Escalation in Europe?

I found the 2016 Trump campaign extremely entertaining. The establishment didn’t take it seriously and thought he had no chance. They really believed that, despite all of the evidence to the contrary. In the end, they were stunned by the disaster.

These same people were assuring everyone Russia would’ve been defeated on the battlefield in the opening months of 2022, and by now Putin would be dangling from a lamp post while the country descended into anarchy and its federation was dissolving. Most of them actually believed this idiocy as well. Noticing a pattern?

There’s no legal or moral principle which restrains their conduct, and they really don’t seem to care about the optics or the implications for national stability either. I’m searching for an analogy here, so let’s say the population of America has turned into the putrid waters of a toilet bowl. That’s pretty fair.

The establishment is on a boat floating atop these waters. Well, toilet water swirls, so their primary concern is simply remaining on the boat. This applies to the governments of Europe as well. They’ll pretty much do anything not to drown. Since this is the priority, multiple strategies will be employed as they can’t risk the failure of just one.

Yeah, it’s probably best to think about them as sewage sailors rather than chess players. The rational thing would be to let Trump win the election legitimately, implement nothing he wants done, deny him pertinent information, and wait until his term was over. That’s what they did his first four years, but they’d rather wreck the credibility of the electoral process instead. Reason offers no predictive value in these matters.

Everybody knows this, it doesn’t matter if you prosecute Americans for saying it.

This is why we have the mail-in ballots, January 6th, censorship, coordinated propaganda, frivolous litigation, 91 criminal charges, etc. They’re clearly not sure if any single one of these things will do the trick on Trump. So, they keep rolling out more and to hell with the consequences.

I guess there’s just too much surveillance to do another Kennedy assassination these days, so what we get is all this nonsense. The notion that Joe Biden got 81 million votes, more than any president in U.S. history, is statistically impossible and laughable as a concept.

This clown has been right about everything so far.

The latest would be using the Germans to create a narrative that, if Trump wins, Putin will try to conquer Europe next year. All of the other lackeys in Europe are chiming in with the same nonsense, so it must be coming from DC. Sweden’s defense minister is saying that his nation’s 210 years of peace are over, so they need to brace for a Russian attack.

I just don’t see how any actual patriot could reach high office in Western Europe, and Jews are trying to accomplish the same state of affairs to the east. European cities are turning into war zones and they’re all clamoring for war with Russia. America is a sick joke, but people have it rough all over. Why doesn’t this asshole just move to Malmö?

The “secret document” that somehow “leaked” from the Bundeswehr is pretty specific. Starting next month, massive Russian mobilizations will begin for an invasion which will be carried out under the pretext of the Suwalki Gap connecting Kaliningrad to Belarus, which serves as its land route to Russia. The Russians will assault NATO’s eastern flank in an all-out offensive which NATO will counter with hundreds of thousands of soldiers. Pretty buck wild.

Ironically, this used to be part of Germany and was named Königsberg. The Germans were ethnically cleansed off it when Prussia was abolished at the end of WW2. When the Soviet Union collapsed, it was offered back to Germany, but the German government refused out of concerns this would reawaken German nationalism. It’s not connected geographically to Germany because those Prussians were ethnically cleansed out of Poland after their land was given to Poland in compensation for Polish land added to Ukraine.

In other words, this whole scenario they’re attempting to contrive is only possible because the German government didn’t care enough about Germany to accept back its own territory. Sounds about right. Many bad things have and continue to happen to Germans for this very reason. A German friend of mine has a business that supplies companies in Germany, two of his customers have already gone under. Things are going really bad in Germany and there have been massive protests backed by at least 70% of the country.

When a nation needs a hero, sometimes he shows up with a fire extinguisher.

Over in Poland, which would be countering the attack through Belarus like Minas Tirith standing against Sauron’s army (this is a good analogy as they literally refer to the Russians as orcs), there’s considerably more enthusiasm for confrontation than in Germany, which had a highly productive economic relationship with Russia.

