Quite the difference only thirty years can make.
Compare the BMIs:

The fattest state in 1990 was Mississippi. It had a percent of obese adults (BMI over 30) of 15-19.9%.
The slimmest state in 2018 was Colorado. It had a percent of obese adults of 20-24.9%.
This means that the fattest state in 1990 had less obese people than the slimmest state in 2018.
You can thank the following for this incredible change (not all-inclusive):
- Our Foods (Our Foods Kill Us: Cultural Degeneracy Leads To Physical Degeneration)
- The Western Diet (Want To Keep Your Sperm? Stop Eating The Western Diet)
- The Industrial Revolution (The Industrial Revolution Diet: Unlimited Microplastics)
- The Experts (The Food Compass: Trust The Science)
- Pills (Pills, Pills, Pills! America’s Love Of The Almighty Prescription)
- Anti-depressants (Even The Fish Are On Anti-Depressants)
- Leftism (Leftism Is Indistinguishable From Brain Damage)
All things that we should be avoiding.
All things that a healthy nation (spiritually and physically) would avoid.
You can’t convince me that this transition isn’t purposefully done. You don’t accidentally fatten every single state in the entire country for over thirty years. Especially not to these extremes. These are not small changes. Most of these states grew by nearly 20%. And this is only counting obesity, not even those categorized as only overweight.
The “experts” know that seed oils, processed food, all the insane additives, and the rest of the garbage in our food and environment are unhealthy. The rulers promote them anyway. In many cases, they make them nearly impossible to avoid.
If you haven’t, go try to buy food that doesn’t have processed additives or seed oils in it. You’ll be amazed at how limited you are. Most people don’t truly grasp this until they try it. So go try it. Just once. If you don’t know how, I have you covered in this article:
Fat people are desired by the rulers. We know this. It is not an unknown or a conspiracy; they have stated as much. It is beneficial for the ruling class to have more overweight people, so they increased the number of them.
You may be curious why it is beneficial. Let’s discuss just a few elements as to why the rulers would prefer an obese person over a normal person:
- Higher weight equals lower testosterone [1][2]. Lower average testosterone in a population means more leftists, soyboys, furries, and the like.
- Higher weight equals less intelligence [1][2]. Lower average intelligence in a population means more leftists, normies, and drones.
- Higher weight equals higher slothfulness [1][2]. Higher average slothfulness in a population means more leftists, more apathy, and more pathological cowardice.
- Higher weight equals lower fight inclination. Higher average avoidance behavior in a population means more leftists, more soyboys, and fewer defenders of our people.
There are plenty more, such as population reduction, but the point is made.
Don’t let them take your testosterone, intelligence, determination, or desire to fight. Lose the weight. Put down the Twinkie.
Manhood is always the same. It does not change. The only thing that changes during the decline is It is the proportion of men who fall short of its standards.

A Christian, husband, father, and American dissident. Join him in seeking truth and sipping sweet tea during the collapse of the American Empire. You can find more of his work at hiddendominion.com. Eph. 5:11.
Great article. Love your website and am glad we collaborate.
Appreciate the comment, Joe. I am also very thrilled to be a part. Cheers, brother.
Mississippi had the highest % of obese people in 1990. It also had the highest % of blacks- 39%. Any correlation? Just wondering.
Most definitely a (very large) connection. Great catch and addition to the article, Blowtorch.
One activity Southern nationalism should stress is gardening. To the extent that we can, we should all try to grow as much of our own food as possible, while also buying from local producers.
Along with providing nutritious food, this could help revive the Southern agrarian tradition. Gardening is a great activity for families, and the work involved helps to teach good values to children.
Agree on every point, Roland. This is a great idea all around.
Indeed. Realizing it’s a sensitive topic, I also recommend sweet tea, Sun Drop and Mountain Dew are avoided for obvious reasons. Sweet tea didn’t become a Southern thing at scale until the 30s-40’s…it’s not a venerable tradition.