While we were celebrating the birth of Christ, the Jews were busy being His enemies in the service of their father, the devil. They continued their slaughter in Gaza unabated, escalated attacks on Lebanon, and some made an incursion into Bethlehem on the West Bank to set Christmas trees on fire. Christians and Muslims were eventually able to repel them with stones.
Jews believe themselves to be endowed with souls while the rest of us are “human animals.” This is literally their term, and it’s a sincere belief as the entire world can now witness in horror. So, for them, spitting on Christians who support Israel or gunning down an old Catholic lady and her daughter taking refuge at a church just for fun is their right, which somehow the rest of us are supposed to accept. It’s amazing, quite frankly. If you support Jews, they don’t even have the human decency not to spit on you. Such are the terms of a deal with the devil.
Decent human beings whose decisions are informed by reason can be taken for a ride by Jews because they don’t yet comprehend the self-destructive nature of evil. The Jews could have a secure state by applying the two-state solution everyone had agreed on long ago and conforming to the new Middle East framework being set up by China and Russia, but they’re incapable of reform. They must destroy themselves. This is the nature of evil. There’s never going to be any good faith agreement that they make due to taking other peoples’ rights and interests into account.
The Israeli leadership has calculated that because the rest of the world consists of more or less rational actors, nobody will escalate to World War 3 over a couple million dead or removed Gazans. So, they called the bluff and are moving ahead with everything while scheming to have the survivors sent to Europe. One company is even advertising the outlines for beach houses superimposed over the rubble. My contention is that if the Jews murdered Christ, what parameters exist for their evil?
They’re right about everyone being timid over the specter of World War 3. However, that doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences that imply the end of Israel. Israel is an Satanic entity founded on murder, theft, deceit, bribery, parasitism, perpetual war, and coercion. Without evil, it couldn’t have come into existence in the manner an organic nation such as Sweden or Thailand did. It can’t survive over the long term for this same reason.
For instance, I don’t do international logistics but people in that business intersect with me socially. I recently had a conversation with a friend of mine whose line decided not to ship anything to Israel, no matter the route. His point is that the insurance increases could be passed on to customers unless the insurance companies get spooked, but insurance doesn’t really fix the catastrophe of crew members getting killed.
All shipping to Israel is within range of Iranian and Hezbollah missiles and cargo ships are big slow targets. Even if they go the long way and avoid the Red Sea, they’re still going to be parked at ports on the Mediterranean within missile range. Hell, on December 24th the Houthis managed to nail an Israeli ship way out in the Arabian Sea closer to India.
Many important things get moved internationally by couriers because this is the fastest and most secure way to send something critical. The courier will be living in a hub, he gets a call, shows up the airport promptly, takes custody of the thing, flies to the destination and hands it off, usually stays the night and flies back the next day.
I know a Jew who does this gig and refuses flying to Israel anymore along with others working for his company. The risk of something really bad happening is obvious and they don’t want to be stuck in Tel Aviv while it’s under bombardment. What happens if it’s also decided to shut down the airports by hitting some non-lethal targets with missiles? This is what the Jews do to Lebanon and Syria. Land routes, such as the one Jordan is bribed to allow, can be obstructed even easier.
Logistics are a way that Israel can be forced to stop without escalating to World War 3, I’m not sure why the Jews didn’t anticipate this one. I guess it’s because they think that their dying Golem Uncle Sam would take care of everything. Even if the U.S. military was what it was 20 years ago, it’d still be over matched at this point because it has a relatively small stockpile of interceptor missiles which have boutique production lines and cost somewhere between one and two million apiece. The Houthis have lots of cheap hardware to deplete these systems.
American warships have to return to port to be rearmed with missiles, this can’t be done at sea apparently. Moreover, they’re supposed to secure more space than could possibly be protected from drones they might not be able to detect anyways. The Europeans aren’t interested in being sidekicks on this “Prosperity Guardian” operation, either. This is all entirely over Israel. The Houthis have said they’ll stop when the Jews stop their genocide. Iran has also warned that if the U.S. starts bombing Yemen, it will escalate as well. Available to Iran is a fine selection of deadly options short of outright war.
The threat to deny Mediterranean access to Israel isn’t as outlandish as it sounds, because precision long range explosives can now be delivered to Israel-bound ships from stealth sources. Even the Russians have the “Club K” variant of the Kaliber cruise missile which can be launched from anywhere a shipping container could be placed. Iran would definitely place an emphasis on developing this sort of thing. Jews used the U.S. military to turn Libya into a failed state, so there are many possibilities of what Iran might be able to do on the Mediterranean.
The Iranians aren’t Arabs. They actually have significant scientific and engineering capabilities despite efforts to starve them into submission. Surely, they’ve been planning various contingencies for years as they’ve developed their drone and missile capabilities. From what I’ve read, U.S. carriers hightail it out of the Persian Gulf when trouble looks incoming and past the Gulf of Oman because a confrontation wouldn’t go well.
The U.S. Navy is suffering shortages of personnel, and much of who it is recruiting aren’t the young White males of yesteryears who’d be trained into competent sailors. Apparently, officers will come under review just for disciplining blacks, so it must be working out about as well as it does for a public school system.
I’m not a naval expert but it makes basic engineering sense that a ship sent to sea with an insufficient crew would suffer more breakdowns and that the lifespan of the vessel would be significantly reduced. Apparently, a destroyer the British are sending could basically just shut off at any time and the fix would require cutting into the hull. Good luck to them in a combat situation.