As the SMO got underway in 2022, I spent a weekend drinking in a cabin with some Poles. These were rather cosmopolitan types but the blood thirst they expressed towards Russia isn’t really something we have a frame of reference for in the United States. They believed all the propaganda and were gleeful about the comical incompetence of the Russians, the massive casualties they were taking, and the impending collapse of Russia. I really couldn’t tell them otherwise.

In Eastern Europe, historical literacy about grievances between different groups of Eastern Europeans is quite high. It’s also something they’re willing to act upon, as we’ve been seeing again since 2014. WW2 and communism are simply the more recent things Poles would like to see dead Russians over.

Also, many Poles look at the situation in Ukraine according to the propaganda. I can say firsthand that this leads them to conclude that if the Russians haven’t gotten past Donbass, they’d never reach Poland. To be fair, television news shows for Russian Boomers feature boasts about how easy it would be to flatten Warsaw and how the Russian army could be rolling through it in less than a week as the Poles weep.

Russia hasn’t made deep territorial gains because that would mean suicidal assaults through the world’s largest minefields under enemy fire from extremely well-fortified positions. They let the Ukrainians do this instead and focus on destroying the Ukrainian military and its infrastructure. The average age of Ukrainian soldiers now is over 40, but there’s no shortage of FPV drones to swarm Russian units trying to advance. They’re very difficult to block and come at anyone and anything trying to advance.

I’ve tried to explain to Poles that a confrontation between Russia and NATO wouldn’t look like anything that’s happened in Ukraine. The lives of Ukrainians are valuable to Russia, that’s why Putin repeatedly tried to negotiate an alternative to the current process of slaughtering Ukrainian soldiers while trying to minimize civilian casualties. There were agreements reached at multiple junctures since 2014, all were reneged upon by Ukraine.

That wouldn’t be the case when it comes to Poland. Putin has promised repeatedly that in the event of a direct conflict with NATO, Russia would be going right for the throat. That means missiles immediately into leadership centers and critical infrastructure, not a ground invasion. This is what Poles need to be concerned about even if most of them don’t want to see things this way. Poland got used to start WW2 and that turned out really bad for Poles, this is simply an issue with them.

If there was actually a confrontation between Russia and NATO, it seems like it would be better to happen before the election. Or, maybe they actually want it to happen in 2025 as cover for our looming economic and financial chaos.

Essentially, what we’ve got in the driver’s seat is an opaque group of nefarious idiots who aren’t accountable to anyone. I wouldn’t put anything past these Jews on the basis of it being stupid and sure to end in catastrophe. They’ll be driven by emotion as Trump keeps winning primaries, so that will also be a factor.

Therefore, perhaps this media push is genuinely to get the public mind ready for open war. My next article will be about what happens to Ukraine if this isn’t the case.


  1. When you mention how the Democrats were willing to tank all legitimacy in elections and government institutions to own Trump rather than doing the safe but mundane thing and let him win while denying everything he does in Congress, I am reminded by the Master Oogway quotation: “One often meets his destiny on the road to avoid it.” Those idiots may just end up getting their worse case scenario by starting something big and nasty, kind of like how Cato the Younger ended up starting the Roman Civil War by sabotaging the peace negotations between Pompey and Caesar; freakin’ moron, I tell you hwat.

    Banger article as usual.

  2. If the same position re: nato/Russian war is taken that was regarding the “covid”, the chanced are hogh that the evil clown cabal will deliver on a war.

    If the economic scenario, ie collapsing repo market, widespread liquidity disaster, and massive collateral impairment in global bonds being the impetus for the covid global asset transfer the coming everything debt bubble, productivity collapse, and global derivative market impairment is orders of magnitude greater and would thus require something bigger than globo pandemic to bury, reset, and institute the manifold levers of chaos/control that are already in place thanks to the previous permanent emergencies.

    And yet nobody around here (my IRL “community”) is talking about anything of any depth beyond passing complaints about the price of bread and Brandons latest flub and sportsball.

    Whatever happens is going to absolutely crush whatever is left of polite society and permanently install the great divide.

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