There’s been some buzz in dissident media about a certain intellectual’s suggestion that the Jews should all learn Chinese and move to China because that’s eventually going to be the last place in the world safe for them.
It’s interesting because he’s noting both that Jews can get themselves run off the surface of the Earth, but saying there’s still hope because what he expects to be the new hegemon will accept them with open arms. Then they can, uh, just keep doing their thing presumably.
A classic what, but never why situation redolent of self-delusion. This a definitive ethnic character trait and tenant of their Satanic religion in which no objective truth or morality exists. Just as important, it should be noted that contact between the Jews and the Chinese isn’t new. Just like every other group on this planet with whom they’ve crossed paths, it worked out very badly for the Chinese.
On paper, the Opium Wars were fought between the British Empire and the ailing Qinq Dynasty. That’s true in the sense that the GWOT was waged by Americans against various Islamic countries, or that Wall Street is a location in America and the City of London is a location within (big difference) the UK.
The elite of Jewish power consists of tightly intermarried families. In other words, it’s just one group at this point regardless of a member’s last name. However, for historical starters, I’d look up the Rothschilds specifically for central banking and the City of London, and the Sassoon family for the Opium trade and the raping of China. This isn’t an historical treatise, so I’m not going into depth on these matters.
Anyway, the Opium Wars really stripped the sovereignty off of China. Guess who acquired the opened-up space, like Hong Kong and Shanghai? Yeah, you guessed it. HSBC (Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) was all about drug money, and still is by some accounts. Shanghai is described as a refuge for Jews from Nazi persecution during World War 2, but that’s a bit like saying New York City is a refuge for Jews from Muslim persecution in 2023. They basically owned the place, which was severed from China by the martial efforts of others and acquired by them through profits from human suffering. Rather typical.
Jews conquered an antiquated China the first time around using Opium and European force. The tactics they’ve used to persecute dissidents and silence valid criticisms in the West wouldn’t succeed on modern China. A key Jewish tactic against Westerners is to accuse someone who laments something bad as “diminishing” Jewish suffering, and thus their paramount status as the ultimate victims beyond reproach.
However, the Chinese are naturally solipsistic in their worldview. The name 中國 (Zhōngguó) in the past meant Middle Kingdom, essentially the hegemon in the Asian context, which for most of China’s existence was the only context. Geographically, as well, they were the center of their world, so naturally they’ve always been preoccupied with themselves in a way it would be difficult to feel in a place like Belgium.
This isn’t a moniker of global dominance pretensions in the 21st century, as pro-Israel conservative retards allege. Even 國 really just means country in the modern definition. For instance 德國 (Déguó) is Germany. There’s nothing sinister about their global ambitions, they just want to make money and not be disrespected or live under external threat anymore. Total domination of the Earth is a purely Jewish ambition. It’s quite demented in practical terms.
Back to the solipsism, to the Chinese, the worst thing that happened in the 20th century happened to China, so accusing them of trying to “diminish” the suffering of the Jewish people strikes them as totally bizarre. Jews coming at them and claiming that Jewish suffering is unique and complaining that appreciation for this unique suffering is being lessened by saying really bad stuff happened to another group is a non-starter. Objectively, this is a really weird practice and only Jews do it.
In the Jewish constructed miasma Westerners are forced to live in, we’re not allowed to notice or point out obvious things, which is absolutely baffling from an outside perspective. The elite of China don’t really comprehend Jews on a spiritual level, but it’s plain to see they’re the ones in control and the mechanisms of this control are obvious as well.
What kind of moron wouldn’t understand that the people who own the media companies shape the public discourse? What manner of imbecile can’t comprehend that when politicians are for sale, the people with the money will own them? The Chinese know, I’ve heard it from them.
Accordingly, the CCP has deliberately structured the nation so that outside influences and other potential sectors of power can’t acquire influence and impede state authority. Celebrities and tycoons are curtailed, foreign entertainment is screened and limited, producing pornography can get you a life sentence, gay is not okay, the PBOC (People’s Bank of China) is under the aegis of the state, etc. There are no popular elections, let alone candidates for sale or newspapers and television news channels one can purchase to sway these elections that don’t exist.
The Sacklers wouldn’t have been able to do in modern China what they pulled off in America, but if they did, they’d be executed. China wouldn’t open itself up for Jewish settlement, but even in this fantasy scenario, the paths to hijacking the government, subverting society and making illicit profits wouldn’t be open to them. It was long known everywhere that such avenues shouldn’t be opened up to malign influences.
