I find the n-word deplorable. I wouldn’t say the n-word. In fact, I’ve never said the n-word. Plenty of the Identity Dixie crew know me quite well, and they’d tell you: “Tom? The ole boy is out catching them dogs, he ain’t never said the n-word.”
However, I do concede that black people have placed themselves in an exceptional category that merits some special monikers. While White people must content themselves with The Flying Nun, they can boast of what the Daily Mail has declared The Flying Felon.
I’m not sure if this judge deserved it or not, most system creatures these days usually do though. The Flying Felon is a far more entertaining spectacle, that’s not something to dispute. One feature of black people is that once their instant trigger has clicked on a violent course of action, they really follow through without getting daunted by the odds or consequences. It’s admirable in a way, like the charge of the Rohirrim from that Lord of the Rings movie.
He got some pretty good air, enough that the bench she was talking down to him from couldn’t save her. I do enjoy it when the haughty get humbled. Schadenfreude is an important tool for sanity maintenance at this late stage of America.
We White people have commendable traits of our own, that’s why I always insist that we shouldn’t get so down on ourselves. For example, if a White man was manufacturing an airplane, he’d make sure that the bolts and screws were tightened properly. This is part of the quality White men are known for delivering on the job, and thus a major factor in why aircraft components didn’t plunge out of the sky.
In this particular incident, it would’ve also been a passenger, but nobody was in the seat next to the door, which they still haven’t found. What if a woman named Shaniqua was in that seat, you’re some asshole driving to work far below, and she plunges into your hood with enough speed and mass to flip the vehicle end over end?
That would be unpleasant. One could estimate how much through some basic physics equations, but we can spare ourselves quantitative estimates and just predict this scenario ending with your funeral.
These are the scenarios we’ll just have to make our peace with as America spirals down the toilet. Please don’t confuse an acceptance of reality and the application of imagination towards logical outcomes as pessimism. No surprise from any reader of this publication that the culprit issues are being found all over the place.
I guarantee there’s no shortage of White men who’d like to work for Boeing and would deliver quality results for this corporation just as White men have been doing for it since the start. Boeing is making a big push for diversity just like all corporations so it’s trying to hire as few of them as possible. I try to consider issues systemically, so this incident makes sense and I try to just be grateful the door didn’t hit me or anyone about whom I care.
To me, it all makes a perverse sense. Homosexuals are railing each other in Senate chambers for the same reason veterans are languishing in prison for walking through open doors to this same building. Hordes of human detritus pour over our border for the same reason our servicemen fly bombs over to Israel for a genocide. Our planes fall apart in midair while Chinese aircraft manufacturing grows by leaps and bounds.
In terms of aviation, my prediction is that we’ll collectively accept as Americans, whatever this means, that flights will still be available but a certain number of them are going to plunge out of the sky.
This country is so much worse than what invited God’s wrath in previous iterations that we really can’t get ourselves too agitated over these sorts of things that are basically minimal in terms of what could go wrong for us.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
I’m curious as to why you find the word “nigger” to be deplorable. Not trying to be funny or play “gotcha.” I’m genuinely curious.
I don’t know. I’m guessing that most normies will snap when hyperinflation either hits Weimar levels and/or the welfare state goes broke and the inner city barbarians go pillage the suburbs. Given BRICS, it’s coming sooner than the rot of affirmative action’s hitting its terminal stage.
Minor side note: you guys need to update your link to Tactical Hermet; it currently takes you to his old blog, which is dead. Just change it to this:
Also, the link to Sido’s site does get you there but not to his homepage. This link is to his current homepage:
Man, if sandbags could write, they would write for Identity Dixie 😂
” find the n-word deplorable. I wouldn’t say the n-word. In fact, I’ve never said the n-word.”
How virtuous. No wonder whites are going extinct. They cant even enunciate a f!@#ing word much less engage in bloody fights to save themselves. Just go die with your virtue in tact. Because if simply enunciating a word triggers your virtue, you will always be too much of a coward to pull a trigger, or likewise get your hands dirty, to save your race.
I suppose it’s still better than being too thick to recognize a tongue-in-cheek statement when you read it.
I guess you would have to be yankee levels of dense to think it was tounge and cheek.
Amen. That is not even taking into account all the pain and suffering that our children endured from people who were supposed to be supporting and protecting them who instead used our resources to stab them in the back and tell them to be nice to their murderers, then they abandoned them and ran back into the woods to hide and play pretend. That would be an article with a subject worth reading.
I find it deplorable that he finds it deplorable. The brainwashing runs deep. I can’t stand virtue signaling from the general population. It’s even more disgusting from someone who pretends to be on my side. I’d love to know what exactly he finds deplorable about it. Im sure he can’t articulate a coherent answer other than that’s what he’s been told. It’s impossible to even find a modicum of offense when it’s thrown around so freely in that culture’s normal conversations and their ridiculous “music.”
Good article. I enjoy your unique brand of humor here.
Ignore the scolds who understand neither humor nor sarcasm. They exist only to whine at other whites who aren’t as “hardcore” as they make themselves out to be online.