Does the “JQ” Matter to Southern Nationalism?

The current state of dissident discourse is dominated by discussions often focused solely on Jews.  Specifically, either one has to focus on the devious behavior of the Jewish people writ large or, if someone is not sufficiently anti-Jewish, they are automatically some form of anti-White cuck.  For my part, I have written about Jews and Judaism extensively, but I do not have a knee-jerk hatred for all Jews.  There are some really good Jews out there who have taken extraordinary risks to assist the Nationalist Dissident Movement.  Ashley Rae Goldenberg (“Communism Kills”) and Presidential Advisor Stephen Miller immediately come to mind in this regard.  Historically, it surprises many that Emil Maurice, one of Hitler’s best friends and the first editor of Hitler’s book, Mein Kampf, was Jewish.  Yet, I am also aware of the extraordinary number of Jewish enemies of Western Civilization.

More broadly, the myopic focus on Jews, or the “Jewish Question,” (aka, the “JQ”) detracts from other areas that need to be explored in the campaign for our ethnic and racial survival.  It is not enough to simply focus on Jews.  Western Civilization will not be saved by hooked nose memes.  We need a variety of individuals, many of whom may or may not care about the JQ, to produce content that holistically contributes to the Dissident Right cause.  That stated, there is a reason the JQ is frequently explored by dissidents.

I perceive Far Left Jewish Supremacism as the real threat, not necessarily Judaism.  To me, the faith of Judaism is heretical, but it is incumbent upon Christians to seek their conversion.  Whether that is even possible is another debate all together.  What is true, unfortunately, is that we have a problem with empowered Jewish Supremacists.  From CNN to Facebook to Hollywood to Big Pharma, it seems almost every adversary of White Christian society is either Jewish or led by Jews.  Zucker, Zuckerberg, Soros, Weinstein, Solomon, Greenblatt… the list goes on and practically names itself.  But “naming them” is not the topic of this piece.  Rather, I want to explore whether any focus on the Jewish Question – the JQ – is important for Southern Nationalists?  My short answer is “Yes.”  However, the context, methods, and even motivations for discussing the JQ are very different for Southern Nationalists than broader White Nationalists and that needs to be dissected.

To begin, Southern Nationalists have one unifying position:  the South is a unique ethnic region within the United States.  For some Southern Nationalists, the discussion ends there.  They simply wish to preserve the history, culture, and traditions of the South while remaining in the American umbrella.   Others, such as myself, advocate for the full independence of the South, preferably beginning with my home country (Florida).  Secession from a sinking ship called the United States is crucial for the survival of the Southern people, who primarily hail from a unique Anglo-Celtic Christian genetic and cultural background.  Either way, whether you are on one end of the spectrum (simple preservation) or the other (secession), the overwhelming influence of the Jewish antagonists of the South must be addressed.  That begins with dismantling Dispensationalism because it is the leash tied to the neck of the South.

For those of you unaware of Dispensationalist theology, it is the general belief that the relationship between God and mankind occurs in stages of progress.  In each progressive stage, God leads toward an earthly finality, from Creation to the Age of Mosaic Law, to the Offer of Salvation through Grace to an eventual thousand-year reign.  These stages, of which there are seven, are called Dispensations.  What is important about this belief is that it allows for that which is effectively a co-Chosen status for Jews.  Dispensationalists generally believe that God has one plan for national Israel and one for Christians.  Christians are already saved, but Israel will be offered another chance at redemption in the end.  In essence, they subscribe to the notion that the original Covenant between Abraham and God stands – and Jews are the inheritors of that Covenant. 

Where this is problematic is obvious.  Since most Evangelical churches in the South today are Dispensationalist in orientation, there is sort of a Jewish worship by many Christian Southerners.  Of course, this in itself is wholly ironic.  The broader Jewish community, that is statistically Far Left, thoroughly hates a group of people who seem to worship them.  But I digress.

