If you have not been keeping up with the news, Haiti is on the verge of collapse yet again. But this time it’s worse than normal, as the government has stopped functioning and gangs have taken their place. Haiti is now in a state of anarchy, similar to Somalia from 1991-2006; however, rather than being a world away, this collapsed state will be right on the doorstep of the United States. Predictably, the collapse of Haiti is being used as a pretext to justify the further demographic shift of the United States. And, of course, they will be sent to Florida, but that’s a story for another day. Instead, the focus of this article will be on the tragic story of American Christian missionaries that are currently stuck in Haiti with no way of escape. And while this is a tragedy and all men of good will should sincerely pray for their safe return, it is also a tragedy that lays at the feet of the modern, feminized Church. You see, many, if not most, of the American missionaries currently in Haiti are White women.
Before I begin, let me first say that the Great Commission – “go forth and baptize all nations” – applies to Haitians as well, so Haiti needs missionaries. Haiti, like all nations, must be won for Christ. And women can and should share the Gospel, although they should not be put in a leadership role over men. But prudence is a Christian virtue as well, and by sending so many young White women to Haiti, the modern Church has shown that it values feminism over prudence. Yes, Haiti should he reached, but common-sense dictates that the dangerous reality of Haiti, even before the recent collapse, means that women should not be put in harm’s way. Only male missionaries should go to Haiti, preferably ones with experience fighting demons, something that is particularly prevalent due to the history of voodoo there, with Satan even being invoked during the Haitian Revolution.
But this did not happen. And much of this is because of men who have refused to take up the Cross and convert the world, even at the risk of great personal harm. For decades men have refused that call, and women have taken it up instead. From this, a spirit of feminism has arisen in the Church, one that has created a vicious cycle where male religiosity declines, creating a more feminist culture in the Church which then causes more men to lose interest. Inevitably, even more feminism creeps into the Church. Because of the feedback loop currently in progress, it really does feel like it will only end via direct divine intervention, which will come, if necessary, in God’s due time.
But that due time is not right now, and it does not change the fact that a bunch of White women are about to be murdered or even worse by marauding gangs. Part of me wants to be charitable here and say that these women are well-meaning Christians who want to win souls to Christ and give them a path to salvation. And in many instances, this is the case, no question. But I have also seen far too many of these women take a mission trip to Haiti as a photo opportunity to show how “not racist” they are. Perhaps they do not mean to come across this way, but considering the state of Haiti, it needs to be taken seriously.
For decades, a process has been going on in the Church in the West where women have gained more power than both Sacred Scripture and Tradition allows. It resulted in a several generations of weak-willed pastors, even in cases where women are not allowed leadership positions. These weak-willed men were (are) incapable of telling women “No.” They should have told these women the hard truth that Haiti is one of the most dangerous nations on earth and that their missionary activity, no matter how well meaning, will not change that soon. Additionally, these men should have educated them that female missionaries and NGO personnel are often the target of harassment and violence. Or, Haiti’s history – demonic activity is common there and thus only men well-versed in battling demons should go. Also, that the gravity of the situation is well beyond any kind of tropical pictures they may post on social media. Even in with the well-meaning cases this was a bad idea, and now, in the worst possible way, these weak-willed men will get part of their flock killed and raped (maybe even eaten).
Prudence is one of the virtues that is perhaps most neglected in the Church today. It is prudence that allows us to say “yes, missionaries must be sent to Haiti, but we need to take precautions over who we send.” And in this case, it is simply a bad idea that women be sent to Haiti. Men are to protect women just as Christ protects his Church, and part of that protection means not deliberately placing them in harm’s way. Haiti is not Denmark (not yet anyway), a different breed of missionary is required for this endeavor, and a Church that has swallowed feminism can simply not understand this distinction. And what is the worst part of this entire terrible situation is, even after the deaths and rapes that will surely come, I doubt this will cause many to rethink their choice of sending women into these dangerous positions.
