Competently Incompetent

I was hanging out with a based and Dixie-pilled buddy of mine recently, and he used the term “competency crisis.” I have been hearing that term quite a bit lately. It is always interesting how quickly new terms and made-up words make the rounds these days. Anyhow, it is blatantly obvious to anyone who is not a suburbanite female or modern America’s hordes of questionably inbred browns/darkies/hominids that the quality of production and output in our society ain’t exactly up to snuff anymore.

I am a painter by trade. I have physically seen with my own two eyes throughout the entirety of my adult life the asininely poor construction quality of the pathetic McMansions most of us live in today. It is laughable to say the least. These places are not designed to last very long, are often aesthetically unappealing in an uncannily Soviet Union sort of way, consist entirely of cheap and brittle materials sold at far too high of a premium, and require a great deal of painter’s effort to make look presentable. The lattermost depends on the painter, too. My grandfather once told me about a White carpenter he knew who could cut and install trim so well that my grandfather, the painter, did not have to use caulking to fill the cracks. He may have embellished the story, but it is safe to say we will never see carpenters like that again.

As a painter, I have witnessed firsthand the strain that open borders have had on native Caucasian and black Southern tradesmen. These probably inbred Indio Hispanic criminals from south of the border do not produce quality services. No, I did not stutter. They are literal criminals. Sure, 118 of these squats on a single jobsite are going to put out some quantity, despite taking a 3-hour long siesta in the middle of the day, but the end result is less than impressive. I do not buy the laughable American propaganda gobbledygook about them being such hard workers. The Boomers abandoned the trades and branded them as work for losers then justified flooding the market with criminals from the lowest classes of Central and South America by projecting with, “They’re doing the work Americans won’t do.” Speak for yourself, Boomers. Us young’uns are desperate for good jobs that y’all’re simply giving away to all sorts of brown savages who are so awful that even the Third World does not want them. Well, what few decent service jobs still remain after you de-industrialized the Empire during the 90’s. We have taken the “quantity over quality” business model to a societal breaking point. Their last “screw you” to America is selling off all their land and property to developers and artificially inflating house and land prices, as if systematically eradicating Southern culture since assuming control in the 1990’s was not enough. I hope the 30 pieces of silver were worth it. Like Esau, they sold OUR birthright for a bowl of stew.

You do not see this decline in quality only within the trades, either. It infects every aspect of America. This is where the “competency crisis” comes in. Regarding the aforementioned Hispanics, I have never found them a particularly intelligent or competent demographic when I have worked with them. Remember, they are Latin America’s genetic refuse. Occasionally, one will appear that has good genes and stands above the rest. Anyhow, this incompetence is very obviously seen in the military with all the 1st and 2nd generation immigrants taking it over, which has been exacerbated with the White exodus of the U.S. military. We can see it in the medical field and tech sectors which have been flooded with Indians. I would expect to see a number of Boomer created local businesses rapidly decline as they sell off everything to these brown Jews. Speaking of those same Indians, they are ravenously climbing their way into positions of political power all across the West. Tell me, dear reader, how well has that turned out for the places they rule? Their political craft is lacking, and everything they accomplish is anti-White. Of course, it is not only Indians and Hispanics flooding in, plenty of Africans and Arabs to go around!

I am digressing too much. Look, these hominids taking over every aspect of the United States is leading to some serious life-threatening issues. Modern technology increasingly has issues, and the only assistance you get over the phone is a punjab asking you if you have “turned it off and back on again.” For the gamers in the crowd, how has diversity hiring effected the quality of video games produced in the past decade? I am curious to know just how many of our replacements are engaging in medical malpractice. Food at restaurants is worse. Road work takes forever. Infrastructure in urban areas is a joke. Planes are increasingly dangerous to travel on. Government bureaucracy hires these invaders only for them to use that power to make the average Heritage American miserable. TSA anyone? There simply are not enough good Caucasian men around to keep things going in perpetuity, and it is obvious younger Millennials and Zoomers will not be producing enough of them for the future. While East Asians are typically quite competent, they are not mentally derelict enough to stick around in a free-falling society which poses a danger to them. Their lighter skin will make them a target.