If you want Southerners to divorce themselves from modernity and embrace Dixie Identity, you will have to get Southerners to shun mainstream media, financial usury, and other Jewish dominated businesses that purposely harm Southerners.  Thankfully, modern commercial advertising has become so disgusting to many normie Southerners, with its extreme emphasis on homosexuality, mixed race couples, and/or entirely black actors/models, that they are tuning out.  Rather, they are gravitating to non-commercial streaming services that peddle more deleterious content.  There is also the Israel lobby that further preys upon Southern misconceptions on the definition of Israel, which leads young Southern men to volunteer for foreign wars in defense of the Zionist state.  Of course, the totality of the indoctrination is best summarized as the following:  Jewish Hollywood produces movies that encourage Southern Christians to fight in wars launched by Zionist politicians that make money for Jewish Wall Street bankers.  However, if you state that line to a Southern Christian, he is likely to walk away because of the influence of Dispensationalism.  Thus, for Southern Nationalists the question is “how” to go about dismantling Dispensationalism and empowering Southerners to embrace secession.  The answer is addressing the JQ, but not in a way that will cause the potential convert to recoil. 

There are serious problems with the methods employed by White Nationalists as it pertains to communicating the JQ for Southern Nationalists.  Many of them attempt to attack Christianity itself.  That is a failed strategy in the South.  At the heart of the South is Christianity.  This will not change.  Southerners are a very religious people.  This is hard for Yankees to understand.  As an example, it is not abnormal for a Southern family or couple to pray at the supper table at a restaurant.  In fact, my wife and I do it all the time.  Christianity is deeply embedded in Southern culture.  More poignantly, Evangelical Christianity plays a profound role in Southern life, even for those who are not themselves Evangelicals.  Thus, any argument about racial realism, Jewish influence, or secession needs to be framed through a Christian lens and it has to have some Biblical reference to back up the assertion.  The problem, of course, is that many Southern Christians believe in a “Jewish” Jesus and a significant number subscribe to Dispensationalist notions of a parallel “Chosen” Israel.  Compounding that problem is that Israel is often equated to the Middle Eastern Jewish state, not the people to whom the Word is referring when describing “Israel.”  Correspondingly, any discussion on the JQ needs to be done in a way that does not offend Christian sensibilities.  “Jew on a stick” memes referencing the crucifixion of Christ will simply push Southerners away.

Of course, it makes no sense to push away potential allies in a racial struggle and yet, that is what many Northern White Nationalists do with their rhetoric.  Attacking Christianity is a good way to get Southerners to close their ears and hearts to a cause.  This is especially true if the messenger has a Southern accent.  Walking up to a Southerner, who may be amenable to secession, will fall apart when you tell him that you worship Thor.  Attack Christianity as a “Jewish” or non-White faith will only further harden that Southerner’s heart to your message.

Consequently, it is important for Southern Nationalists to use their Bibles and small nuggets of information as weapons when discussing the JQ.  Rather than coming out of the gate with “Jews are bad…” to a person who was likely raised to believe protecting Israel confers blessings on the individual, it is better to discuss Bible passages like John 8 or Jeremiah 31.  I do not have to rhetorically “hate” or “target” Jews to dismantle Jewish Supremacism built into modern Southern culture.  Rather, we need to tear down Dispensationalist sentiment with more natural Covenant arguments. 

Until Reconstruction, Southerners were overwhelmingly Covenantists (i.e., a belief that a new Covenant was established by God and fulfilled by Christ).  Covenant Theology does not peddle a parallel Salvation path – one for Christians and one for Israel.  Rather, Israel is the Christian Church.  Unfortunately, many Southerners equate Covenant faiths, such as Presbyterianism and Methodism, two very prominent Southern faiths prior to the ascendancy of Evangelicalism, as heretical due to their recent embrace of Satanic concepts.  Most are not equipped to differentiate between the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) – which ordains homosexuals – and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) that would sooner stone a homosexual rather than let him lead their flock.  Looking at this practically, it is important for Southern Nationalists to understand Covenant arguments to counter Evangelical Jewish worship.

