventional Right’s worship of WW2 America so well that he wrote an entire book about how Nazis, who criminalized public lewdness, sent women back to the kitchen, and regularly burned degenerate literature, were, in fact, “progressives.” He went too far, but he just couldn’t help himself. Fortunately for him, the average American conservative is dumber than he is. Sure, 1933 Germany was National “Socialist,” but I don’t see the average conservative whining about the corporatist nationalization of the American railroad system in the 19th century or the existence of the U.S. postal service.

If you see an Indian bending over backwards (this isn’t a yoga joke) to double down on the leftist perspective to the point of absurdity, realize it’s because she’s read the room and she knows who’s in charge. Regardless of which party controls the three branches of government, an army of bureaucrats, the media, lobbyists, and corporate managerial types enact progressive policy or stymie conservative policy. It doesn’t matter who’s in office, somehow the Left always gets their way with few exceptions.

Under Reagan, our jobs got shipped overseas. With Bush Sr. we got new taxes. Under W. Bush we got “No Child Left Behind.” Under Trump, we got $250 million a year pumped into Historically Black Universities so they could learn to hate White people with slightly better grammar. For brevity’s sake, I’m sticking to one achievement per person. Rest assured, there’s plenty more. And all of their “conservative” achievements were meaningless and ultimately ineffective, which is why I suspect they were permitted to obtain them. Some of these guys had majority-Republican Congresses and Supreme Courts to boot.

Indians have correctly pinpointed that leftists hold virtually all power in the U.S. and have since the 1960s. They don’t see it changing any time soon, and they want to ensure the undisputed king knows they’re loyal, even if the king finds their offers to lick his shoes distasteful and kind of embarrassing.

3. They feel confident they can maintain dominance over the Coalition of the Ascendant once they obtain power

Indians, particularly the ones in the U.S., are no strangers to ruling over less intelligent, more violent classes. They refer to it as the caste system. Most of the ones in the United States were Brahmins (priests, independently wealthy), Kshatriyas (military officers, bureaucrats, politicians), and Vaishyas (merchants), all in the top 1/4 of the population or higher (although the immigration pattern is changing). They have quite a bit of experience controlling their “lessers.”

They feel confident that they can easily govern a United States composed primarily of blacks and Hispanics as well. Eventually, they’ll no-doubt import their “untouchable” Dalit class. I must confess, history’s on their side if we’re talking about governing a nation with limited social strife and hierarchical instability. That said, in terms of the typical yardsticks of society, America would be a much worse place. America would resemble India with a colder climate. Nobody wants to live in India, least of all Indians.

Don’t believe my prognosis? Is it possible to walk down the street anywhere in Mumbai free from rape, robbery, or murder? Is it possible to eat the food without fear of food poisoning? Are the streets pristine and not littered with garbage and human refuse? Well, it depends. If you are walking in Bombay, as Mumbai was called during the British Raj, yes. India used to be a place where one could have reasonable security of his or her person and property. The streets were clean and orderly. The Raj held vendors to standards for cleanliness and health. Did they have the iPhone or the laptop? No, but they couldn’t run phone-scams from them, either. And if they could, it would have been prohibited and the practitioners punished severely.

If you can believe (and you should) that India under Indian rule became unlivable, it shouldn’t be a stretch of your imagination to believe that America under Indian rule will become unlivable. There might be good technology. They might even develop some technology (doubtful). But given that many people surveyed in the United States view previous decades as better, I think a lot of people would forgo the iPhone or even the Nintendo 64 for a safe, stable, and prosperous society. Instead, you’ll find the blacks, Hispanics, and Dalits in their ghettos as the various higher castes go about their business, trying not to think about the decline of the country they conquered and definitely trying not to wonder why they couldn’t maintain it.


  1. A hearty tip o’ the hat from the Sikh stronghold of central California! I live within a few miles of four temples.

    You, sir, have nailed it. Brazil or India, which will it be?
    A bit of both, maybe, with lots of South Africa thrown in.
    Thanks, jews, and their infected judeo-puritan Yankee conquest!

    The judeo-puritans are the horse the Original Dindu Nuffins rode; now they are onto new horses, selling the old Aryan one to the glue factory.

  2. p.s.- just as the small hats did in the British Raj, and with the Coloureds (Indian managers) in South Africa and Uganda; they rode the horse in, brought in the satraps, seized the riches of opium or gold, and sold the old horse off to their brothers the Ishmaelite Muslims as Pakistan, and to their black grandfathers as African colonial independence.

  3. Fine piece.Good subject.Indians are arrogant and evil.Truly racial filth.They use the stupid Spelling Bee(which most people never think about)as some sort of propaganda tool.All one has to do is show a few scenes of 2024 backward India to burst that bubble.Thank you and God bless you.

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