Here at Identity Dixie, we produce an interesting selection of varied content for anyone who’d care to read it. For us, telling the truth and providing perspectives on situations is our mission. That’s why we don’t put our articles behind a paywall. The only reason I wish we’d have a paywall is that the people in the cubicles at the SPLC and ADL would have to pay us to do their reading.
However, if somebody is committing a genocide and thus provoking global outrage, and then claiming that certain countries must accept the survivors if these other countries don’t want them to also be murdered, well this article shouldn’t be put behind a paywall.
In terms of the globe, it’s rather puzzling why the exportation of Gaza’s residents is our responsibility. I’m not sure what case this Jew is making, and me personally wouldn’t ever be convinced, but if he wants to con somebody he ought to let them read it. Nobody is going to buy a subscription to the WSJ to read why their country needs even more mass migration.
I know that these Jews are evil, and I’ve documented their activities extensively for years and provided my commentary on why these activities are problematic. Still, I find myself wondering: “What the hell were they thinking and what did they expect?!!” My conclusion on the nature of evil is that it does whatever it wants to make itself feel good at any given time and doesn’t rationally discern its own permanent interests as a result. Thus, even though this predictably goes wrong every single time, evil persists in its ways. It can’t help itself.
Thus, the globe watches events in Gaza play out in dismay as we’re provided talking points like “never again is now” or babies in ovens that defy all reason. We’re witnessing a display of evil but until you’re able to place it in historical context and conceptualize it on a spiritual level, at best one can conclude that whatever Jew happens to blather is a malignant narcissist suffering from schizophrenia or some other sort of certified lunatic.
Here we have the ringleader of this slaughter saying he’s helping the people of Gaza but also saying that he’s saving the rest of the planet from them. “Total victory” he says is the goal but then, at the same time, they say they’re not conducting ethnic cleansing as his forces level everything in the Strip.
Jews have told the north to go south, leveled the north whether anyone was there or not, and now they’re starting on the south. At some point in this process, we might see World War 3 ensue. Hamas is fighting all-out but the Jews are following up on their promise to exterminate them on the last piece of land they have left. Nothing is off limits, not the third oldest Christian church in the world packed with refugees, a hospital, or a refugee camp. This defies all conventional morality across the globe. It’s only morally justified in the Satanic religion of the Jews.
Everybody else who could enter the fray en masse has been showing an incredible amount of restraint. Unlike the Jews, they’re rational actors who realize once the big one kicks off with Uncle Sam as the golem, nobody knows what’ll happen next. A war follows its own course, dragging everyone along. But, they keep warning if this doesn’t stop then they won’t have a choice.
Perhaps the Jews are able to get rid of everyone in Gaza. That’s their stated intent and maybe they get to follow through on it because nobody wants World War 3. But, then they go to work ridding themselves of the West Bank. Greater Israel is a very large concept. The retarded Jews who are emerging as the majority are dead serious on making it happen. So, I think it’s a rational prediction that the Jews will start World War 3. We’re witnessing the proof of concept at present, whether Gaza is the flash point or not.
The other dynamic that a rational individual has a tough time to understand is that the Jews can’t see how they’re paying a price for what’s being done that will lead to an even bigger tab later on. This slaughter they’re doing while putting their stranglehold over all Western governments on full display will come back at them big time. How and why Jews got this power is very simple to point out and comprehend. Using it to take over Afghanistan or loot the USA via the banking system are murky activities in terms of attribution. The ethnic cleansing of Gaza is not, making it a very bad idea for Jews to follow through on.
It’s really insane to think that you’re justified to commit genocide for any reason. Meanwhile, they think that they can tell the rest of us the Palestinians imagined their grievances from reading a book about Germany so therefore they should all die. That’s crazy but it’s always the same old tricks.
If Jews thought they could claim that Hamas killed some outlandish number of Israelis with a 6 in front of it to match the points on their demonic star, they’d do it and then anyone who questioning the technical details of how this was done or asked for credible proof the victims had even existed would be labeled “deniers.” It’s always the same thing with them. The claim Hitler killed 6 million Jews wasn’t even the first time.
A large percentage of the Israeli civilians who died were blasted by the IDF on accident trying to fire at Hamas or mistaking them for Hamas. Indiscriminate killing is how the IDF deals with the Palestinians and so it was too difficult for them to adjust their procedure when Israeli civilians were caught up in the crossfire. They were also killed by Hamas in this crossfire, but it would’ve been more advantageous to take them as prisoners for exchange.
It doesn’t make any sense for Hamas to behead babies or put them in ovens or take their time to rape women while staging a raid against overwhelming odds. It’s also quite counterproductive to commit these atrocities from a public relations perspective.
Again, this was the best Jews thought they could get over on people. Claiming that Hamas had cartoonish horror movie killing methods, like roller coasters of death or a soap production program, would’ve been too implausible in this scenario, especially now that we have the internet, and also more and more people are wise to the Holocaust.
However, Hamas could theoretically have beheaded babies, all one needs is a knife and a lack of humanity and yet even the baby stuff failed immediately. Jews should be very alarmed that their lies aren’t working and that more and more people are automatically not believing their lies because they’re outrageous liars. This is a distinct problem that a liar runs into once he’s found out. Again, quite predictable but they do it anyways.
Jews have a tight grip on all Western governments but it’s only in the United States that they have any significant degree of public support and that’s really only among older White Americans who are declining in numbers. Young White Americans are mostly indifferent. Whites, as a whole, are declining in numbers while record levels of migration surge into the country. This is less of an immediate problem, but the trend is quite negative for Jews even though this is what they want to happen and forced on us. Again, this doesn’t require a clairvoyant.
Worse yet for them, a burgeoning segment of young White Americans are outright hostile to Israel and oppose Jewish influence in all areas. That’s only going to keep growing as all our problems worsen and the power of the Jews becomes more and more obvious. None of their lies and hysterics will change this, it can only serve to make things worse for themselves.
They keep leveling Gaza, but at some point, this blows up on them. They’re determined to make that happen, it’s somewhat surreal.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Loved it! But I don’t think they really about the scales of public opinion tipping against them. They control global finances and, having the 3rd largest nuclear arsenal in the world, also have their Samson option. In fact, they’ll probably glory in everyone hating them knowing they still have the upper hand. O’Brien’s persona in Orwell’s classic has them pegged:
“Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing. Do you begin to see what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery and torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world that will grow not less but more merciless as it refines itself. Progress in our world will be progress towards more pain. The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love and justice. Ours is founded upon hatred. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy—everything.”
“Jews have a tight grip on all Western governments but it is only in the U.S. that they have significant degree of public support and that is only among older white Americans who are declining in numbers.”- no- their support is mainly from knuckle-headed White Christian Fundamentalists of all ages, mostly Southerners, who believe that “He who blesses Israel is blessed, , and he who curses Israel is cursed’-like our dimwitted new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson of Louisiana. This is a hard pill for you at Identity Dixie to swallow- as it is for me also, since I am also a old Southerner. I rarely see Episcopalians, Presbyterians, or Methodists that buy into that BS- they have their own heresies. But our dear old Southern Baptists lap this up like mother’s milk! House Speaker Mike Johnson, by the way, is not a Boomer.
But he is a Christian Fundamentalist!