Correspondingly, the use of education needs to be nuanced.  Southerners are a naturally curious people.  They are not the stupid simpletons that Yankees enjoy depicting.  I went to graduate school in Massachusetts and Virginia.  Southerners learn differently than Yankees.  Northerners are fond of classroom studies and directed “lab” or technical learning.  While there are some Southerners who enjoy that form of education, too, I have found the vast majority of Southerners to be more intellectually curious about things that interest them and as such, they tend to learn by “finding” things out on their own.  If you put an engine out with a bunch of tools, a Southern boy is likely to begin fiddling with the engine to find out “why” it works.  If you put a book on a table with a topic that interests the Southerner, he will pick it up and begin perusing it.  While many Yankees will read the jacket of a book to determine its contents, I have watched many a Southerner pick-up a book and open the middle of the book to see how the wording flows.  If interested, they will read the book.  This is very important for Southern Nationalists to understand when communicating the JQ: you need to leave clues that interest the Dixian.

Again, White Nationalists unfamiliar with Southern culture will essentially bludgeon their audience with topics such as “the Ashkenazi are not the original Jews” or “one hundred and nine and counting.”  While these points are technically true, the JQ will resonate more deeply within a Southerner if he is led to explore the topic on his own.  One brilliant example of this was a video produced by Baptist Pastor Steven Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church.  In that video, Pastor Anderson does not come out of the gate hating Jews.  In fact, he takes a somewhat sympathetic approach to them.  However, he then carefully dissects the official Holocaust narrative with a logical series of facts on simple capacity at any one concentration camp.  Naturally curious Southerners who see that video are more likely to then begin exploring Holocaust narratives, mythologies, and histories that open their eyes in ways that a “Holohoax” meme could never do.  A well-rounded Southern Nationalist propagandist will then find a Southerner on the edge and simply ask, “To whom is Jeremiah referring in Chapter 51 when he speaks of a separate tribe called the Ashkenaz?” – or something else that stimulates the exploratory Southern mind.

It has always been my belief that one of the core problems with Northerners is that they see their degrees and diplomas as the final goal in an intellectual quest.  After they have achieved those expensive pieces of wall art, they tend to stop reading books.  They get much of their information from articles, news sources, and documentaries.  They are very proud to read The Economist or watch An Inconvenient Truth.  Such sources reinforce their liberal educations, so there is very little to explore any further.  By contrast, whereas I know many highly educated Southerners, regardless of the Southerner’s educational status, he or she is constantly reading something.  In many cases, it can be four books partially read at once.  I have personally walked into a mechanic’s shop only to see a greasy book cover in the corner and discussed the content of the book with the mechanic.  That is not uncommon.  The uneducated Southerner can spit out facts about the War of Northern Aggression that most Yankees with a Bachelor of Arts in History could not.  Thus, to me, the man who is intellectually curious at the age of fifty without a degree shows more intelligence than the man who has fancy degrees on his wall that he achieved at the age of twenty-two, but has not picked up a book in that discipline for a quarter of a century.  Southern Nationalist content producers, who know their audience, should utilize that distinction.

Returning to the Jewish Question, it is important for Southern Nationalists to address the JQ.  There is no question that powerful Jews are against the South.  They see Dixie as the last stand of Western Civilization and that is why they are attacking her at every front.  Southerners, blinded by Dispensationalist notions on Jews and the state of “Israel,” need to be awoken to the threat that is inherent in a group of people who seek their destruction.  However, because this is such a critical topic, it is important that we not fall into the White Nationalist trap of Yankee discourse on the subject.  We need to hone our messaging in a way that appeals to the Southern mind and, more importantly, his soul.  Crafting a more subtle message and encouraging the Southerner to come to their own conclusions regarding the JQ will resonate more powerfully and deeply than edgy memes.  Meanwhile, use the enemy’s disdain for the South, Christianity, and White people as a rhetorical tool. 

