Senator Duke Nukem

The thing about the Gaza Strip is that it’s what the name implies: a small strip of land between Israel and the Mediterranean. There are lots of people living in the vicinity and also a stone’s throw across the Mediterranean is Europe. Likewise with Lebanon where Hezbollah is resisting the Jews, one nuke is probably enough to wipe out most of the population.

There’s also Iran, which is the size of Western Europe. None of its neighbors would be happy about the fallout from nuking the place, however. The thing with nukes as well is that a tactical nuke is still a Hiroshima scenario. This has significant practical implications for many more people than merely the intended victims. No nuclear blast will only be killing the residents of Gaza, for example.

Look, I do get it. You’ve probably had times were you drove past a rent-2-own rims store and maybe a plasma donation center on your way to Walmart while musing to yourself that it might be for the best if this all just disappears in a hot flash. However, as a serious man, you probably concluded that in the long term, a nuclear exchange wouldn’t be in our best interests. What about the children?

Meanwhile, in Congress, we ostensibly find ourselves represented by a bloodthirsty, irate homosexual advocating for precisely this course of action. He’s literally slobbering at the mouth haranguing an interviewer from a Jewish media outlet about why millions, perhaps more, need to perish for the sake of the Jews.

I somewhat wonder if he’s compromised by blackmail material, but then again all of this fellow Republicans are basically the same. Still, he pushes it the furthest. Homosexuals take things too far, losing all sense of shame, dignity, or reason in the pursuit of their perversions. That might explain it, too. He applies this same fervor to the demonic entity worshiped by the Jews.

Graham flies into a rage on television and starts blurting out recipes for millions of deaths or much worse in scenarios that would invariably lead to global conflict. It’s actually quite bizarre that any country would have such a lunatic holding high political office. European politics is full of traitors with the worst character traits imaginable, but they don’t have Lindsey Grahams.

The American Republican politician is a reprehensible creature in a class of its own, but Graham leads the pack. There are certainly more pathetic Republicans, I might award that one to Mike Johnson and his black felon son who helps monitor that Johnson isn’t looking at pornography on his phone. What Graham brings to the table is a visceral thirst for blood paired with an overt homosexuality and slavishness to the Jews that really ought to catch some eyebrows.

It’s quite disturbing but remarkable at the same time that nobody around here seems to think this is inappropriate. Europeans comment that he’s a nutjob. They’re willing to admit that part, but Americans don’t seem to be noticing. At least the Russians had the good sense to finally designate him as a terrorist.

He’s been calling for Putin’s assassination for a couple years now and celebrating how the U.S. gets good value for its money in the form of dead Russians while calling for direct NATO strikes on the Russian military. How much were the Russians supposed to take? Graham isn’t just saying things. He wants these things to happen. Clearly, he delights in the bloodshed.

For example, during the protest on January 6th he tried to play a fruitloop version of Napoleon with his artillery at the Battle of Austerlitz, exhorting the cops to gun down the protestors without mercy. Meanwhile, these protestors probably voted for him if they were from South Carolina. When Graham gets what he wants, the blood flows. I guess we should feel lucky that the big ticket items are still an issue.

I’m not the only guy on the dissident side of things who went from this vague idea that you can spot many problematic people from their faces to a strong confirmation bias that this was possible. If Graham was sitting on his porch watching the kids play across the street, would you not start looking at him a bit suspicious? Take a look:

Graham is both a unique product of America but also the invariable end stage result of a Jewish system of power which Jews claim represents everyone but themselves, who are the victims. The very worst people ultimately assume the front-facing roles because the tasks required are so traitorous and distasteful that someone with a sense of loyalty and ethics wouldn’t want to do them. To do these things with enthusiasm takes a vicious sodomite like Graham, which probably explains a lot.

Moreover, as this system spirals and persists, anyone decent is filtered out long before they’d ever consider running for office. As a corollary, I think what’s also happening now is that the Jews can’t count on someone like Graham to present himself as a rational actor, so they’re increasingly stepping into the top spots although they’re no good at it. In other words, the goyim brought up to serve them through this system are so terrible they feel compelled to step from behind the scenes to try and tone things down. I could be wrong, but this is my suspicion.

I’m not sure if Josh Hawley or Tom Cotton are ever going to be able to overshadow Graham. The shadow cast by nuclear winter ought to do the trick, though.


  1. I now refer to the so-called Republican politicians as Recucklicons.

    Tom, is that a Lee Enfield your avatar is holding?

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