The way things are shaping up, I’ll probably never be doing business in China again, and that’s a shame because I have to scrounge it up where I can find it instead of getting a big contract with the Chinese that made life really simple. Once the CCP gets pissed they can make trouble for people who want no part in the ZOG agenda and just want to do business and leave other countries alone. I got the idea to write this article because I was just wistfully musing about that today.
I think it’s important to note the following: basically, the Chinese do things that could be considered insane by our standards but also, we’re doing things that ought to be considered insane by any objective standard such as placing our country completely at the disposal of a psychopathic state in the Middle East and persecuting the most productive element of our society.
We could be more sane under ideal circumstances, but without the slightest hesitation, I’d characterize them as more sane than us at this late stage. Experience with these relative situations makes one cognizant that there’s nuance and balance required to determine who wins the crazy contest.
So yeah, that’s us hands down. The child trannies alone put us so far over the top compared to anything I’ve ever seen over there, lemme tell ya. They’ve got some pretty horrific safety accidents due to carelessness, but that’s really nothing by comparison. They don’t want that stuff to happen, they’re just careless.
Another useful point of comparison is that China has Muslims in Xinjiang. The controversy is over their dispute with the authority of the central government. What’s not in dispute is their right to live in their ancestral land, their religion, or identity. Xinjiang connects with Afghanistan and was supposed to be a theater for an Islamic insurgency to break up China, the same way Chechnya was utilized against the Russian Federation.
China had to crack down or allow the situation to spiral out of control. The Chinese didn’t attempt to ethnically cleanse the Uyghurs off their land. That’s actually not very reasonable. This is why only Americans think what the Jews are doing to Palestinians is acceptable.
As a side note, nobody in China really cares about this stuff in their far west. We’re talking about America-sized geography. If anything, it provokes anger when Western officials and media bring it up, although there’s been too much going on for them to bother with that anymore. There are 1.4 billion people in China and only 25 million of them are Uyghurs. Is anybody in Atlanta emotionally invested in native issues out in Alaska? China heavily subsidizes the place anyways.
What this intellectual doesn’t also seem to comprehend is that you can’t just learn the language and start doing the “my fellow Chinese people” act to the Chinese. The state, the language, the culture, and the race are a seamless entity. Moving to China and learning Chinese doesn’t make you any more Chinese than if you never bothered.
However, the Chinese will be very complementary of your Chinese language ability as a white foreigner, even if it’s quite poor. You’re white, Chinese isn’t what you’re supposed to know, so that’s cool you know something. By contrast, if a Chinese person of American birth who can’t speak Chinese tries to talk with them, they often become perplexed or perturbed, since it comes natural to them that a Chinese person would speak Chinese.
Whites often enjoy a degree of extraterritoriality with the police in certain situations. You’re not Chinese, so policing you isn’t a good use of their time if you’re not interacting with Chinese people. For instance, it used to be pretty much any kind of drunk driving, or drinking while driving, was fine as long as you didn’t cause an accident. Still today, if you’re two white guys who’d like to beat the shit out of each other outside a bar, probably have at it, this isn’t what they consider their problem.
This intellectual does the classic “values are what matter” routine while obsessing over being Jewish and the ensuing paranoia. He’s typical of a smaller subset of his fellow Satanists who try to co-opt the Right by denouncing the most nakedly evil stuff like trannies, which generate natural outrage, but keeping them in support of Israel and believing that criticizing Jews is never on the table.
Part of the scam is that such Jews present themselves as outliers of the Right. This bit can fool somebody who’s disgruntled, but isn’t aware that something better is out there because these Jews are as “far right” as they can access through mainstream platforms. It’s a very exasperating charade, which we need to fight against the hardest. The more extreme, crazy Jews do all the work for us.
Look, if you think the Jewish problem isn’t a problem you’d like to focus on, I get it. Rightwing dissent is a learning process and I’ve been at it for many years. My advice is to go focus on those other outrages you’re upset about and find out who’s behind them. That’ll be pretty safe.
Here’s where it could get wildly unsafe: ignore the obvious culprits and just focus on advocating against these outrages. Learn the hard way who’s going to shut you down and persecute you for your trouble. Many activists have had their lives wrecked and never condemned the Jews, and actually condemned other activists who condemned the Jews. Didn’t help them one bit.