I sure do look forward to our future Indian political-business elite and Hispanic gangs in every town and city. The negro vs wetback turf wars will be entertaining at least. There is going to be a whole lot more Laken Riley’s in the near future. The book White Girl Bleed a Lot comes to mind. Young White girls seem more interested in “diversity” these days anyway. It’s ok though; just imagine all the easily accessible curry and tacos we will have!!!

Apocalyptic lyrics and a title befitting this article


  1. It’s all part of the plan: to induce a psychology of listlessness and complicity. Do what you’re told to do and only what you’re told to do. If anyone insists on the self-respect that comes from doing a worthwhile job properly, they become highly suspect in the eyes of the employer. As the Protocols tell us: there’s nothing more dangerous than personal initiative.

  2. When I first started seeing tirades against Boomers, I couldn’t understand what on earth y’all were ranting about. Am I exempt because I’m a 1961 vintage “joneser”? I don’t know, but I did finally figure out that what the young folks are so pissed off about is the people the rest of us Boomers refer to as sell-outs. You’re ranting about the sell-outs! Good for you.

    Some of us actually believed that stuff about peace, love, and justice. Most of us decided “hey, it’s 1978! Peace, love, and justice is out of style. Let’s make a lot of money.” This produced the sad collection of humanoids you so understandably despise.

    So, having tried to be consistent about peace, love, and justice over a lifetime I have been forced to think long and hard for years about what those things mean. I finally arrived at a deep cultural conservatism which meant in turn that I got “Dixie pilled”. (I liked that one a lot!) I also arrived at understanding but only in a superficial way that socialism is evil but distributionism is trying to do business God’s way.

    All those words just to ask — I have no intention of selling off family land to a developer and I do what I can to avoid hiring slave labor. Is there anything else this old lady can do that would make you young’uns happy? As it is, I concentrate on hymn singing and I bake some mean cornbread but the kids seem to prefer junk food and tattoos…

    1. It’s always nice when someone from your generation, such as yourself, actually tries to understand what we’re saying.

      1. Indeed. The normal response is a stream of NAXLT diatribes of personal accomplishments and exceptionalism and slouching back into the nation that no longer exists for reasons that those exceptions unwitting make clear in their cringey soapbox moonbarking.

        Often finished off with a dash of ‘my daughter is strong an independent and can’t find no decent man’ just to twist the knife on that Patriarchy they also helped strangle in the cradle.

        Just wait until the generation of kids ritually abused during “Covid” begin to matriculate into adulthood. Competency will be the least of the problems.

        In the meantime the hurt box of broken boomer dreams will go exponential as there will be no buyers for the business they built, the McMansion they stuffed with Chinese junk and debt instead of memories with their grandkids, and the great legacy of things will come to an end.

        It will be known as Inherit the landfill. And the remnant with cover it cap it and burn the gas of their decaying empire such that our grandkids will know our blood and our soil and will come to laugh at the silly times of the Madison Avenue bloodletting and the myopic children of progress who were afraid of their own mortal end more than the end of everything else.

  3. Your goy businessmen were rubbing their hands in glee thinking about the profits they’d be racking up using cheap, beaner labor. Then the democrats realized beaners were a useful voting bloc. Then the media tar brushed anyone who pointed out obvious facts with the dread title: “RACIST!”. The republicans of course sat on their hands as always.

    Oh well, you knew we were vipers when you let us in.

  4. I lived for a while in a Black country. That’s not a typo; I said country, not county. I can tell you with absolute certainty that there is a certain threshold where the competency crisis will manifest in failing social organization and infrastructure. I don’t know where that threshold is but when we pass it it will become obvious. The hospitals, police, sheriff’s department, highway maintenance, light company, etc will suddenly begin to dysfunction at a much higher rate. Hospital pharmacies will be out of stock for the antibiotics you need, people will get the wrong blood type, wrong diagnoses, etc. Police will take half a day to show up to the scene of a homicide and botch the investigation so that even a competent outfit won’t be able to come in to piece together the case. You report a stolen car and the people taking the info won’t even ask what color it was before they try to close the conversation. (I actually experienced this one myself). Trains will wreck, airplanes will crash. The list goes on and on.

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