A leftwing scribbler on some website recently called me “a White Nationalist.” He thought that was a conclusive judgment. But I am not now and never have been a “White Nationalist.”
I have long been called a Southern Nationalist, but that is a different matter. The Southern people are real. White nationalism is merely a Yankee ideology, an abstraction with no base. Their lack of any base explains why many of them have tried to attach themselves to the Southern cause, as in the Charlottesville event.
Unfortunately, that tendency has made some headway in the Southern cause. I recently criticized some writer on a Southern site for praising the German cause in World War II. A reply ridiculed me for a clueless fool. This newcomer, probably not even a Southerner, was apparently unaware of my 60 years of service in the cause.
Can you imagine anything more anti-Southern than a goose-stepping German? Some few Americans after World War II began to praise the Nazi regime for its opposition to the rise of communism and internal disorder. This was and is stupid but characterizes some of the Alt-Right these days.
To begin with, Adolph Hitler was not a White Nationalist, he was a German nationalist, quite willing to sacrifice his own people for a mystical idea of a thousand-year Reich. True, the Nazi regime made noises about Nordic supremacy and classifying Slavs as subhuman, while governed by such great examples of Nordic manhood as Himmler and Goebbels.
In fact, Hitler was responsible for the death of more white people than anyone in history. Look at the newsreels. A large part of the German population and army was Slavic. There were plenty of tall, blue-eyed Poles, Russians, Americans, and French fighting the Nazis, not to mention that Britain, the Low Countries, and Scandinavia were more “Nordic” than Germany.
When Martin Luther King moved his civil rights campaign north to Chicago, he was shocked to find there was no black community such as he was used to in the South. The black people were mostly lost souls, cast adrift in a world of phony Yankee virtue. When we began the modern Southern movement nearly a half-century ago, our interest was in the devolution of power and preserving our particular culture. We understood that African-Americans were and always had been part of our South. In fact, their American roots run deeper than most non-Southern whites in the United States today. I submit that African Americans are not and never have been the primary enemies of Southern identity.
We need to identify our real enemies – American nationalists, white or otherwise.
-By Clyde Wilson
Clyde Wilson is a distinguished Professor Emeritus of History at the University of South Carolina. He is the author or editor of over thirty books and published over 600 articles, essays, and reviews.
Dr. Wilson is also co-publisher of Shotwell Publishing, a source for unreconstructed Southern books.

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
Who wrote this Talmudic drivel, a Boomercon? White nationalism is Southern Nationalism. The South is a White nation, and to suggest that we have a future with Blacks is both outrageous and foolish. If every Black were to dissapear from Dixie tomorrow, our 1) Crime rate would be lower than Norway’s, 2) The money we would save on welfare, section 8 housing, and policing could be applied to investing in domestic industry, 3) The rate of STDs would fall exponentially, and 4) Our schools would be bastions of learning instead of hotbeds of one-sided interracial violence. You’re right about one thing, however – Blacks are not our primary enemy. They are but useful muscle for the Jews to physically assault us and deprive us of our rights laid out by the Founding Fathers. All Blacks should be peacefully and humanely deported back to Africa, for the good of both races.
Insulting Dr. Clyde Wilson reveals incredible ignorance on your part, ‘Brohammad.’ Maybe you should move to Ukraine, where you won’t be bothered by anyone with skin darker than yours. Abe Lincoln wished to deport blacks. Are you a Lincoln fan?
First of all, death to Lincoln. He subjugated our beloved Dixie and condemned us to 160+ years of endless wars as Janissaries in the American empire. Secondly, it is clear the Dr. Wilson has no idea what he is talking about when he says Hitler and White Nationalists are our enemy – it’s not the White Nationalists who are tearing down our statues, flooding us with millions of illegals, or devaluing the currency. That would be the Jews, who Hitler tried to warn us about. The future of an independent South is one of Fascism; the limited government that the Founding Fathers set up via the Constitution was a noble but futile effort that failed us in both the Civil War and now in contemporary politics.
Amen Brohammad.The guy is a buffoon.
