So, first you start a proxy war with Russia in order to justify sanctions that you’re sure will collapse its economy overnight. Afterwards, it will descend into chaos and the Federation can be broken into digestible pieces by the United States. Then there’s Germany, a country reliant on a cheap supply of energy from Russia which is also shutting down its last three nuclear power plants, probably because you ordered them to do it.
There are two Nord Stream pipelines which you tried vigorously for years to obstruct. You blow one up in the most significant act of industrial terrorism in history against your vasal and tell them that they can’t use the other one. This is explained by accusing the Russians of blowing up their own pipeline.
The German economy is roiled by these actions causing protests supported by at least 70% of the population and you force them to import LNG from the U.S. at five to seven times what it costs from Russia. Then, you supply and protect an ongoing genocide in Gaza which leads to the Houthis blocking gas from Qatar from being shipped to Germany through the Red Sea in response.
A very significant amount of LNG going to Germany ships out of Texas. You then decide to shut this down. Is it because of razor wire on a portion of the border so you want to deal a blow to the economy of Texas? Or is it because you want to totally implode the German economy with the surety they won’t appeal to the Russians for relief? Is the other pipeline about to be blown up as well?
If I were running an LNG extortion scheme, I’d be really concerned about them cutting a deal with the Russians to have the other one turned back on if I refused to deliver my product due to phony regulatory claims. Again, what we’ve got here is yet another escalating set of incidents which can be categorized as the Madness of the Jew.
So, perhaps there’s no sense to make out of this collective set of actions at all. Very often with the Madness of the Jew you can discern why they did any particular thing out of hatred, greed, or delusional ambition. Yet, when you put those actions together, they make no sense and constitute a set of extremely contradictory efforts. This applies both in their totality and also in their specific contexts such as foreign and domestic.
Joe Biden isn’t mentally fluid enough to be crazy, you can’t blame him any more than you could burst into the memory ward of a nursing home to blame a resident for some current event. Other people are making decisions. These people are Jewish.
Jews have started wars on several fronts, they’re losing very badly on all of these fronts and now it appears they’ll probably open up a new front in Lebanon. They’re demanding Hezbollah withdraw from Lebanese territory and retreat across the Litani River.
The Jews have long wanted it as a source of water and, ultimately, everyone in Lebanon is supposed to get the Gaza treatment as it becomes part of Greater Israel. This is nothing more than a naked land grab, only stupid Americans would assume otherwise. Moreover, everyone in the world except for the U.S. fully understands that this blockade by the Houthis is a response to an ongoing genocide, so stopping the genocide would stop the blockade just like the Houthis have been saying.
The Jews are basically saying that if Hezbollah doesn’t surrender its territory to the Jews, then they will invade southern Lebanon. Well, Hezbollah isn’t going to do this, so an invasion would appear to be in the works. Maybe it’s already happened by the time this gets published. They haven’t even been able to subdue any zone of Gaza. The Jews are now claiming there are at least 450 miles worth of tunnels, and the rubble is a nightmare for them to fight in.
The Houthis haven’t shut down all shipping through the Red Sea, they’ve done this to Israel and nations which abet Israel. Russian, Chinese and Indian stuff is still passing through. This can be done indefinitely as long as the hostilities against the Arabs continue. Nobody wants to participate in the Uncle Sam’s farcical attempts to keep the lanes open. Dispatching Sullivan to meet with the Chinese to demand they help fix this problem is a joke.
Taking out Hezbollah? No, they failed at this back in 2006 before Hezbollah had the high-tech firepower it does today. Taking out Iran? Not even with full American intervention is this possible. Defeating the Russians in Russia? Impossible as well, even if NATO joined the fray. Taking out the Houthis and opening the sea lanes back up? Not possible, either. The U.S. doesn’t have the capacity to do another Afghanistan, but things would end the same if they could do it all over again in Yemen.
The Houthis probably go to a location, launch their stuff and then go to another location. If the U.S. can even detect these locations, what would bombing them accomplish? So far, the bombing doesn’t seem to have accomplished anything. Eventually, the U.S. Navy will run out of multimillion dollar interceptor missiles, but the Houthis will never run out of cheap drones.
