The complete transformation of El Salvador is nothing short of a miracle. This nation, long plagued by horrific levels of gang violence that would make 1980s New York City look like Mayberry, has seen an unheard-of drop in violent crime. In just four years, El Salvador has gone from being the “murder capital of the world” to having a murder rate comparable to Luxembourg. The talking heads and experts have long insisted that such a change is impossible, but this tiny nation has proven otherwise.
Credit to the transformation of El Salvador is largely the result of the vision of one man – President Nayib Bukele. Bukele, a man of the Right, understands that force is needed to combat crime and keep the streets safe for normal people, and he has broken the back of the gangs that once ruled his country. Far from being horrified, the people of El Salvador have flocked to him – remember everything is secondary to security – making him one of the most popular leaders in the world and recently giving him a landslide victory.
But of course, not everyone is happy. Although the Western-style Salvadorian Left is tiny, they are well-funded and have been gaining some high-profile supporters in the United States. Most recently, the Minnesota (Somalia) congressional representative, Ilhan Omar, called him a dictator and for El Salvador to have “free and fair elections,” even though no serious observer doubts Bukele’s popularity. What Omar is doing is sending out a warning shot that Bukele may be targeted by the CIA soon, which is a very strong possibility and would very likely result in all of Bukele’s work going down the drain.
Still, Omar’s remarks deserve some examination, because there is a lot at play here that goes beyond the complaints of a single member of “the Squad.” First off, this is an excellent example of why feminism is not pro-woman, it’s anti-male. Rape in El Salvador used to be an epidemic, but thanks to Bukele, it has dropped dramatically. Women in El Salvador are far safer than they were in 2018. If feminism was “pro-woman,” they would see it as a cause of celebration – I certainly do – but they do not. If “rape culture” exists such as feminists insists, and pre-Bukele’s El Salvador was certainly one of those places, it should be noted that Bukele crushed that “culture.” However, he did so in a masculine way, through toughness and power, and feminists, hating men far more than they like women, cannot stand it.
But there is something else here, too. The American Left hates Bukele and will target him with increasing vitriol over the coming months and years because they see him, correctly I may add, as a threat to the plan to demographically replace Whites in the United States, especially Southerners. Remember that there are two forces driving immigration – a push and pull. Push is when immigrants are forced out of their land, pull is when something attracts them to another place. Thanks to the open border policies in play since 1965 and going into overdrive since 2021, the pull is firmly in place. But that leaves the push, and the high crime rate that has traditionally plagued El Salvador and other Latin American societies, this has been a major factor in “pushing” South and Central Americans into the United States. But with El Salvador’s remarkable turnaround, the power of that push has been greatly diminished. Sure, El Salvador is far poorer than the American Empire, but it is also safer than large sections of the United States as well, especially in the cities where immigrants have traditionally flocked towards.
In short, a safe El Salvador means fewer Salvadorians will want to come to the United States. But the problem for the Left does not stop with El Salvador. As El Salvador improves, I suspect we will see more and more Bukele-like figures come to power offering a simple and powerful message of keeping the streets safe. If they can pull it off, and what Bukele has done means that possibility cannot be discounted as fantasy, then the “push” force that has helped drive immigration will be greatly decreased and the Left cannot take that risk.
Salvadorians are not my people, Southerners are. I do not want to see them, or anyone else, replace us, but there are certain natural rights afforded to all, and young children being able to play soccer without being gunned down in gang violence is one of them. It is the same reason why I side with Asian victims of the “panda bear game” and Muslim parents protesting against attempts to tell their sons to become girls and their daughters to sleep with dozens of men. Salvadorians deserve to be safe and Bukele’s efforts have paid off in this regard. Curiously though, the Left is not happy. They are not content that Latin Americans are safer now than they were, because the fact is, much like how feminists are more anti-male than pro-women, the anti-White Left is fully committed to seeing El Salvador return back to state of violent anarchy as long as they have a path to get revenge on Whites. Never forget that.

How many of those El Salvadoran criminals are in the states?
A lot of countries have been sending their trash to the states and euro countries.
How many of those El Salvadoran criminals are in the states?
A lot of countries have been sending their trash to the states and euro countries.
El Salvador? I will tell you something even more incredible!
At Auschwitz, or maybe it was Treblinka, the Germans had a dark, dark building. A terrible building! They would march Jews into one end of the dark, terrible building and FIVE MINUTES LATER soap, shrunken heads and lampshades came out the other end! Ach!!!
And to think there are still people who deny the Holocaust.
THE key to saving the south and the rest of America is COMMUNITY. Not one superman. Believe it or not, some of the NWO likes what happened in El Salvador because it reinforces the sheeples false concept that one guy can save us. We’re ALL the one guy. Community! White southern COMMUNITY.