It’s really shocking to me that dissidents in 2024 can unironically argue that a Nazi style strong centralized state wherein everyone goose steps and worships the state would be a good thing
The vaccine is and was the greatest threat to “the survival of our people and a future for white children”. It doesn’t matter if people achieve “white racial consciousness” and start advocating for their interests if, in the long run, they’re rendered dead or infertile because of some effect of the vaccine
This is why (along with the Ukraine hysteria) I stopped reading people like Greg Johnson & Currents— it’s interesting that the same people who went along with the Russia-Ukraine narrative are largely the same people who went along with the COVID-19 narrative
America has less vaccinations, as a percentage of the population than any other European descended country, and this is largely because of our culture of dissident and distrust of the government
What’s more: those of us who did not get the vaccine have African Americans to thank, they’re so distrustful of White people that they resisted the vaccine at the highest rates of any Western country and heavily padded the numbers of anti-vaxxers, which allows White people like me to skirt by the regulations— the higher the percentage of people who got the vaccine, the more emboldened the federal government would be to up the ante and pass even more draconian policies
I would rather deal with violent Blacks than liberals and leftists for the simple reason that I’m able to defend myself in a street fight but I’m not able to defend myself against the combined force of the entire police-military apparatus
The Nazi apologists’ arguments basically boils down to the magical notion that “everything would me great if it weren’t for the Jews”. They are monomaniacal and potentially autistic in this regard
Not great. But probably better. Though their shabbos goyim in Congress are even more reprehensible. In any event, ultimately Whites are their own worst enemies. The jews just exploit the opportunities we’ve handed them.
You sound dumb as Hell.Where do you get that Blacks helped us get away with no kill shot?I knew the shot was poison and I needed no nigger to tell me or give me cover.I wouldn’t mind losing a job or a college spot over not being poisoned.Blacks hate everything,so they are right a few times out of many.But that has nothing to do with me.You sounded stupid trying to impress with monomaniacal and autistic when neither state fits what you seek to describe.An autistic person wouldn’t know who to blame or how to arrive at the possibilities.And monomaniacal is a mental disorder as well and ill describes someone logically working for a solution.Was Edison monomaniacal because he wanted to try thousands of times to solve his quest for the light bulb?No he wasn’t.And any centralized entity can be good or bad.You believe in states rights?Well a state is a centralized authority.But people like it because more people in their state had their culture and beliefs(that’s ruined by immigration and Yankees).A King who defended the race would be fine,Hitler was superb.Just like TV in the hands of Jews is death for our race it would be great in Dr Goebbels hands.I do like smaller units of power myself but that must come from much smaller populations.The U.S. beast should be many small countries or political units.You make wrong connections.Anything is bad in the hands of evil people.A people must rule itself.The Jews are of their father Satan and bring forth the one world government.The Bible says this and it is true.The Jews have been the evil entity beguiling mankind from day one.Not obsession when its fact.
Adolf Hitler was first and foremost a grassroots anti-communist who rose to the top of the class in Germany, just as Mussolini did in Italy and Franco did in Spain. People today don’t seem to realize the existential threat Communism represented to Christian Europe in the 1920’s. Hitler saw the worst of it in Wiemar Republic Germany- almost unfathomable Jewish degeneracy and depravity ruled the day, under the wicked influence of jews like Magnus Hirschfield , the “man”(I use the term loosely) who invented transgenderism and coined the term “Racism”. The Jewish Bolsheviks were not satisfied just to have captured Russia- they wanted all of Europe-remember Bela Kun’s 4 month takeover of Hungary and Curt Eisner’s 2 month insurgency in Bavaria, both in 1919, also Rosa Luxemborg’s short-lived “Spartacist” revolt in Berlin. Hitler was a German patriot and a decorated combat soldier in WW1 who worked to rehabilitate himself from serious wounds so he could rejoin his comrades on the front lines- a true patriot. Hitler, Mussolini and Franco all saw that 75% of the Communist party in their native lands were Jews-little wonder they saw Jews as the enemy. Europe’s casualties in World War 2 were brought on by a war mongering megalomaniac- but the warmonger was Winston Churchill, not Adolf Hitler. Churchill confided to his wife that he “just loved war” despite the heartbreak and bloodshed it brought to so many innocent people- he was the primary cause of World War 2, and played an outsized role in assuring England’s entry into WW1. Hitler, meanwhile , wanted peace, and spared the English army at Dunkirk because he saw the British as kinsmen. Churchill, on the other hand,, was stuck in the past-he wanted to preserve forever England’s status after the Battle of Waterloo as the top dog of Europe- and by needlessly involving England in both wars ironically assured their decline to become “the cottage by the sea” and a second rate power. If he had not pressed for war and had England sat out both wars that would have assured England’s primacy after the dust had settled. Hitler did not want to “rule the World” as numerous blockheads have assured us. His program was ‘Ein Volk”- he wanted all the German speaking people and sectors of Europe to reside under the same government. Like many others before and since Churchill owed his position and power to selling out to the Jews, and is a large reason why Europe is in the predicament it is in today. General George Patton, America’s best combat general in WW 2, said shortly before his death that America fought on the wrong side in the war- we should have joined the fascists to fight the communists, rather than ally ourselves with the communists to defeat the fascists.
