What’s Next?

Most Americans are unaware that the down payment on the establishment of “Our Greatest Ally” was made in American blood. The British Empire was faring poorly in World War 1. By 1917, it was close to seeking terms with Germany in order to end the hostilities, which it would soon be unable to sustain.

Instead of a peaceful resolution, the Jews led by the Rothschild family promised to bring the U.S. into the war on the side of Britain. In exchange, Britain would take over Palestine after the dissolution of Germany’s ally the Ottoman Empire in the aftermath of the war. It would be designated as a homeland for the Jews, most of whom lived in Europe and had basically no genetic connection to the people in the Bible.

Once the deal was made, the Jews used their control of the American media to pivot public opinion towards war. Sentiment had hitherto been against jumping in the bloodbath because it made no sense for us to be involved in a conflict across the ocean that was rather senseless in general.

The propaganda campaign was spearheaded by Edward Bernays, whose descendant started Netflix. If you’ve ever seen those posters of a German beast creature grabbing a little girl to rape, that’s him. They owned President Woodrow Wilson, a totally corrupt scumbag, who’d campaigned on keeping Americans from dying in this conflict.

The instrument of this Satanic bargain was the Balfour Declaration, an inconvenient historical fact that has to be acknowledged. They just leave out the part where American lives were promised by Jews in return for land that didn’t belong to Britain, which by the way, lied to the Arabs who were promised their own state that included Palestine, in exchange for rebelling against the Ottomans.

This is one of those pertinent historical tidbits that’s rather commonly known in the Islamic world, and one of the reasons Hitler is popular with them. He was really mad about this bargain and had no quarrel with Muslims; but in America, we’re not provided with such information and told instead that he wanted to conquer the world to kill or enslave everyone who wasn’t genetically Germanic. The stuff we’re fed now really isn’t any less outlandish than what Bernays was feeding people back then.

Israel isn’t an organic nation in the way somebody could understand places like Sweden or Vietnam. It’s a fundamentally parasitical entity rooted in lies, coercion, murder, and bribery. Without these evils, it wouldn’t exist. The only reason it’s lasted this long is the massive amounts of money it receives from the United States, which backs it up with the threat of military force and spends enormous sums to bribe Egypt and Jordan to cooperate.

In other words, its existence isn’t sustainable just like every other scam the Jews run on people. It eventually comes back at them every single time. The fact that they’ve made a tacit nuclear threat against European countries that aren’t even at war with Israel really says it all.

Still, it would probably last significantly longer if the sort of Jews who founded Israel were calling the shots in Israel right now, instead of Netanyahu and his coalition of retarded extremists incapable of appreciating that their ethnic cleansing of Arabs has its limits, that Greater Israel isn’t a possibility, and lack the self-awareness to comprehend what’s brewing in the rest of the world against them.

According to their Satanic religion, they’re blessed for killing anyone who opposes Jews (even the babies) and they have the right to take what they want from the rest of us. They act accordingly, as if the rest of us should go along with these highly disagreeable practices and concede that they’re the chosen people, while contenting ourselves to be soulless disposable cattle.

A Christian Zionist living in Texas would have no concept of dealing with them and thus can’t comprehend just how evil and shitty they behave. They’re the emerging majority in Israel, so a treaty that gives the Palestinians their own state and defines the borders of Israel once and for all isn’t a possibility. They’ll just keep pushing until it all ends in ruin.

Is that ruin around the corner? Iran wants Israel gone and it’s a linchpin in the new global system being rolled out by Russia and China. If they had to choose between the two, it’s definitely Iran. However, what they want is a permanent peace based on the two-state solution.

The problem for Israel is they’re smart enough to realize that Israel has no intention of ever going along with this solution and that it would be politically impossible for an Israeli leader to do so even if he conceded the necessity. They’re also aware that Jews make agreements in bad faith so there’s none to be had with them on these matters.

Their populations range from having no affinity for Israel whatsoever to wanting to drag Israelis off airplanes for a lynching. The Russian Federation has a significant Muslim population which is becoming very agitated over the current round of hostilities. Putin has to take this into consideration. Besides Iran, there are other critical Muslim allies, as well as the general sentiment in the Islamic world to consider. Hell, Erdogan’s voting base in Turkey wants to invade Israel.

China and Russia could determine that they’ve been forced by circumstances to take a side. Maybe they conclude that a conflict to end the Jewish state is inevitable because otherwise it will continue causing problems for them and perhaps some new political arrangement that deprives Jews of the political power to cause these problems would be preferable.

We’re so much closer to World War 3 than when the Russians began their intervention in Ukraine. That situation is far more contained and has way less wildcards at play. The other thing that could be going on here is that the neocons, reckless and stupid as ever, see this as an opportunity to use the U.S. to finally take out Assad’s government and finish off the Syrian state (Greater Israel encompasses Syria), which they failed to do with an Islamic insurgency.

There’s talk about striking Iran as well, but that’s so unfeasible from a military standpoint that it seems improbable. Then again, so was the notion of defeating the Russians in Russia but we’re still at it. Nothing is too aggressive, extreme, or unreasonable when it comes to Jews.

