If there’s a country in Western Europe where the natives are going to lose their shit and have that translate into substantial violence on the streets it would be Ireland. For one thing, all the European countries have soccer hooligans, whereas Americans don’t have a culture of young men going to the streets to brawl for fun. Second, shitlibs abound in any Western nation, but my impression is that the deracinated percentage of Ireland tends to be higher than most probably for a set of contemporary and historical factors.
Third, the population size is quite small, so while it has only relatively recently been subjected to migration, the fundamental demographic transformation project can be implemented virtually overnight. Thus, the native population feels a heightened sense of alarm compared to the United States, which has been undergoing this process since 1965. 20% of the population in Ireland is already foreign born. That’s even worse than what we have on our hands here in America. When there’s only 5.3 million people in your country the Jewish agenda can go to work on it pretty damn fast.
Ireland’s homosexual Indian prime minister has announced that, when a location in Ireland is flooded with migrants, he’s willing to audit the concerns of the Irish people about things like the impact on civic services but that won’t have any role in government decision making.
However, he warned that the Irish people have no right whatsoever to have their objections to the rapid demographic transformation heard. It’s quite remarkable he’s spelling that out for them, whereas the British people have been perpetually strung along on hoping that migration would stop with stuff like Brexit.
Most Europeans countries have been subjected to this drama where people desperately hope rightwing candidates can do something about the migration crisis after the next elections, it always gets worse of course, but in Ireland they’re not even getting that charade it would appear. I don’t know much about Irish politics, but I know that if a European nation is run by an Indian sodomite, those people are in heap of trouble.
The migrant who stabbed the children was from Algeria. There’s no war in Algeria and the economy is developing. There’s no way to justify his presence in Ireland, even if most Irish accepted that a war which has nothing to do with them was a salable reason for taking in foreigners. He’s there because the government is waging a war against its own people. Violence happens in wars, and it doesn’t expect that?
Just like every other country, the Irish government never received any electoral mandate for this agenda which is, in fact, deeply unpopular with a significant majority of the population. The other part of the population might refuse to acknowledge they don’t want the worse refuse humanity has to offer surrounding them, but they don’t want it either. In America, even blacks find the importation of Africans and other migrants highly objectionable.
Mass migration is an existential issue. If it persists, the quality of life in Ireland will be utterly destroyed and the nation will cease to exist in all but name. Europeans often feel this more acutely compared to Americans in certain areas because we’ve always had blacks and the crime they commit has always been an issue.
For instance, when I lived in Spain roughly twenty years ago there was no diversity. It was just a pleasant urban European lifestyle except for the gypsies. We used to go to the beach in Malaga and now boatloads of orcs wash up at this place. Europe being Europe isn’t something only elderly Europeans can remember.
Certain places in Europe have been pretty far gone for quite a while. For example, I was eating breakfast once at a hotel in London. I remarked that I prefer pancakes to beans while my associate, a Jewish man from Los Angeles, just stared out the window with a perturbed look on his face. I inquired what was wrong and he declared “there are so many fucking n****** here“. But, back then, London was one of the worst-case scenarios.
I had an Irish shitlib at an event last weekend tell me that the problem in Ireland is the soccer hooligans; likewise, when France went up in flames over the summer respectable French people would say that it wasn’t a big deal and that things were fine in most of France. This part of the equation Americans can find very relatable, especially after the George Floyd Memorial Campaign of Carnage.
If the Irish took to the streets like this every time there was a migrant atrocity, then very quickly the government’s situation would become untenable. The problems caused by the migrants will increase with the volume of migrants, so what the Irish government has on its hands is a sliding scale of trouble. Many such cases, this is why I always say that worse is the easiest prediction.
Even if Irish people did nothing but tolerate the atrocities the government would still end up with situations on its hands like what happened in France this summer. The migration agenda is evil, meaning there’s really no way all of the participants are going to remain passive so that the nations being destroyed can be kept under control. The nature of evil is that it’s self-defeating and contradictory, that’s critical for understanding the transformation of Europe. Nothing will be calming down.
What we’ll probably see in Ireland is even more dystopia and insane crackdowns. The Irish government will be under a lot of pressure from other European governments to do some sort of Jan. 6-type thing to the protesters. The last thing they want is for other Europeans to be thinking that when a migrant atrocity occurs that they can take to the streets to do something about it. Meanwhile, the migrants will still be taking to the streets so there’s really no way for governments to solve this problem.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
I wish the fighting Irish luck. In these United States it will start with one state standing against the invasion. The U.S. Government may be responsible for border security but states reserve the authority to regulate commerce within their lines. Any businesses caught hiring aliens should lose their licenses to operate and forfeit any assets they hold in a state to be sold at public auction. States should also ban investment banks from buying properties within residential zones to be rented out like apartments. Only American citizens should be allowed to own land in these United States. Corporations should only be allowed to lease properties from citizens in commercial zones.
Eventually, it will probably take non-governmental humanitarian organizations such as the KKK or the Knights Of The White Camellia to help repatriate the invaders back to their homelands. American blacks should also be enlisted to humanely aid and encourage the invaders on their way home home from Dixie. Deo Vindice.
As inspiring as the riots by the native Irish is, it will ultimately amount to nothing. Remember during the French riots how a group of generals wrote a letter to Macron demanding change or face the possibility of military intervention? Unless someone like a Franco or a Caesar steps up and seizes power from the government, all the actions of a leaderless people will disspate in the void and shall amount to nothing. To pull a quote from the John Adams minseries from HBO,
Edward Rutledge: “Only the voice of the people can proclaim indepedence.”
Adams: “No, Mr. Dickenson, the people wait for us to lead the way, and we must lose no time in leading them, sir, no time at all.”
Pretty weird how quickly Indians began seizing so many positions of power across the West. The Boomers really do hate the rest of us.
How does a gay Indian get elected in Ireland? I don’t know the punchline.
Anyway, apologies to the Irish, but this is probably what you’re going to have to hear next:
I don’t imagine you’ll want any barmbrack or Guinness cake for breakfast after that. I’m still dry heaving from the last time I watched it!
(((They))) knew they’d have to hijack the male psyche to keep them from focusing on what’s being done to them and what solutions are best to stop it so … they came up with grown men in tights tossing a ball around, then WAY over glorified it and even tied it in with “being a guy and being American ( or Irish!” ) It worked like a charm. Ask any American idiot or Irish hooligans anything about the political landscape ( of which it’s their civic duty to keep a thumb on ), and they know whatever the controlled media told them. Ask about grown men in tights with a ball and they know everything. This is a huge problem.
Solution : Make pro sports illegal and make REAL education mandatory. No sports in High School … “ball” is for children = age 1 to 13. They need to prepare to be a man a patriot and a provider starting at 13. Stop associating with anyone who watches sports BUT, do try to educate them.
Also, when trying to lump men from different countries together remember the types of males. Over simplified it’s Alpha, Beta and Sigma. Sigma is = or higher in bad ass as the Alpha but just quieter. Think of Alpha as a barking wolf and Sigma as a mountain lion calmly laying there rolling his eyes at the noisy attention seeker. Each male type has their own way of dealing with threats. Then add all the soy, media brainwashing and whatever they’re spraying on us today into the mix. It’s way past time for all of us to unite against enemy.
How many thousands of AK-47’s, millions of rounds of ammo and tons of Semtex are cached away for a rainy day? The rainy day is fast approaching.