Wind and Fire!

My dear brothers and sisters, as you make your way into the future, toward an independent Dixie, the greatest thing you must have is faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen. Our belief in a Free Dixie is not a wisp of wind nor an ember in the dark; it is not a hopeless dream of daydreamers, lost and without substance.

Rather, our faith in an independent South is a hurricane-level wind that could put a smile on the face of a true Floridian. For in the midst of such a downpour, Florida Man sees tangible evidence the aquifer that spans the great length of his state will be full of pure, clean water to sustain his people and his land into the future. And on those occasions when lightening strikes and the forest begins to burn – though the suffering is real – he knows the rage of the fire will cleanse and resurrect the land, making it more fruitful for his progeny.

So, how can you have the force of a hurricane? How can you have the cleansing effect of the fire? Well, you can start by being vocal, like the Fire-Eaters of old! And, in your voice, be unapologetic. For if you are timid when the wind and the fire of change is in our favor, it will be your failure, and all momentum will be lost.

For instance, in several conversations, with both people of influence and those of potential influence, I’ve pushed the argument that the Republican Party and its hold on our people must be destroyed. I’ve demanded with my words and tone that it is not, nor has it ever been, a benefit to our people, for it is the party of our conqueror, the Yankee party. And to my astonishment, their agreement was overwhelming. Had it just been this one conversation, you could dismiss it as Southern politeness. However, these talking points have made it into the mainstream. Even Tucker Carlson is speaking on how the Republican Party must be destroyed. Identity Dixie has been pushing that theme for nearly a decade, and now it’s in the wild.

While greeting the brethren after a Lord’s Day service, a young man standing with his beautiful wife dispiritedly said, “There has to be more than just paying bills and dying.” This sentiment is very similar to an old ID meme, and was recently translated into the opening line of a very popular song, “You weren’t born to just pay bills and die.” Of course, I agreed with the young man, and encouraged him to stop looking to Washington for answers, and to stop thinking of himself as anything other than a Southerner. With his wife looking on, and obviously engaged, I mentioned that his children deserve a better future than he was given. With both astonished by my boldness (but still engaged), I asked him, “What are going to do?” His honest and humble answer was that he would do what he could; to which I exhorted him to do just that, to the point of exhaustion.

Be the wind and the fire; be the storm and the rage. History is proceeding quicker than we could have ever imagined. Our enemies are on their heels, and are being attacked on multiple fronts. Come out of your daydream! Dream with your eyes wide open and your voice thundering!

Deo Vindice!

God save the South!


  1. This is a recipe for suicide. It is blinded and boxed refusing to see the realities of the situation and the measures that the situation requires. Will there be a Free Dixie? Yes, but that is not our mission. Our mission is to strategically withdraw from our home and consolidate on defensible positions with like minded people. From there we fortify our position literally and figuratively. We must keep the next generations alive and keep the memory and culture of The South alive so that our children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children can conduct a Reconquista. This is the exact process that Spain went through(and never forget the same people opening the doors for the brown hordes are the same that opened the doors for the moorish muhammadins), and it took them 700 years, Seven…Hundred…Years. We must quit fooling ourselves, take proper action and settle in for a very long slugfest. Our existence requires it. God Save the South 1483

  2. There are many strategies, cloistering is one of them, and I encourage you to find your band of merry men and do so. I prefer a bolder strategy, a more multifaceted approach.

  3. Bold strategy. That’s a funny way of saying ignore reality and keep shouting into the void while being encircled by brown hordes who will rape your grandchildren to death while being cheered on and funded in their actions by Jews.
    Your strategy has been tried many times in the last hundred years, the latest being the maga farce; and the political support, public support, funding and demographics necessary to the success of your plan keep getting worse.

    What I’m proposing is the way of our fathers from the Scythians to the Scots Irish to the gone to Texas movement of the South during reconstruction, and it revitalizes a way of life necessary to our people. What you propose is gradual defeat and death while fighting over scraps.

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