This is what a feminized Church looks like. This is what a Church that has spent decades running masculine men off looks like. Men must take up the Cross.

Weak men and feminism have been a cancer and blight upon the Church & western civilization. Hard men empowered powered By the Spirit of God will have to do hard things to set things right..
Another excellent article Harmonica.
There needs to be a Romans 12:2 transformation of minds in the Western democracies to undo the facile understanding of the Great Commission. I think Ivan Ilyin understood what I’m alluding to:
“Only one deprived of life experience could fail to see the aggressiveness of evil, its natural tendency to expand its possession, its domineering pressure; and then imagine that the power of evil can and must be exhausted by appeasement, patient humility, and the giving over of all sacred things, human souls and the entire culture to a sacrificial doom. p. 150. Forgiveness is the first condition of the fight against evil or, if you will, the beginning of it, but not the end and not a victory. For this great struggle against evil, it is truly necessary to have no less than “twelve legions of angels” (Matt. 26:53), and a real villain, until he sees these legions, will always see in “forgiveness” a direct encouragement, and maybe even a hidden sympathy. p. 126. There are villains towards whom the last outburst of extinguished pity can only be expressed in the acceleration of their execution. p. 132. The whole history of mankind consists in the fact that in different epochs and different communities the best people perished, attacked by the worst; and this continued until the best ones dared to meet the worst with systematic and organized resistance. It has always been and always will be thus: the radical evil that exists in man triumphs until it is disciplined.” p. 153.
Ivan Ilyin, ‘On Resistance to Evil by Force’, trans. K. Benois
Bravo, sir. I’ve been complaining about this trend for years. The betas and the women have driven out the masculine men in churches and have introduced a multitude of compliances with the liberal American society, such as race mixing, apathy towards cultural and demographic destruction of Caucasians, watering down of messages and sermons, and lack of accountability.
It’s always bothered me that we go minister in faraway places when we have the Empire of New Babel right here at home. The Call of ministry runs strongly in my family, so the frailty of our modern church is a problem that I am well aware of.
I have worked in Haiti for one year for the UN. It was hell and I suffered a lot, but much better than today. Mind you, I am not a delicate person: have lived in Latin America for most of my adult life and I feel fine. Even with this, Haiti was too much.
I really object to this fashion of American churches of sending young men and women to be missionaries. This is like “adventure for young Christians”, like Peace Corps, like young volunteers in NGO. If you want to help, there are lots of places to help near home even in a nominally Christian society like America. And before preaching to adult men and women that have had lots of experience and pain, have some experience and pain with life first. Then, you will speak with truth, instead of repeating what you read in books. And your testimony will be valuable.
If you want to live an adventure because you are young and you have wanderlust (been there, done that, got the T-shirt), please don’t be hypocrite and say it that you are doing for Jesus.
This does not mean that missionary work is worthless, but it is done by families that have chosen this difficult lifestyle, not by young people that want to have an adventure after graduation.
It seems like a sinister thing to do, light some woman up with Christ and send her into hell. It’s like feeding Moloch from my occupied Yankee/commie shitstain I’m living In.
The Mormon young men go out into the world for their Church, even though it seems like the Mormon church is just a tit on a bore. My personal story is of a relative that spent 55 years working with the lepers of Molokia and many years with Father Damian. She married Christ and was ordained a nun at 17, to bad our church was just another tit on a bore at that time. 1880-1935. At one time my ancestors and the new world Spanish inquisition would imprison you or outright burn you alive for passing out enlightenment literature in their Country. What would get you fried was the doctrine separating politics and religion.
God Save the South!
Edit: Boar
To see for yourself,
The Portuguese seaborne Empire. 1415-1825
CR Boxer 1969
The Roman Catholic Church in Colonial Latin America. Chapter 11, Brazil in Crisis Chapter 15, The mexican inquisition and the enlightenment.
Host of authors 1971.
Haiti has the world’s second largest iridium deposits. Unrest comes before the looting of a country’s resources.