I’m certainly not recommending that course of action but if you’d like to try, please try and then tell me I’m off base by criticizing the literal children of the devil. Here’s our new Speaker of the House to let us know how much we matter in the equation of America. Have great day.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Ain’t it wonderful! A George W Bush neocon clone as speaker of the house. Gets his taxpayer-funded salary bumped from $174,000 to $223,500. What do we get for our money?
Not a damn thing. Just more lectures about how Amurrica must LEAD! In other words, bomb the hell out of everybody around the world who won’t do the bidding of the District of Criminals. Just as it was from 1861-65. Meanwhile, General Dynamics, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and all the rest – laugh all the way to the bank. However, I believe quite a bit of the ‘rest of the world’ has just about had a belly full of DC’s vermin.
A friend of mine sent me this Max Igan video of what IsraHell is doing to Gaza. I usually wince when I get video links more than 12-15 minutes long, but this one is definitely worth the long look! These people (and I use the term loosely) are truly Satanic.
The notion that somebody worth more than 8 figures is permitted to collect government payments at all, let alone in perpetuity, is outrageous. Isn’t it enough that almost nobody enters and leaves congress without becoming a decamillionaire without even accounting for their lifelong pension and healthcare? Ocasio-Cortez will go from impoverished barmaid to having over $10 million in assets by the time she leaves congress. This doesn’t phase anybody in the slightest. Same with Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Green. And the “funny” thing about these supposed “moonbats” and “wingnuts” is how their growth in wealth is typically directly correlative to their deviation from the platforms on which they ran and their opposition to their constituency’s demands. Everybody who manages to get into congress gets rich at the trough. And one of the only wealthy public officials to waive his government pay was Trump (regardless of how much of a publicity stunt it was).
This also goes for lifelong bureaucrats who go private-sector (or back-and-forth in terms of the FDA), of which I include general officers in the military. Why are you collecting retirement and VA disability when you pull in millions each year working for the MIC or the security sector lobbying the aforementioned congressmen? Neither they nor the congressmen have any shame about lapping greedily from the socialist bowl while being independently wealthy. I don’t have any qualms about a vet who nets even $100k between retirement and disability who works an honest job and is a pillar of his community.
If you’re making beaucoup bucks agitating for aggressive action in Ukraine, Taiwan, or now, Palestine, so Raytheon can keep churning out hypersonic cruise missiles on the taxpayer’s dime, you’re not a pillar of any community. Nobody hires on a general or an admiral because they’re experts on missiles. They’re hired because of their rank and how much more effective it is to send a MG, an LTG, or even a GEN to a congressman’s office than another suit from the boardroom. These guys are experts at nothing and their track records in the past two and a half decades of the US military have demonstrated this. They may as well wear placards with their stars on them when they walk around, because that’s all they are to anybody. The retired CSMs who show up at basic training to sell geneology crap an overpriced clothing or have a dry-cleaning racket are better in that they’re only fleecing the willing or a small group of people.
As for the rest of the world being full of our jingoism, they always have been since the end of the Cold War. The difference now is that the American public is less willing to play oppositional politics and sneer at the French and Germans who call the US a warmonger. Public opinion averted an intervention in Syria due to a pervasive sickness of being the world police in the American populace. No telling whether the political will to resist intervention in Palestine is tenable due to the boomer obsession with post-millennial theology and bad Biblical eschatology. We already have boots on the ground from the 101 and the 82nd is set to send troops as well. But the mask is definitely off for the American public who aren’t raving lunatics and the rest of the world continues to marvel how a small and insignificant country is able to effectively lead the most powerful and prosperous (although rapidly declining in both) nation by the nose.
Fear not my friend. Mr. Saad is only joking. Should Greater Israel fall our people will move to America. There are already three times as many of us here as you think. Our agents bribed the Census Bureau to stop asking questions about our Jewish heritage and reclassify us as white decades ago. We will create a New Israel in Florida where we are protected by our shabbos goys such as DeSantis and Trump. Our corporate fronts will buy controlling stakes in all American banks and insurance companies just as we did after the Russians drove us from our Kingdom Of Khazaria. We will then use Babylonian mamon magic to steal your wealth and use your own currency to buy your land out from under your feet as our pharmaceutical companies poison your children with even stronger opoids and toxic vaccines. Then, we will create an American idiot-servant race to work for us by breeding your daughters with African beasts of burden. Welcome to slavery Mr. Shackleford. Shalom!