There are things that I can just look the other way on. For instance, I came across a hilarious photo this morning of the captain of a navy ship firing a rifle with the scope on backwards, not that it would matter since the flap was over the scope, using what would be fairly described as poor marksmanship. Quite frankly, it’s disgraceful.
I honestly have no idea how much time a naval officer spends on a firing range, but just one time should be enough not to create this photo op. Actually, if you have no marksmanship training whatsoever, but you’re a Gen Z video gamer, you would know this is the wrong way to do it.
But, I get that he’s the captain of a ship, he’s got a lot going on, and shooting people with a rifle isn’t his line of work, so probably what happened is some PR officer asked him for a photo while he was sitting in his chair at the helm and so he just walked out to the deck and fired the rifle and went back to what he was doing. I’m pretty sure that’s what happened. His career is probably over, but as a White male, it probably wasn’t going much further anyways.
There was clearly no thought on his part that went into this photo op. However, the mental capacity of somebody was exceeded by this task. Notice the color of the hand on his back. If you were in the U.S. Navy, and you didn’t want your comrades to die, would you put the black person in charge of the cruise missiles, or PR?
Yeah, so we have a culprit and on multiple levels. First, we have the photographer, and whoever assembled the rifle and gave it to the captain. Then, there is the posting of this photo on the U.S. Navy’s social media accounts, which stayed up until it was lambasted all over the internet. Black is guaranteed to be the color of this crime, probably female as well. That’s the gold standard of incompetence.
You might want to say, Tom you’re not a racist, you’re the least racist person I’ve ever met, you’ve never even said the N-word a single time! Well, sure that’s true. If I didn’t have to catch all these dogs, I’d be out fighting racism with a crowbar and a can of bear mace.
Still, even I must admit that the mental paucity of a black female is so powerful it could siphon anything that comes into proximity, much like a black hole (I’ll get to the space stuff later). To improve my dog catching, I was forced to attend anti-racism training conducted by a black female. I must admit it did little to dispel this notion but instead convinced me of its fundamental truth. Things that are true have explanatory value, so black women being really stupid explains quite a bit.
The fun thing is that they’re being put into increasingly ridiculous positions and then performing with the corruption, malfeasance, and shocking incompetence expected of a black female. They put one in charge of Harvard, and she couldn’t even not plagiarize the acknowledgments section.
Of course, her academic field was made up purely to create jobs for black female academics, as they lack the brain power to study anything else. It’s the same story everywhere, if you want black female academics, that’s how you get them:
White people tend to get down on themselves and worry if they have what it takes to make it to the big leagues. Black people, not so much. So, when they get put there purely because they’re black, they keep being black instead of trying to adjust to higher standards. This is how they can live in squalor under a state of constant violence and think they built the pyramids.
I find it odd that they hire them, and then everybody gets disgruntled about their performance as if this wasn’t in the cards the entire time. Why would Fani Willis, tasked with saving the 2024 election by putting Trump in prison, not hire her boyfriend for outrageous sums of money, and not perform her legal work with incompetence while embezzling money? They’re all a pretty standard package.
Obviously, they’re going to be saying lots of incredibly ignorant and stupid things as well. Anyone who has spent time around black people would know that this is what they do. Our cleaning lady thought Trump was going to send her back to Africa. This would make for some good sci-fi, apparently we’ll soon colonize the center of the moon. I’m for colonizing the moon and giving each black person 40 acres on it. Purely because we have a budget deficit, trips to the moon would be one way:
Here on Earth though, we still have our problems, and these problems can be found anywhere a black woman is employed above the rank of janitor. Are you surprised “the worst mayor in America” is a black woman? What’s quite hilarious is that the former mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, whose mother was black and whose deadbeat father was the space alien known to us as ET, has been hired for 400 dollars an hour to investigate what everyone already knows.
Her finest moment came several years ago when she told city councilmen to go fuck themselves while Chicago descended into a literal race war during the BLM rampage. If I recall correctly, the Mexicans gunned down over 100 blacks in a single day.