If I were trying to undermine Jewish Supremacists, I could not pick a more perfect strategy to do so than that which the Anti-Defamation League, Jewish Political Actors, Hollywood, Big Tech, and other Jewish dominated entities are doing right now.  They are gifting us examples to show ordinary Southerners how deeply evil Jewish Supremacists really are.  Southerners are awakening rapidly.  At restaurants and bars, I have spoken to hundreds of ordinary, normie Southerners who are fed up.   Whether it is all black advertisements in a country that is almost 70% White, mixed race couples in every single commercial, or gratuitous homosexual love scenes in Hallmark movies, Southerners are noticing everything but the Jew.  It will not help to point to a commercial and say, “Jews did that.”  Rather, if you lay the careful groundwork for an awakening on the JQ, eventually they will point to the television and tell you, “Jews did that.”


  1. Most people are brainwashed by those who are either Talmudists or atheistic Communists. The link to the JQ on both fronts is obvious to anyone looking and who is not brainwashed by (((them))).

    But that is the problem. Too few bother to look. They are scared or brainwashed and usually kneejerk react to anyone pointing out the obvious connections. You can thank your Southern Preachers for that (very few say what needs to be said like Chuck Baldwyn).

    I spent the first decade of my awakening pussy-footing around the subject, and it has gotten me nowhere.

    People may recoil when I am full throated anti-jewish control, but that is just too bad. jews do not need to control the USA and I cannot stop saying it. That bothers a lot of people. It scares a lot of people.

    Any other method simply doesn’t work fast enough or well enough to bother, at this point. IMO

    (((Who))) do you think was instrumental in deleting my blog or deleting many of the videos I made for YT (having to go to Bitchute and other outlets)?

    My latest tact is to visit comment sections and lay out little nuggets of memes, such as pics of jews quoted discussing the active role jews have in Communism/Marxism. I post pics of rabbis sucking baby goobs (no, not the actual goob). Memes of heroic people like Patton and what he said about (((them))) after he culled HIS BRAINWASHING. But the best tactic is to use words directly from (((them))). The sayanim usually call me names, but they can’t call me a liar by quoting (((their))) words.

    Do not discount the meme or the work that people like mean ole B’Man do, since he knows that the tactile way simply does not work. In his opinion.

    1. I just got done reading this book.
      The Salaried Masses duty and distraction of Weimar Germany.
      (((Siegfried Kracauer ))) 1929
      It’s about the new working classes and the firms and businesses that employed them, if you were lucky.
      Chapter on the German condition and their testimony.
      39 married 3 children. 3 years earned nothing. Future? Work, madhouse or turn on the gas.

      Made redundant … I sold my furniture. before the war several businesses of my own, which I had to give up as a result of the war and my call up. When I came home my wife died. All my savings were stolen away by the great national fraud (inflation) now I am 51 years old, so everywhere I here: ‘we don’t take on people of that age’. The final step for me is suicide. The German state is our murderer.

      A few more examples then the chapter ends like this.
      Older people, whom they want to dispose of at all costs, are treated like problem children and have to report to the labor exchange daily. In this way, at least they have some occupation. Alas, if no other turns up their existence is not full enough to be worth prolonging- and some of them do then finally turn on the gas.
      He also calls the German ww1 widows cheap woman and whores in an earlier chapter. Pretty arrogant Jew at times, really well written at times. He fled to America when Hitler took power.
      part of the distraction written of in the book was that these firms, Siemens electric for example, had sports teams, that played other firms on the weekend and got all the employees hopped up.
      Thought I’d share that with you, I had no idea just how Weimarica it really was until I read that book.

  2. The JQ matters because 1.) it is there people who have engineered and led the destruction out civilization and
    2.) It will not end until they have access to White children — in the beginning, access to groom and train; eventually, access to buy, sell, and own. If you know the history of Jewish slave trading, you understand this.