Totally concur Blowtorch.This Clod guy is a freak.
“In fact, Hitler was responsible for the death of more white people than anyone in history.”
Professor, do you really want to die on this hill?
All people of good faith who engage in these polemics should be aware that extremist statements are often planted by the enemy.
When they are given power, some minorities act in the way that is natural to them. The question is, who allowed them to take power? In 1865 the Yankees had total power–political, economic, and cultural. Why are we in our present state? Because shallow, short-sighted, cowardly, self-centered Yankees allowed it. From the end of Reconstruction to fairly recent times American character remained fairly decent because there was a strong Southern element in it. The Yankees suppressed that in 1850s-1870s and they have now done so again, behaving in their natural way. They are doomed by their nature and are taking us down with them. (Those familiar with my work will know that by “Yankee” I do not mean all Northerners.)
Do you get your lunch money from the Jews who run America?Because you are using the old template of pretending to be on our side while leading us in the direction the Jews want.Our beloved South didn’t need the slaves the Jews brought.And we then didn’t need to be blamed for trying to segregate ourselves to preserve our race,which was done by Jewish power in media etc.This is what they did to Germany.Ruin their country and then blame them when they finally defend themselves.You are the paid opposition buddy boy.You stink.
Yankees- now fueled and reeinforced by a new Jewish subset of Yankees, picked up where they left off when the First Reconstruction officially ended in 1877. These new Yankees(Jews) initiated the ‘Second Reconstruction” commonly called “The Civil Rights Movement” in the 1950’s through the 1960s. The Civil Rights Movement was an exercise in psychological manipulation called “gaslighting”-making a vulnerable subject feel guilt, remorse and shame about something they either didn’t do or, if they did do it, should feel no guilt about. The Civil Rights Movement endeavored successfully to make white gentile Southerners feel guilt about racial segregation. Segregation-both racial and ethnic -is natural and normal-“Birds of a feather flock together”- always have, always will and people everywhere still do it all over the globe.(especially Blacks- wither the clamor for segregated graduation ceremonies, segregated dorms and segregated courses of study in colleges, etc.)! The First Reconstruction was unsuccessful, but the Second Reconstruction succeeded, because the Jews dominated and controlled the new electronic media(TV)which propagandized exclusively for their side and because the Jews were a much more formidable foe than Yankee gentiles.
Amen Blowtorch Mason.
Speaking of Nazis… during the “Great” Depression, when investors could only hope for a one-two percent return on their shekels, if that, on Wall Street or in The City, Nazi Germany was paying five-ten percent. So, where’d the capital go? Hopefully, all y’all know the answer to that one. The “Great” Depression: https://citizenfitz09.blogspot.com/
“Can you imagine anything more anti-Southern than a goose-stepping German?”
Yeah, it’s called pride parades and statues of our ancestors torn down only to be replaced by ones of Black criminals and homosexuals. I would rather be speaking German than live under the thumb of the United Sodomite States of America.
I’m White Christian and love the Cause.I love the old Klan and the old segregationists,I love my CSA to the core,I love my Southern ancestors who truly loved God Jesus and our glorious race.But buddy you lost my respect when you dare to criticize Hitler and the German peoples struggle to throw off the Jewish Christ-hating,White-hating control of their White Christian homeland.The Jews brought us slavery and owned 78% of slaves and their huge profits from the slave trade were hidden away.Then they flipped it onto us with the very Jewish Civil Rights concoction just as they flipped their murder of millions of Slav Christians under Bolshevism into the fake Holocaust.Shifting blame for their sins is the Jewish way.Our media,our money system,our education system is all in Jewish hands,as are our politicians.This Rebel cheers for my Germanic kinsmens efforts to fight the Devil himself as the Synogogue of Satan.As Southerners said for centuries,we are of the Saxon race.We are Germanic.I dislike the very Jewy Yankee culture regardless of whether they are of White stock because they embrace our peoples ruination.I embrace the Hitler movement in its Christian character,rejecting materialism and caring about the purity of the race.I don’t care if you’ve been in the movement 600 years,you are wrong.Our races enemy has always been the Jew.Martin King’s handlers were Jews.Prayer and segregation were ruined by Jewish legal nonsense.Mass non-White immigration brought to us wholly by Jews.The so-called White Freedom Riders were almost all Jews.The two so-called Whites killed in Mississippi were both Jews.I’m awake and I know the enemy.Anyone opposing the upright and honorable Germans of WW2 have bought Jewish brainwashing completely.It is the Germans who behaved correctly in war and the Jewish controlled Allies who raped and starved Germans by the millions.And not just the Soviets.Read Other Losses.Check out Unz.com site,the great section on WW2.Unz is a Jew and he admits the Jews have totally flipped history.The Bible says they will call the grass blue and the sky green.Clyde Wilson you are nowhere and no friend of the White race.