If the U.S. has turned bombing Yemen into a “long term project” but the Houthis are still blockading shipping, all that’s being accomplished is putting the impotency of the U.S. military to do anything about it on full display. It’s a self-defeating operation.
The illegal occupations in Iraq and Syria aren’t accomplishing what the Jews want but are providing convenient targets. To the extent they can intercept things, they’d eventually deplete this capability and then these troops are sitting ducks. They’re pretty much already sitting ducks but that would be a death sentence for them.
The other thing about Jews is that they’ve come to place great faith in the notion that everyone in the world wants sodomy parades and trannies in the country, as if it’s a selling point. Actually, this isn’t the case. Most people here in America would probably opt out of having sodomy parades, they’re just too scared to say it because the repercussions include having your life destroyed. Through such coercion, Jews fool themselves into thinking they’ve created a global consensus.
For example, Biden appointed an obnoxious Jewish sodomite as ambassador to Hungary. All he does is badger Hungarians about sodomy, migration, and Russia. Then, he makes all sorts of threats with his fellow sodomite and the two boys they’ve kidnapped. It doesn’t go over well.
Why would they not plead for business deals with Russia? Look at the business deal Germany got with Russia, it had been working out great. Look at the new deal Germany is getting with the United States. You’d have to be an imbecile to actually want this for your country. Get a load of this:
“When you look at Hungary’s foreign policy, whether it be suggesting raising questions about Ukraine’s EU accession, stymying efforts to provide financial support to Ukraine, meeting with Vladimir Putin, resisting efforts to diversify off of Russian energy, resisting sustained efforts to close Kremlin platforms inside of Hungary, all of these have something in common,” the diplomat said. “And it’s something that is leaving Hungary more isolated from its partners within Nato and its partners within the EU.……We absolutely have leverage, that is true. And we’re prepared to use our leverage.“
Could Jews try to color revolution Hungary? I think they could certainly try and the closer the end of the war in Ukraine gets and the realization that Hungary will now be on the border of the Russia Federation sets in, this could prompt some desperation, but Orban has a lot of popular support, and this recently failed in Serbia. Everyone knows the game now.
This arrogant Jew thinks the United States has leverage but the entire apparatus of control over Europe, both NATO and the EU, could come apart after the map is realigned and Europe descends into even deeper crisis through terminating its vital economic relationship with Russia and the unending hordes of migrants. This isn’t a sustainable situation but being in the EU means no member nation can really do anything to fix it.
BRICS starts looking pretty good, so it’s not hard to do the math on what both Hungary and Serbia would choose. The Jews launched this latest round of aggression back in 2014 in an attempt to collapse Russia and then China to force their system on the entire globe after the GWOT ended in spectacular failure. Meanwhile, a new system was being rolled out in earnest as they squandered the credibility and viability of their system in an attempt at world domination.
The utter failure of the GWOT, which was actually about opening a corridor to break up Russia and China from the Mediterranean through Iran and Afghanistan all the way to Xinjiang, squandered much of their system’s capabilities and prestige.
The failed attack on Russia using Ukraine was a nail in the coffin because everyone sees they can stand up to this system. The insane Jewish bloodlust in the Middle East is another, just like the fact that every nation under Jewish control abuses and oppresses its population and behaves like a lunatic.
Everything is coming apart on the Jews and they just keep doing more and worse to imperil themselves. This is because Jews are evil. This means they lack the ability to identify their own best interests and they simply can’t help themselves. This is the way things have to transpire. They have and will continue to do many horrible things to people, but they’ll never get what they’re seeking.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Rule by chaos is the preferred strategy of DC. It has been working well for many years all around the world. The citizens of ussa are about to find out just how much fun it has been being ruled by chaos. Remember plebes, chaos is good for the economy. TINVOWOOT
Jews, obnoxious Yankees…are they not basically one and the same? And they’ve been occupying Dixie since 1865, the sumbitches.