I’m a race realist who understands that it’s not really fair to hold black people to White standards. This is why we shouldn’t have to exist in a country together. For example, R Kelly will be in prison for the rest of his life, and he isn’t even capable of understanding what hit him. “But dey lived in my house!” His IQ is 73 and he’s illiterate. How the hell is he supposed to understand that keeping a harem at his house to pee on would be a violation of the Mann Act? And who would even care about this in Africa?
Honestly, this is just cruel what they’ve done to him. If I was running things, nobody would be telling black people what to do because they’d be on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean doing their own thing. Even if we paid them all 250k each to leave, it would still be a bargain and we could call it “reparations” or whatever else they’d find suitable.
Hell, we could probably buy up enough space in Africa to establish a country called Wakanda like in the movie and that’s where we could send them, and tell them to watch the movie to see what their new lives will be like before they depart. This would be my platinum plan for black people, and I’m labeled a racist by the SPLC?
One of the Nigerians who Jussie Smollett hired for his fake MAGA noose attack masturbated with him in a private room at a bathhouse. He claims he had no idea this was gay, and I believe him. In his country, most people don’t know how to use a toilet, how’s he supposed to grasp this sort of concept? Smollett couldn’t even figure out that Whites in MAGA hats wouldn’t be prowling Chicago in the middle of the night to attack blacks with nooses. He actually thought this was a plausible scenario, that’s the low power his brain is running on.
The latest scandal to emerge is P Diddy, who came to fame back in the 1990s for crappy songs with the music to old hits in the background. Conservative retards are saying he’s like a black Jeffery Epstein, who was clearly running a Mossad blackmail operation and wasn’t the first Jew in America to be doing so. Attributing this sort of operation to a vapid rapper pursuing his various perversions, who seems to be tripped up on the crossing of state lines issue like R Kelly, is a real stretch.
The “P Diddler” thing is funny, and everybody likes a good caper, but I doubt it. Were there drugs involved, age issues, consent issues, and did he film stuff? I’m sure, but this covers a lot of ground when you’re talking about black guys. This isn’t a set of difficult things to “mastermind.”
It’s the same thing with Loyd Austin not showing up for work at the Pentagon and nobody knowing about it. Conservative retards squawked about national security being compromised but the reality is that the Jews calling the shots at the Pentagon didn’t notice because he’s just a black guy hired because he was black. Who wants to waste their time consulting with him? It’s all so stupid.
Who cares about where he was? Would it even matter if he was throwing around dollar bills at a strip club rather than showing up for work? No, of course not. Many blacks of Loyd Austin’s caliber have these sorts of jobs. Sure, he’s much better spoken than the average black guy but that doesn’t mean they need him for anything vital at the Pentagon. What trust was even breached? Does anyone actually believe that he has this position for any reason other than the fact that he’s black?
The most cringe conservative phrase used to be “the soft bigotry of low expectations,” coined by a Jew from the Bush Administration. It’s not bigoted not to expect much out of black people. These days, we don’t even expect them not to shoot each other anymore, so at least that has gone away along with the insane “no child left behind” project to turn all the black students into White students just by raising the standards they have to meet. That was so incredibly stupid, but that’s where conservatives were at during the Bush years.
Conservatism is a dead and pathetic political movement because it can’t fundamentally acknowledge that race is real and thus different groups can never be the same. So, they can acknowledge that we expend a great deal of resources on black people, and that this hasn’t done any good, but then they say it’s because we don’t expect enough out of black people which the average person can understand is a retarded thing to contend.
Meanwhile, dissidents, such as myself, who get smeared as racists would treat blacks in a much more humane manner that takes into account their blackness and allows them to live under far more suitable conditions for black people than they have right now, where laws are applied to them that they can’t even understand. It’s all so tiresome.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
The retarded black cohort has gone from obviously incongruent with our culture to under the cover of the progressive blanket party to emerging in ways too obvious to cover.
And yet the problem transcends the black problem as the heritage White culture is for all intents gone, subsumed by prog/little hat fetishization as part of that blanket.
The result is a twofold problem for the South. The ghetto of our own people and the still ghetto of the pets. I’ve lived in both environments and the commonalities far exceed the differences. The left hand of the curve coupled with the negolatry has rendered much of the South a wasteland.
There is a long way to go to elevate our own enough to even hope to contend with the imported apes.
“But dey lived in my house!” I laughed out loud.
Tom, for your exemplary work here at ID you have been inducted into the “Fundies Say the Darndest Things” hall of fame; and winning ALL of their coveted awards: “#Racist”, “#Dunning-Kruger”, “#Fundie”, “#Homophobic”, “#Transphobia”, “#Sexist”, “#Conspiracy” and “#Wingnut”:
There are no further honors for them to bestow upon you.
Congratulations, sir!