And Clyde Wilson the German population was not Slavic in any part.Where do you get that?Himmler and Goebbels were intelligent,fair skinned and very Nordic in appearance.My ancestors can be traced partially from Scandinavia via England to America and I have brown hair and brown eyes.Hitler nor Goebbels ever said Blonde hair was all there was.In Germany as well as Sweden,Norway,Denmark,Holland and Belgium the incidence of blonde hair and blue eyes was 14% even in 1940.The great Leon Degrelle had dark brown hair.My hero Byron De La Beckwith had brown hair.You seem like a blowhard who spews Jewish propaganda.And Goebbels nor Hitler never said the Big Lie nonsense,they said Jews use the Big Lie.But that was turned around and empty heads like you believed it.Where do you get your crazy ideas?You clearly watch Jew TV and read Jew materials for your info.And yes they own all TV and major book publishers but God gave you a brain so use it.You are not for the White race and your notions play right into Jewish hands.
Thanks, R!ebel Roy
Thanks, Rebel Roy!
Comparing Jews to Yankees is like comparing fire ants to regular ants, or killer bees to honey bees. How a smart person can study our dilemma most of his long life and totally miss the key role Jews have played in our dispossession and decline as Southern whites is baffling. Has he been blinded by that Jewish dispensationalist nonsense in his church? If so, he needs to change churches!
How sad that all you people think like Yankee ideologues rather than Southerners, that you are pre-occupied by irrelevant ugly European history. I fear people like you have doomed the cause. Your idea of history is childish and simplistic. I quit counting the personal insults here. You accuse me of incompetence, bad faith and duplicity because I don’t agree with you. I will bet none of you critics have ever actually done anything except write nasty diatribes while too cowardly to use your real names. I had hoped to start some serious thought about our movement. To be Southern is a good thing to be celebrated positively but all your thoughts are merely AGAINST. I am done with you.
You are a dunce Clod Wilson.Yankee materialism and virtue signaling is the epitome of anti-Christ Judaism.My grasp of history is quite good thank you because I don’t get it all from Jewish approved sources like you do.To watch the History Channel et al on Jew owned TV is opening yourself to anti-White brainwashing.The only source for truth has been the internet and from the internet we get information the Jews blacked out.We get Henry Ford,the true words of Hitler and not scripts,and Martin Luther who even the Lutheran Church censor because the Jews own them now.Whites cannot use their real names Clod because we are persecuted by your Jew masters.There is no freedom of speech in YOUR America Clod.Please tell me how much better off the White race after 60 years of YOUR efforts?Apparently not at all.And I am a positive person but when dealing with the garbage you write there is nothing else to be but AGAINST!Lets take a tally and I wager that the vast bulk agree with me and totally believe you are a useful idiot for the Jews.As Hitler said an education is not merely learning the names of this King or Queen or where some battle was fought,but we must learn the real reasons behind events.I didn’t look up the exact quote but that is the essence.Your version of the South is the Jews who ran the slave trade directing the CSA through Judah Benjamin et al and my version is a White Southern Christian people who were hurt by slavery and not represented by the Jewish backed aristocracy.My version is Germanic Whites coming together and not a few controlling the rest.Like our Lord Jesus we reject materialism and we reject His murderers the Jews.You Clod have no audience anywhere.
