There are things that are very clear to me in our continuing battle to reassert ourselves as a separate and distinct people. First, culture is upstream of politics. Second, propaganda is the boat that carries politics up the stream where culture can be changed, for good or ill. Lastly, everything you see in the media is propaganda. And unless we can exploit these truths for the benefit of our people, we will never see our country free.
As Southerners, wanting our ancestors’ vision of a Free Dixie was normal for most of my life. We talked about it, we sang about it, we wore Confederate branded clothing, and we flew traditional Southern flags everywhere. Our people, our heroes, and our history were the fascination of the world, and, still to this day, when adjusted for inflation, Gone with the Wind is the highest grossing film ever (about 4.2 billion in U.S. dollars)!
However, through a slow but relentless propaganda campaign, our enemies have subverted our culture. And the catastrophe of the Dylann Roof murders in 2015 was the catalyst toward the Final Reconstruction. But, honestly, it had its infancy right after the War in our schools and churches, as Yankee teachers and clergy imbedded themselves in the cornerstones of Southern culture. And, it has been very effective.
Most of our churches fly the U.S. flag, if not blatantly inside the sanctuary. In our public schools, rarely is the Southern perspective of the War promoted, nor any favorable history of our people. Instead, the institutions of shame, slavery and racism, are canonized into secular scripture, to be memorized and memorialized, a catechism to reconstruct all future generations. Unfortunately, private and homeschooling instructional materials are little better. It all baffles the logical mind as to why we would allow such things to be promoted among our people.
Thus, as I became more active in this current iteration of Southern Nationalism, I had protracted and numerous conversations with my very lovely and extremely reasonable bride of nearly 40 years. The lack of transparency with regard to one’s political views was foreign to her. We both grew up in a time when normal people expressed their differences, and went about their business without a second thought, and without the fervor of a tent revivalist preacher we encounter today. No, we are not in logical times, we are not in times of persuasion by gentility and manners, we are in an all-out, no holds barred propagandist apocalypse, and we better engage, or all is lost.
If you need an example of what this looks like, an all-out propaganda war, watch the narrative spin doctors, both Israeli and Hamas. It is a fascinating exposé to where we need to be.
A hospital can be bombed, and hundreds die, but Israeli intelligence will put together a video and voice recordings to deflect the blame. In turn, the American Boomers will eat it up like candy, they only want there to be one bad guy, a reasonable conversation is out of the question. The third oldest Christian church, a world treasure, can be destroyed, scores killed, and the audience at home will change the subject if you engage with them. That’s high-quality propaganda at work. But Hamas also has done very good work spinning its narratives to different audiences all over the world, and the spell that Israel and the Jews have cast on modernity is waning. That’s the key to winning the propaganda war, knowing your audience and marketing to them correctly.
So, who is our audience? Honestly, it’s not my generation, although some have rediscovered their Southern identity; Boomers aren’t the audience. Our markets are the subsequent generations, and we must customize our propaganda to fit each niche. It’s not going to be easy, and you’ll have to be creative per your generation. Gen Z is on the cusp of being enlisted into World War 3, so we can and have exploited rejection of military service to this segment of our population. Millennials and Gen X are watching the mythology of diversity collapse, and we can feed them a better myth, our ancient myth.
Even America’s most profound, and generally considered most respected political influencer, Henry Kissinger, has admitted that importing different and numerous cultures is a failure. In the UK, officials in the bureaucracy and even liberal members in the House of Commons, have had enough, their constituents are suffering under the load of continuous Third World immigration. Pictures from all over the world, videos of Palestinian and Jewish protesters, have made people question the wisdom of having foreign groups with centuries of hostility residing in their countries.
It doesn’t matter the side we chose to criticize; we must exploit this while we are able. Logic has little to do with our mission, pure emotion is the fuel; it is the wind in the sails of the CSS Propaganda, delivering a narrative that switches our people away from the modern world. We must have a clear vision for a peaceful future and our Southern nation taking her place among the civilized people of the world.
Deo Vindice!
God save the South!

Service to God and honor to the South.
Liars are always better propagandists than their truth-telling counterparts. It’s not that we’re unwilling to tell our side of things as much as it is that we’re unwilling to lie or even embellish to make our side of things sound better. As Christians, we’re of course taught this in the Holy Scriptures (the seven deadly sins, for example), and our opponents have no such strictures inhibiting their telling a story any ol’ way they choose to tell it. E.g., the Mohammetan principle of Taquiyya (religious deception); Jews have a similar principle they follow. Meanwhile, white Christian Southerners are held to a biblical standard of truthfulness that doesn’t allow for lying of any kind for any reason. Uncle Adolf talked about this very thing in Mein Kampf; he devoted an entire chapter to the subject, as I recall. His point (as I recall it) was that the Allied Powers in WWI were much better propagandists than their German counterparts; that the Germans were going to have to learn to be better propagandists going forward, if they had any hope of defeating Communism and Bolshevism, and of turning Germany into a vassal state. …
“Liars have always been better propagandists than their truth-telling counterparts.”
True enough, but it’s to our shame that it’s been so. I found a definition of ‘propaganda’ which shows that, by definition, there’s nothing that suggests its content must, or should be, misleading.
propaganda: ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one’s cause or to damage an opposing cause.
Spurgeon (Spiritual Warfare in a Believer’s Life) wrote:
“Many try compromise, but if you are a true Christian you can never do this business well. The language of deceit does not fit a holy tongue. The adversary is the father of lies, and those who are with him understand the art of equivocation, but saints abhor it. We have no order from our Captain to patch up a truce or offer concessions. It is said that if we yield a little, perhaps the world will yield a little also, and good may come of it. No such thing. Neither may we hope to gain by being neutral and as agreeable as we can with our Lord’s foes.”
The enemy employs ‘chutzpah’ for his master. May we, by His grace, employ an overcoming courage in combatting lies – always in the hope of a ‘better resurrection’.
“Pain upon pain, suffering upon suffering, agony upon agony, wound upon wound in our bodies and in our souls, fall after fall: in this way shall we conquer.” p. 42.
Corneliu Codreanu, ‘The Prison Notes’, Notes on the Trial
I am one of those Baby boomers that jerks like you love to talk about. There is no Southern Movement to create a free South. You would not know how to start. Father Dabney my ass!! you papist prick.
Okay Boomer…
No- American Boomers are not the ones eating up Israeli propaganda like candy- but mostly Southern White Christian Fundamentalists, the ones who recite “He who blesses Israel is blessed, he who curses Israel is cursed” do recite Israeli propaganda, and regularly ‘Stand Up For Israel”. Really? Do you really think America and especially White Southern Christian Fundamentalists are living a blessed life in today’s America? If you do, you’re living in an alternative universe! To get the correct perspective on modern Israel from a real Christian Fundamentalist, check out Chuck Baldwin’s most recent article.