The U.S. isn’t going to be able to lift this blockade for Israel, especially not when it’s overstretched and depleted. Jews hijacked America, wasted its military in failed conflicts fought to further their ambitions, and poisoned it domestically to the verge of death. Now, they’re calculating the U.S. military won’t fail them even though it has failed in all its previous endeavors on their behalf, but this time the existence of Israel is at stake. It makes sense, just not to the Jews.
The U.S. is finding itself in a tough spot, because it’s covering for a genocide the rest of the world is watching in real time while it claims to be the leader of the Rules-Based International Order meant to secure peace and prosperity for the world.
Meanwhile, this same order can’t guarantee the safe passage of ships through the Red Sea due to this genocide. In contrast, Russia and China oppose the genocide as their shipping safely transits the Red Sea. We’re at an important juncture in global dynamics which will become clear to historians. Some of this stuff is so obvious and basic it would be fit for a high school textbook.
As the possibility of being choked off looms, Israel has demanded that Hezbollah vacate all positions in the roughly 20-mile zone between Israel and the Litani River, which the Jews have always wanted. It’s nothing more than an attempt at a naked land grab. The aggression and hubris of Jews is truly something to behold.
Yet, every single time they fail to see how the combination of these two traits sets themselves up for the fall, which they then claim happened for no legitimate reason at all and was comically in excess of what actually happened. Currently, we can observe them setting up themselves for a very big fall.
Perhaps 20 years ago, somebody who found Israel problematic would have a tough time envisioning how the resolution would happen. I certainly did. But, now it’s clear that the factors of demographics and the new technologies available to the resistance in combination with the terminal problems of America and its Rules-Based International Order are how this problem could end up being resolved.
Expect plenty of threats about nukes.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
It may raise the hopes of some to think the state of Israel will be no more, but Zionism and a national homeland for Jews is just another sleight of hand. The diaspora predated 70 AD, contrary to the popular understanding.
“The establishment of the Jewish state of Palestine is not the reunification of the Jewish people in one state [the purported goal of Zionism], but the attempt to create a Jewish headquarters, intended—in time, using international financial power—to seize absolute control of the destinies of all the peoples in the world. In order, furthermore, to eliminate any possibility of a military display of power by any state, all that is required is the expansion of the League of Nations into a kind of world state. Then, if this world state might even be allowed to wield military might more or less as a world police—then Judah will finally have stabilized its financial power in the world, guaranteed and secured by the international military force, into which the oppressed are conscripted to serve their oppressors. That is the meaning of Palestine!” p. 187.
Otto Wagener, ‘Memoirs of a Confidant’
I heard a TV Minister talking about the 6 Million. Said what about talking about in addition the 30-60 Christians murdered by the Communists in the Soviet Union in the 1920’s-1930’s under Lenin and Stalin. No one seems to bring this up. Not to mention the struggle of the Armenian Christians, or Christians in places such as Nigeria.
In addition, I wonder if any of pro-Isreal Preachers will mention anything about the vile treatment of Christians in Bethlehem, and other places in the Holy Land?
Does Israel have nukes, or do they rely on the US arsenal?
Are any stationed in the Med or do they rely on Nukes in US being targeted at Israel’s opponents
Nobody really knows, but they did steal nuclear stuff from the US and also Kennedy was probably assassinated because he didn’t want Israel to have nukes, among other things he didn’t like about them. It’s an implicit threat they like to make and also some legislators in Israel have called for nuking Gaza. If they can get control of your banking system, they can get a nuke.
You know what bums me out? All the Scofield evangelical types on normie neocon sites (eg Instapundit) cheering on the slaughter. On the one hand, I think: God forgive them, they know not what they do. And then on the other hand: I’d like to slap these bastards silly; they yet to raise their voices to defend the culture and heritage of the South.
I really do hope that the Hague generation is passing.
Enoch I’ve seen those commenters on sites like Breitbart etc.To me they have the smell of Jew hasbara paid trolls.Most are so over the top.Its like the absurd Southern accents we’ve seen on Jew TV for decades,yet they think they’ve nailed it and the audience is fooled.But of course there are many dummies with their I Stand with Israel stickers/posts so you could be right. Great article Tom.The Jews won’t stop till they’ve murdered all mankind.Their father in Hell commands it.May the blood of Jesus protect all here in good faith and shield us from the evil all around us.God will not allow this misery and destruction of those faithful to Him to continue.I believe this.
Indeed. The long con of the biblical bastardize toon has rendered most of the Christian right inert. The colorblind civnat is empowered by his scripture to abandon his own identity and people in favor of some abstraction of Gods children. The only nation that is righteous is some conjured fabrication of Israel.
Similarly he is more than happy to avoid any and all icky feelings of masculine headship and Gods hierarchy within his own nation and people for that of the progressive matriarchy and “judeo-Christian” abominations of faux unity. A unity, like the deracinated white progressives, that only actually exists insofar as it is used to continually disarm, degrade, and disenfranchise the natural affinity toward one’s own people.
The melting pot exists. It is what White Heritage America was put into to become this dystopian meat circus worshipping economics and material gluttony.
The normiecon will not wake up until it is too late. They have already submitted to the moral inversion of progress and ordered their entire lives atop the big lie.
Our energy is best focused on cultivating bonds and community with those who are already demonstrating their ability to live the Truth and pay the price for that. This has always been the Way.