    The JQ “trump’s” every other issue, because they are responsible also for the brainwash that prevents most people from fighting back.

    This comment is meant for whoever is going to delete it: you know about this, so why don’t you write it, so I don’t need to?

  3. You will not lift up the White nation by telling them who they should hate.

    You will lift Whitey up by teaching them to love their own people.

    Hatred for the other, who is and has done so much intentional evil to White people, will follow naturally as a logical conclusion.

    Nothing is uplifted by marching through a leftist college town screaming about Jews, while carrying tikitorches like autistic faggots.

    1. Yeah… but the trouble is cryptos come in among us and pretend to be “our” people. That’s essentially what destroyed Spain. And also, never forget that people begin to identify with their kindred once they realize that someone is actively targeting them. Group identity CAN be made easier because of the existence of a singular foe. Never doubt the desire for sellout whites to cuck for the chosen ones.

  4. We don’t need more content creators writing about the same things and making formulaic podcasts about the same stuff starring a rotating guest list of the same people, making the same jokes, using the same arguments.

    We need a media aggregator to collect stuff from the farflung reaches of the internet and put it all in one place so the cream can rise and the dross be separated.

  5. From out west, Florida looks like new Israel to me. I’m in awe of the modern day Jews, their Old Testament is being written right before our eyes, and they have turned Jesus into the most destructive Bolshevik commissar of them all.

    If Southern whites and whites in general knew that the same shipping trusts that hauled the African Slaves to the new World, were the same that hauled the Europeans back to fight in WW2, at big profit, you could then say, pull your head out of your ass you White nigger.

    Or you could tell them about the
    Millions of Chinese Christians who died fighting the globalist (opium) marketeers (Taiping rebellion) during the same years our Southern ancestors were fighting and dying for our self determination and Gods greatest expression of Grace on earth.

    I’m posting my soul here, you delete me that would be cuck tier, to be nice about it.

  6. The core issue that “Proud Southerners” need to understand is that we are an ethnic group, just as real as any other. They already know they are not yanks, but that ethnic identity is too vague and consequently weak. Once the ethnic identity is sufficiently cultivated the rest gets a lot easier. To talk about secession or economic policy first is to build the roof of the house before the foundation.

    Regarding the JQ directly, the more aware they are the better, but it is just plain counterproductive to be rabidly antiSemitic. The first thing they need to know regarding JQ is that Dual Covenant theology is a false gospel. That is the foundation, then they can easily put the rest together on their own.

    Both these points are paradigm shifters, and that is what we must do. Shift them into a more appropriate paradigm. From there we just need to stay out of their way and let them put the pieces together at their own pace.

    1. Bill,

      You wrote: “just plain counterproductive to be rabidly antiSemitic”

      And who determines exactly what is ‘rabidly antiSemitic’? No matter what tact I take in comments or videos, virtually ANYTHING is considered rabidly antiSemitic simply because I post the word ‘jew’ without a Capital J (yes, been called out for that, which inspired me to NEVER use a Cap J on jew again.

      Most of my videos elude or hint at the fact that jews are in undue positions of power in every facet of American society.

      I think I understand what you mean, but there are so many shades of ‘Never Again’ that even using quotes by jews is called antiSemitic.

      Get what I mean?

      1. I’m not aware of your videos. Rabidly antiSemitic is of course a subjective term. What I intended it to refer to is the error of making antiSemitism the central focus of one’s worldview. There are ppl on social media who act like the Jews are the one thing holding us back from utopia and that there is no possible world where we could have any common interest or reciprocal agreements with them. They act like the only possible first step in the right direction is to “gtkrwn”. There are lots of things we can do where we are at, with what we have. It’s just a matter of 1) understanding, 2) motivation (and there is no motivation without hope) and 3) cooperation (which ofc requires agreement and a few basic skills to be able to work together, and sadly, appear to be sorely lacking). But I think we are getting there, just not as fast as I’d like to see.