“Irrelevant ugly European history”?Do you mean the fake Holo?How about Jews robbing and debauching Europe for hundreds of years.How about being expelled 109 times from European nations.How about the Jews being a fifth column in the ruination of Constantinople and the Conquest of Christian Vandel(Germanics)Spain,both times by Mohammedans.How about fake Christian Cromwell being a paid agent of the Jews who let them back into England after almost 400 years and where from they started their world conquest.How about the Jews and mass immigration to Europe.Take Sweden,in the 1960’s it was almost totally Swedish except for some Jew refugees.But ALL seven of the major newspapers in Sweden just happened to be Jewish owned.And from the 60’s they ran hundreds of articles urging Swedes to be nice and let the floodgates open.In 1975 Sweden’s Parliament did just that.Now they are destroyed.Totally because of Jews.So tell me its irrelevant.
Agreed, Dr. Wilson. There are many name-callers and anonymous cowards who post at Identity Dixie. (Must be terrified of Joe Biden’s NSA!) They resort to name-calling when they simply cannot compose an intelligent, civil response. As you are, I am finished with them – for now.
All I can say is that I’m astonished at the depth of ignorance displayed by Clyde Wilson here. His article was the worst of anti-Germanic, Judaic trash, not fit for a supposedly intelligent man. That he didn’t even bother to directly address the Jewish problem in any of his snide, goofy “defenses” in this comment section tell me that he is -in one way or the other- compromised by the Jewish devils who seek our genocide.
Of note here, is that in all my years of pro-White readings and study, I’ve only finished one book from this man (a short and repetitive tome called “The Yankee Problem”). I’ve not pulled it off my bookshelves since first reading it, but it was still there until today.
Not anymore. The landfill will have it tomorrow.
Great comment ConfederateWorkersParty.Thank you.
This is the very reason I left the movement because it isn’t “Southern” Nationalist at all it is a Pro Nazi White Supremacy movement now. The only group making any serious waves now is the Texas Nationalist Movement. ID is clearly lost and no self respecting Southerner would support this site.
Yet you are somehow here even though you left.Jewish shills or IDF trolls have a never-ending supple of catchy names,yet always seem unable to convince anyone that they are anything but hasbara.We White Southerners are proud and intelligent.We recognize that Jews play both sides:like bringing the slaves at huge profit,causing a war for their father the Devil,buying up everything in the South,and then starting the NAACP/CivilRightsMovement to hurt and destroy Whites.Hitler had no Jews in power positions like the CSA did.The South had corrupt leaders(like today)which hurt 99% of Whites while enriching themselves and mostly their Jew masters.A new study shows that Jews owned 78% of slaves in America,so why are Whites blamed by the Jews for slavery?
We’re not pro Nazi at this site-it’s not our raison d’etre, but when Clyde Wilson decided to make the Germans his all purpose whipping boy, we instinctively come to the defense of our white gentile kinsmen. Nazi Germany is a cautionary tale for us- it shows what Jewish Power and Influence has in store for any white gentile nation that resists their agenda of domination. Hitler’s fate was sealed when he drove the Rothschild’s out of the Central Bank of Germany in 1933- he was a marked man from that moment on. They’d do the same to us if we ended the Fed. Every radical egalitarian movement in America since WW2-the feminist Movement, the homosexual rights Movement, the no-fault divorce initiative, the climate change movement, the sexual revolution, the drug culture and most importantly for us the so-called Civil Rights Movement(actually the Black Rights Movement) were all planned, financed and masterminded by Jewish Power and influence- without Jewish support none of these movements would have amounted to a hill of beans, but with Jewish support they were an unstoppable juggernaut. Want proof?- until 1975 all of the presidents of the NAACP were Jewish males.( Note that since the black takeover the NAACP has been a paper tiger.) If you don’t see our persecution as White Southerners since WW2 to be the consequence of Jewish animus towards us, then you’re a lost ball in high weeds. You can’t defeat an enemy you’re afraid to name.
I was going to forbear commenting here at ID on this article; but I wanted to thank you for encapsulating so well everything I was thinking. Alfred Rosenberg foresaw everything that would happen in America and wrote about it in ‘Blood and Honor’. Britain turned on their gentile kinsmen in WW2, won a war and lost their empire as a result. I don’t call for contempt of other races (neither did the NSDAP), but certainly we should prefer our own!
I can’t begin to fathom what must be going on Dr. Wilson’s mind.
Totally concur German Confederate.Nothing is going on in Clod Wilson’s mind(unless the Jews fill it).Great comment.Thank you.
German Confederate- thanks for your comment.