In the very least, they’ll continue the ethnic cleansing of Gaza and that alone is enough to set off a war. Muslims are in a rage about what’s happening, and everyone knows that the gameplan is to rid the Gaza Strip of every single Palestinian. A ground invasion of Gaza has been named as a red line, but also a continuation of the slaughter from the air. These Jews are so full of hatred and self-righteousness it doesn’t seem like they can stop bombing for their own good.

As they carry out their genocide, they keep harping about how they’re the real victims and saying that they’re facing another Holocaust. Israeli officials have been wearing stars to the UN to emphasize their victimhood. They aren’t victims, and they never have been. 

When you do terrible things to someone, thus provoking him, and then he takes action against you, this does not make you his victim. Normal people across the planet understand this principle, it’s universal. The lone exception are the Jews. 

It’s almost comical, there’s zero awareness that the six points on this demonic star that represents their people matches the 6 million of them they say that Hitler murdered or that they also claimed the Czar murdered this exact number around 50 years earlier. Either time, there were never 6 million of them available for such an endeavor or capabilities to do it, let alone the intent. 

Go to a Muslim who’s furious right now and bring up the Holocaust. Odds are he’ll either say it never happened to the great misfortune of the Palestinians, or that Hitler was a great man. A Russian will probably roll his eyes, and a Chinese guy will probably shrug and not care.

Jews lack the awareness to understand that only brainwashed Westerners see them as victims or that claiming a genocide happened in the past is no salable justification whatsoever for doing a genocide in the present, shutting down political dissent and basic civic freedoms that people of their host countries value, or bringing the world to the brink of an apocalyptic conflict.

Maybe they have to bring the world into a conflagration while they slaughter civilians all the while citing the Holocaust for Westerners to finally stop being cowed by them bringing up the Holocaust. If we’re ever going to have a future where sanity and reason prevail, we can’t keep living under these lies.

The sad dynamic is that Jews control our government. At this point, our elected officials have abandoned even the pretense of representing our interests in the Middle East. The White House spokesman will literally weep at Jewish deaths and then shrug off the mass obliteration of Palestinian children.

Through control of the U.S. government and other mechanisms, Jews are able to exert influence over every other country on the planet that isn’t under the protection of Russia and China. So, this one tiny country of evil parasites can suck the entire world into war because they can’t let the people whom they ethnically cleansed to found this country keep even a silver of their homeland.

Humanity’s greatest victims. It’s all so insane.


  1. ‘If we’re ever going to have a future where sanity and reason prevail, we can’t keep living under these lies’.

    Amen to that sir!

    “For every individual who does not believe in God or immortality [such as Netanyahu], the natural moral law immediately becomes the opposite of religious law; and absolute egoism, even carried to the extent of crime, must not only be tolerated, but even recognized as the wisest and perhaps the noblest course.” p. 80.

    Dostoyevsky, ‘The Brothers Karamazov’, trans. Andrew MacAndrew

  2. Looking at pictures of Gaza on aljazeera.com leads me to imagine this is the way Dixie looked after Sherman and his minions finished their job. “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America?” Nah – I’ll pass.

  3. What is the difference between a cow and the Holocaust?

    A cow can’t be milked for 75+ years.

  4. Great article. Very thorough. Suppose Israel were to fire missiles at Lebanon but overshoot the target and hit Turkey by mistake. NATO article 5 would require the U.S. to intervene on the side of Turkey. The Turks and Egyptians may take U.S. dollars but heritage and religion are more important than politics. They understand that they will be next on the firing lines if they allow Israel to conquer Palestine and Syria. The Iranians are not afraid of the U.S. military anymore. High Oil prices have enabled them to afford powerful military forces of their own which are both homogenous and fanatical. With Russia and China behind them and the home field advantage they can give as good as they get. None of these countries trust NATO to negotiate a fair peace deal either. European leaders have publicly admitted that the Minsk agreements with Russia were just a stalling tactic to buy time for NATO to arm The Ukraine before attacking Crimea and The Donbass anyway.

  5. Tom you’ve outdone yourself.I can use this article to help me get through to people.You articulate and simplify things perfectly in a way that even the average simpleton can grasp.Very impressive and I agree with every word.May God bless and keep you.Christ is Lord and the White race is still the best.

  6. Same quote from Bros. K, Pevear and Volokhonsky translation, p.69: “…so that were mankind’s belief in its immortality to be destroyed, not only love but also any living power to continue the life of the world would at once dry up in it. Not only that, but then nothing would be immoral any longer, everything would be permitted, even anthropophagy.” —and cannabalism is exactly what we are watching—plus the western absolution of what was once called crime and sin.
    Christianity, except perhaps for the oldest and deepest Orthodoxy, has been inverted by Talmudism (Dostoevsky also said it was the “isms” that destroyed Russia—and he wrote “Demons” from Dresden). “Brothers Karamazov” could be said to be about the 3 temptations of Christ by satan, and perhaps he did foresee all our failings, all the firebombings, all the genocides—

    And excellent post, thank you very much.

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