        1. Hi Bill,

          I have a YT channel on its last, warned, leg. But the Bitchute channel has most of my work from the past ten years or so:

          The most recent (top of list) have been focused on Biden and Covid. The older ones are far more in your face. Most of them are parody songs of music we grew up with.

          I suspect that one at this site might like the one I made with Liz Dilling singing a parody of Patsy Cline’s “I Fall To Pieces”:
          (It references our Congress subservience to Nutty Yahoo’s speech and Israel centric adherence.)

          Or maybe people here would want to hear a redneck rap?
          (I particularly like that one because of the intense video work required)

          I’ve done parodies of The Eagles “Lyin’ Eyes”, Tom Jones’ “Delilah”, Beatles, Everly Brothers, The Doors, Barry Manilow, Elvis, and many others 60’s and 70’s music.

          Enjoy and share. Let me know what you think…

          1. I have never seen your channel before now. Thanks for the work. I will be sharing it. (Not saying I have that much influence.)

  7. It’s perplexing, to my mind, that there are still people out there, in 2022, who are obsessed with the JQ in a monomaniacal fashion.

    Seeing everything we’ve seen over the past two years, all these “Great Reset” individuals, a great % of whom, perhaps the majority, are not Jewish, should give one pause and reconsideration of their belief that a Jew is secretly hiding inside of every closet and under every bed.

    Speaking of the Great Reset, Israel is one of the most highly vaxxed countries on Earth– assuming what they’re getting is the same as what everyone else is. Given the increase if heart conditions within the Israeli population, they’re probably being given the real thing.

    Interesting aside: its primarily the secular, reform, conservative, and atheistic Israeli Jews who are all-aboard for the vax. The more Orthodox denominations (I think the Haraedi and/or Hasidic) have basically issued a fatwa against it. If this thing kills off most of the people who’ve taken it over the next few decades, or causes sterility, the de-facto end result is the secular Jews being effectively Holocausted (literaly: “burnt offering”) by *drum roll* themselves, to bring about the “world to come”. One has to wonder, if conspiratorially minded, if the whole thing isn’t some plan by the religious Jews to get rid of what they see as the unworthy fake Jews so that they can establish a theocratic state in Palestine. Far fetched, and probably not likely, but it would be the de-facto end result.

  8. Hi. I don’t believe it’s an obsession, but an observation. It would be noticed if the Serbs, the smallest ethnic group in the U.S. (less than 100K and decreasing) hold a prominent role in even one institution of Government, or let’s say the entertainment industry or media, never mind ALL of them! I posted my personal, layman’s opinion in one of the previous articles regarding the Jewish influence, and in defense of the outspoken and influential Right-wing Jews. But they are an extreme minority.
    I linked the article above, published in Philosophical Quarterly of Israel. I caused some controversy but it is still up.


    The role of Jewish activism in the transformative changes that have occurred in the West in recent decades continues to be controversial. Here I respond to several issues putatively related to Jewish influence, particularly the “default hypothesis” that Jewish IQ and urban residency explain Jewish influence and the role of the Jewish community in enacting the 1965 immigration law in the United States; other issues include Jewish ethnocentrism and intermarriage and whether diaspora Jews are hypocritical in their attitudes on immigration to Israel versus the United States. The post-World War II era saw the emergence of a new, substantially Jewish elite in America that exerted influence on a wide range of issues that formed a virtual consensus among Jewish activists and the organized Jewish community, including immigration, civil rights, and the secularization of American culture. Jewish activism in the pro-immigration movement involved: intellectual movements denying the importance of race in human affairs; establishing, staffing, and funding anti-restrictionist organizations; recruiting prominent non-Jews to anti-restrictionist organizations; rejecting the ethnic status quo as a goal because of fear of a relatively homogeneous white majority; leadership in Congress and the executive branch.

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