If they ever remake Beetlejuice, Lori could make a pretty good cameo appearance. I’m not sure about what utility she offers to this investigation beyond using a black female to try and get rid of another black female so everyone can say they’re not racist. This one is a real classic:
Again, she’s offering the standard package. If you let black women steal and self-aggrandize, that’s what they’re going to do. This happens with all of them. It’s just what they do, and it’s never going to change. They’ve been made a part of the system, but they can’t function they way the system needs them to function. As you might’ve noticed, our system isn’t exactly sustainable.
One of the most tired tropes is people exclaiming that they behave this way because they’re Democrats. No, there are White Democrats who don’t behave this way. It’s because they’re black females. I don’t expect anything different, so I don’t get dismayed. Do you really think if they switched parties, the situation would be any different?
Seriously, has anybody actually feared getting carjacked by a Democrat? Has anyone ever worried about taking a stray round from a Democrat? Do venues for dining and entertainment go out of business because Democrats get into brawls and don’t leave tips? Are Democrats firing into crowds at back-to-school rap concerts?
Black people sure bring their problems, but many White people have their own idiocies to plague a rational man such as myself. Everyone used to know that black people weren’t compatible with White civilization, which is why we had segregation, sundown policies, etc. The fundamental premise was based on the simple truth that this incompatibility was because they’re black. Now, the fundamental premise is how we can get black people to behave like White people, which is impossible and absurd.
Because this is the truth, it has both explanatory and predictive value. So, I can explain why these black females aren’t meeting expectations and correctly predict that they will never meet these expectations. Perhaps I should switch careers from dog catching to telling people’s fortunes.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
The demographic is literally a millstone tied around White men’s necks. We could’ve colonized the stars, instead we had to commit civilizational suicide and apologize for colonizing Africa.
When the sun eventually swells into its red giant stage of life, and consumes Terra Firma and all remaining life, we can be consoled knowing that black women were able to get dey hurr and nails did until the very end.
The goodwhites have to make it about the democrats or corruption ie “follow the money” or some other systemic flaw because the religion of progress – which includes blank-slate civnat cucks just the same, cannot indict any feature of their sacred theology without the whole thing cascading into the the pile of lies that it is.
But but my Thomas Sowell! If it wasn’t black women it would be Mexican women. Or Indian males. Or, gasp! White women. Which is how it all got started. The cult needs talisman, this s clear. But it also needs the severed tongues of White men to stay in their wives purses. These sheboons flinging poo are downstream of the social order, the inversion, that makes it all possible. Nothing will change unless that is righted. But it looks like it will take a lot of nice things going poof to get there. Oh wells.
I was fourteen when the Civil Rights Act was passed and fifteen when the Immigration Reform Act was passed. Even to a kid like me, the future path of the United States was outlined in red flashing neon, but the adults at the time, by and large, couldn’t be bothered with any of it. So here we are. I’m sure that most who read Identity Dixie understand the story of Cassandra very well.
It’s a weirdly contradictory planet. I’ve known quite a few competent and agreeable Blacks. But experience has taught me to not “loan” Blacks money. You must look at it as a gift. They do. Unfortunately, you can’t claim it as a charitable donation on your taxes.
As Mr. Shackleford understands, the power of propaganda to cloud people’s minds is indeed immense. The jews caught on to that many moons ago. But like street hawkers, they recognize the marks and pitch their spiel to them. Liberals are particularly susceptible to their spiel, so they target them in a special way.
Why? And what makes liberals particularly susceptible to die juden spiel?
It’s guilt.
Imagine going through life unbathed. Wearing stinking, dirty, tattered clothes. Imagine how uncomfortable you’d become with it. Liberalism offers the dirty, smelly liberal absolution for his filthiness: the problem isn’t HIM… it’s those clean, appropriately dressed people!
In time the consciousness of their unclean lives becomes unbearable to liberals. We were created as rational beings after all. But rather than repent of it and appeal to Christ, whom they really don’t believe in anyway, for forgiveness, they take the alternate route – and start hating those who contradict their squalid lives. All the while complaining about “haters”.
They become prey for the demons… demoniacs… who champ at the bit to be released to do more than complain.